  • How are diseases of the rectum?

    The rectum due to its location is considered very vulnerable, so it is prone to a variety of different diseases. Ulcer, cyst, hernia, cracks, cancer. Symptoms of diseases of the rectum can, how to differ, and be similar to each other.

    Inflammatory diseases


    Proctitis may be referred to the inflammatory diseases of this part of the body. Proctitis is an inflammation of the rectum, which has arisen as a result of the action of various factors.

    These include intoxication, both alcoholic and food, various diseases( hemorrhoids, dysentery, anal fissures), hypothermia, mucosal trauma and others. Symptoms of this disease - acute pain, itching, discomfort, diarrhea, inflammation of the rectum, as well as the perineum.

    The key points of treatment are diet and ambulatory care.

    Chronic paraproctitis

    Chronic inflammation of the rectum, in which there is fistula on the walls of the intestine and an external hole in the skin of the perineum. Usually this disease develops against a background of acute paraproctitis due to late treatment to a specialist.

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    Symptoms include discharge that appears from the external fistula.

    Symptoms of this ailment

    Rectal ulcer

    It is expressed in single ulcerative defects of the rectal mucosa. The cause of ulcers is most often chronic constipation.

    Rectal bleeding, as well as for some other cases - is very typical for this disease also manifested in the feeling of incomplete bowel emptying during defecation.

    For effective treatment, the patient needs to adjust the diet, and laxative preparations are also needed.


    Microfractures that have arisen on the mucosa of this organ, have a major symptom - this is an acute pain. It greatly degrades the quality of human life.

    Today, specialists try to treat this disease with the latest conservative methods, which excludes surgical intervention.


    Very often this diagnosis is made not only for adults but also for children. The predominant localization of cysts is the back of the rectum, which makes it very difficult to diagnose this disease. Symptoms of the rectum may appear during the growth of the cysts. Because of growth, the lumen of the rectum is squeezed, which leads to difficulty in defecation, and later - to the release of fecal masses in the form of a tape.

    In most cases, there is no pain. There may be pain syndrome if infection of the contents of the cyst occurs. Diagnosis is performed by digital rectal examination.


    This disease is very often also called prolapse of the rectum or hernia of the perineum. The muscles of the pelvis are weakened, as a result, the fixation of the rectum is violated, which leads to its loss. Usually, this leads to frequent constipation or diarrhea, various injuries to the anus, including the mechanical effect of surgical intervention.

    Among the symptoms it is worth highlighting the difficulty of defecation, pain of varying intensity in the pelvic region( character - pulling), constipation and calming. In the late stages of hernia development, it is also possible to fall out even when coughing or walking.

    To diagnose the disease, it is necessary to undergo rectoscopy and finger research. Treatment is usually performed by surgery.


    This disease is very difficult to diagnose, because it is almost asymptomatic. Symptoms become more pronounced already when the tumor reaches a large size. In this case, it is worth noting the discomfort, bleeding and excretion of pus from the rectum.

    The disease is diagnosed by finger examination, followed by hardware testing. The main method of treating cancer is surgical intervention: remove either the affected area or the rectum together with the anus. Benign neoplasms are called polyps. According to experts, they do not bring much harm to the body. However, if they do exist, dispensary observation will not interfere.

    Timely diagnosis and removal if necessary can prevent the occurrence of colorectal cancer.

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