  • Vasculitis: photos, symptoms, treatment, causes

    What is this - vasculitis is called the pathological state of the human body, which causes inflammation of various vessels: arteries, veins, arterioles, capillaries, venol. Thus, under the term "vasculitis" is meant not one disease, but a whole group of diseases, which is associated with inflammatory processes in the vessels. In particular, this includes:

    • hemorrhagic( Schonlein-Genoch syndrome);
    • Kawasaki disease;
    • nodular polyarteritis;
    • nonspecific aortoarteritis( Takayasu's syndrome);
    • microscopic polyangiitis;
    • Wegener's granulomatosis;
    • cryoglobulinemic;
    • Charge-Strauss syndrome;
    • Horton's disease and others.
    All vasculitis differ in localization and severity. In this case, some varieties affect only the skin and bring the patient only a small discomfort, while others are extremely difficult and can cause death.

    Causes of vasculitis

    Why does vasculitis develop, and what is it? The causes of vasculitis in modern medicine are not fully understood. To date, there are several theories relating to the emergence of this pathology. According to one of the versions, the disease develops after the transferred infectious or viral diseases.
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    In this case, there is an abnormal reaction of the immune system to the causative agent of the disease, which subsequently gives an impetus for the appearance of vasculitis. Especially often, inflammation of the vessels develops after a person has recovered from viral hepatitis.

    Another theory is based on the autoimmune nature of vasculitis. It is believed that this disease provokes the fact that the human immune system recognizes the cells of the tissues of blood vessels as an alien element and produces a certain reaction to it.

    There are also suggestions about the genetic nature of the disease. According to this theory, unfavorable external factors combined with a hereditary predisposition significantly increase the chances of contracting this disease.

    Symptoms of vasculitis

    Vasculitis can be both primary and secondary.

    Primary is much more common and is considered an independent disease. In contrast to primary vasculitis, the secondary is formed as a complication of another disease.

    This often happens with psoriasis, scarlet fever, typhoid, meningitis. In some cases, the disease can appear in malignant formations.

    All types of vasculitis have common nonspecific symptoms. In adults, they show signs such as:

    • fever
    • increased fatigue and weakness
    • loss of appetite and associated weight loss
    • skin rashes
    • joint pain
    Also symptoms of vasculitis depend on what type of vasculitis is diagnosed and which organ is susceptibledestruction. Thus, with widespread hemorrhagic vasculitis, a special type of rash is observed: palpable purpura.

    Similar rashes, which are similar to small hemorrhages, are mainly located on the legs and the folds of the hands. There is also fever and abdominal syndrome.

    If the disease affects the walls of the vessels in the internal organs, for example, in the heart, then there may be an infarction, which will be preceded by symptoms such as arrhythmia, pain in the heart, shortness of breath. When lesions of the brain tissue in most cases, there are strokes.

    In giant cell vasculitis( Horton's disease), fainting often occurs, headaches become worse, a tumor appears in the temporal region.

    Wegner's granulomatosis, in the first place, is characterized by a sinus injury. There is a discharge of blood and pus from the nose, the formation of small ulcers on the mucosa. Also, cough and shortness of breath are added to the symptoms.

    Diagnosis of vasculitis

    In the diagnosis of vasculitis a number of necessary studies and analyzes are shown. In particular, it is necessary to conduct a complete analysis of urine and blood samples, to make angiography, which will help to examine the lesions in the vessels, apply X-ray and ultrasound methods.

    It should be noted that in the initial stage of the disease it is extremely difficult to diagnose vasculitis. And only if one or more organs are involved in the pathological process, it is much easier to make the correct diagnosis. When performing tests, the doctor may notice a decrease in hemoglobin and hematocrit, mild leukocytosis and thrombocytosis.

    Also, violations of a systemic nature can be seen on the coagulogram of the patient. The analysis of urine in vasculitis also contains characteristic pathological changes. In the patient's urine, in such cases, protein, erythrocytes and white blood cells are detected.

    One of the most reliable methods of diagnosing vasculitis is a biopsy. For this, a microscopic piece of tissue with blood vessels is taken from the affected organ. After carrying out the necessary laboratory tests, one can talk about whether the inflammation of the vessels is a consequence of vasculitis. The photo shows vasculitis on the legs, the treatment of which has not yet begun.

    Treatment of vasculitis

    Treatment of vasculitis largely depends on what organ or system of organs suffered in this, as well as from the stage of their destruction. For example, some allergic vasculitis, in which mild skin lesions are observed, can even pass without the use of any medications.

    In other, complicated cases, sometimes even chemotherapy is required. In any case, the treatment of vasculitis is focused on eliminating the inflammatory processes in the vessels, restoring the functions of all organs, eliminating the effects of inflammation, avoiding recurrence.

    In almost all cases of systemic vasculitis, hormonal therapy is prescribed for glucocorticoids. It is she who helps in the shortest possible time to eliminate inflammation in the vessels and suppress the abnormal activity of the immune system. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are also used. They reduce pain and also fight with inflammation. Similarly, antibiotics also work, the taking of which is mandatory for hemorrhagic vasculitis. To improve blood circulation and prevent blood clots, blood thinners are prescribed.

    For the treatment of complicated vasculitis that do not respond to the use of glucocorticoids, chemotherapy with the use of cytostatics is often used. To purify the blood, procedures for plasmapheresis and hemosorption are carried out. Treatment of vasculitis is mainly carried out by a rheumatologist. However, given his polysymptomicity, consultation with other specialists is necessary.

    Prophylaxis of vasculitis

    Prevention of vasculitis includes the implementation of the simplest rules:

    • healthy sleep
    • full rest
    • correct and varied nutrition
    • moderate physical activity
    • stinging of the body
    It is very important to avoid unreasonable immunity loads that cause malfunctions in the immune systemand in the future can cause the formation of vasculitis. In this case it is a question of frequent vaccinations or unreasonable taking of medicines without consulting and supervising a doctor.

    To prevent relapses, it is necessary to carefully monitor possible symptoms to detect the recurrence of the disease at the very beginning. This will avoid complications and cure the disease as quickly as possible.

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