
Is it possible to cure veins on the legs without surgery?

  • Is it possible to cure veins on the legs without surgery?

    It is known that in the human body there is a closed system - the blood system, along which the arterial and venous blood moves. Undoubtedly, veins on the shins carry the main load, because the blood has to flow from the bottom up, overcoming gravity and gravity.

    There are venous valves on the walls of venous vessels, which slam shut when the portion of blood moves upward. The valves open only in one direction, helping the blood to move upward. This process is due to muscle contraction during movement, arterial pressure and the process of breathing, which pushes blood from large vessels to small ones.

    Women are most often affected by the disease, but men are not an exception to this rule. Treatment of veins on the legs is a necessary measure, and an experienced phlebologist can help in this.

    Causes of

    An important cause may be hereditary diseases. The deformation of the venous valves, insufficient elasticity of the walls, the tortuous structure of the veins themselves - and their disease will not take long. In second place - excess weight, which creates an additional burden on the legs. People with obesity most often note pain of the veins on the legs and swelling.

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    The third reason is pregnancy. If the test is not performed before delivery, the vessels on the legs during pregnancy can be deformed. And finally, the reason may be a long stay in standing position, sedentary lifestyle, poor bowel movement, heavy lifting at work, high shoes, smoking and alcohol abuse.

    In all cases, additional pressure is created on the vascular valves, which prevents the flow of blood from the bottom up. Knowledge of the causes of the onset of patients with leg vessels is the basis for preventing their occurrence.

    Symptoms of the disease

    First there are convulsions of the calf muscles, especially closer to the evening and at night. Then there are swelling, fatigue, it is increasingly difficult for a person to stand for a long time. Treatment of veins on the legs at this stage can be purely therapeutic.

    If you do not start treatment in time, you will get symptoms, itching, unpleasant burning, heaviness in your legs. The skin can become denser to the touch. We are concerned only when pain begins to appear in the area of ​​the superficial and deep veins of the lower extremities.

    If at this stage of the disease do not consult a doctor, there may come a deformation of the vessels. On the legs are visible veins, swollen and painful, the skin becomes covered with dark spots and becomes dry. Treatment in the legs in this case is mainly surgical.

    Treatment of varicose veins

    Treatment of veins on the legs will depend on the stage of the disease at the time of contact with a doctor. In the initial stage you are able to help yourself or get by with folk remedies. Move more, do not sit and stand in one position for a long time, do therapeutic gymnastics, limit the use of salt.

    Medication on the legs - ointments, which include substances that tonic veins. These include Troxevasin, Lyoton, Venoruton, and others. You can pick up compression underwear, which does not interfere with venous outflow, but create a supporting effect. But all these methods are effective, if there is no blockage.

    Many people, especially women, are afraid to go to the doctor, because they think that vasodilation on the legs is treated only with the help of a scalpel. How to remove veins on legs without cosmetic defects, quickly and painlessly? Modern methods of treating varicose veins offer safe and reliable methods.

    Sclerotherapy is a fairly effective method of therapy. A sclerosant is injected into a vein with a thin needle, a special substance that glues the walls of the damaged vessel. There is a filling of the vein, the blood flow over it stops, and subsequently it atrophies. Blood begins to flow through healthy vessels.

    Recently used foam sclerosant, and this type of treatment is called Foam-form sclerotherapy. Several sessions, and after a year and a half from a sick vein will not remain a trace. The plus method is that the patient does not break his rhythm of life and does not experience discomfort.

    Laser sclerotherapy - the damaged area is processed by a laser beam. There is an effervescence of blood plasma followed by blockage of the vein. The use of this method is especially effective in the initial stages of the disease.

    Radiofrequency obliteration is the same principle as laser sclerotherapy. The veins are irradiated with microwaves, the walls are "brewed" and there is thrombosis and the subsequent atrophy of the vessel. Ideal for treating large diameter veins.

    Surgical treatment methods

    Miniflebectomy - is performed under local anesthesia, deformed vessels are removed using mini-punctures. For a better effect, laser or medicinal sclerotherapy is used simultaneously. Cosmetic seams are applied, and with the subsequent use of compression linen, an ideal cosmetic effect is achieved. Short stripping - not a whole vein is removed, but only the affected area.

    When treating veins on the legs, treatment is less traumatic. Patients recover quickly and do not experience pain after surgery. Endoscopic dissection - the advantage of the method is that the doctor enters into it an endoscope, through which he sees the affected areas of the veins and cuts them off.

    Injury during surgery is minimized, and thanks to this method is considered the most promising. Remember that with the appearance of the most insignificant symptoms of the disease you need a competent consultation of a specialist who will choose the method of treatment for you.

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