  • Why hair quickly become fat and how to deal with it

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    Not every girl can boast of luxurious and thick hair, but the biggest problem is the fatty hairstyle. Oily hair must be washed every day, they are difficult to lay and give them a well-groomed appearance. Why hair quickly become fat and how to deal with it, you will learn from this article.

    What are the reasons?

    Not everyone knows that the fat at the roots of the hair protects them from brittleness and drying. Without it, the hair becomes brittle and split. Along with this, the excessive activity of the sebaceous glands leads to the fact that the pores are clogged, and access to nutrients becomes limited. Over time, this can lead to thinning of the hair and loss of hair.

    Why hair quickly zhirneyut, say at once difficult, there are several possible reasons:

    • Heredity. If the problem is with the next of kin, then, most likely, your fatness is hereditary, which means that it will be difficult to overcome the problem.
    • Incorrect power. What you eat is reflected not only on the figure, but also on the condition of the hair. So do not eat too much sweet, floury and fatty. If the problem has already occurred, then try to sit on a diet.
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    • Taking medications. Medications not only promote better health in general, but in some cases lead to a change in the state of the body. So, they can affect the nutrition of the hair.
    • Wrong care. If the hair has become fat as a result of improper care, then you should pay attention to the cosmetics that you use: shampoos, masks, balms. In this case, do not listen to someone's advice, watch the condition of your hair and you will understand everything yourself. Do not comb wet hair.
    • Temperature mode. It is very important that at any time of the year the hair is protected, so in winter, do not give up the headdress, and, of course, do not forget that in summer the hair is also under threat.
    • Frequent stress. Increased fat content of hair can be associated with insomnia and nervous tension, so take care.

    The right care for

    The biggest mistake of those who have oily hair is daily washing your head, or even several times a day. With improperly selected cosmetics, such washing will only overstrain the roots, and, accordingly, and stimulate the work of the sebaceous glands. Also, you do not need to comb your hair more than three times a day. After you have combed, rinse the comb with water, this will prevent re-entry of fat on the head.

    Good for oily hair is rubbing into the skin before washing dairy products. But from nettles, mugs and hops, you can prepare decoctions, which are applied after washing with shampoo. By the way, if you do not know where you can buy these herbs, you can replace them with shampoos with their addition.

    When buying hair shampoo, pay attention to its composition. To adjust the fat balance, there are black currants and Chinese magnolia vine. Reduces the activity of sebaceous glands bark of oak, yarrow and calendula.

    When washing the head, use only warm water, it is also better to choose the time before noon, since the most active sebum is produced at night.

    Proper nutrition

    To get rid of fatty hair, you need to adjust your diet. From smoking, alcohol, fatty and smoked is better to refuse, the use of sweet is also recommended to reduce. It is recommended to use various vitamin complexes designed for skin, nails and hair.

    Home remedies

    In order to get rid of fatty hair, it is not necessary to buy expensive products, you can create special means at home at home.

    So, an effective recipe for fatty hair is a mixture of mustard powder and water. Apply to damp hair and rub for 5 minutes in roots.

    The second recipe: pour the rye bread with boiling water and apply for ten minutes on the hair. Bread absorbs all the dirt and fat that are present on the hair.

    Before washing your head, you can wipe the roots with a slice of lemon. If hair quickly zhirnjatsja, it is not necessary to despair. Perhaps, not so much is needed to solve the problem. Hair health is in your hands.

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