
Red spots on the body are itching: what can it be, the treatment of folk remedies at home, photo

  • Red spots on the body are itching: what can it be, the treatment of folk remedies at home, photo

    Redness, peeling and allergic reactions with the manifestations of spots on the body never delivered to the wearer of special comfort. But if the red spots appear on your body it itches, what can it be, how to treat and what to do first? All these questions will be answered very soon.

    Causes of the appearance of

    Before I disassemble methods for treating red spots, I propose to consider the causes of their appearance and photo-examples of each of the diseases.

    1. Pityriasis lichen. Most often it appears in the form of more light spots on the body. These places do not sunbathe under the sun, but its more complex form shows itself as small foci of redness, which, if not cured in time, grow into large spots and bring some discomfort. Serious pathologies are also possible. You can get infected with direct contact with the patient, using his items( clothes, for example), and an ideal environment for the reproduction of the fungus will be oily skin, prone to excessive sweating.

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    2. Atopic dermatitis. It is customary to divide it into three stages: infant, child and adult. His favorite places of manifestation are: face, fingers, places of limb folds, arms. Most often the disease manifests itself in the child, than in the adult. Doctors do not yet know exactly the reasons for the appearance of such a form of dermatitis on the skin. In their opinion, it arises from food allergies or infections, and also through animals, especially through cats.

    3. Allergy to the skin. The most harmless manifestation of red spots is an allergy, and allergens can become anything from food to flowering plants. Moreover, the spots of allergy are not very deep, as with dermatitis, and often quite light. In this case, you only need to remove the allergen away, the rash will subside after a short time.

    4. Stress, depression and mental disorders greatly weaken not only the nervous system, but also immunity. On the skin may appear light spots with a reddish tinge, sometimes accompanied by acne. Most often they are visible on the face, but any part of the body can be affected.

    5. Hyperhidrosis. When the emerging spots on the body bulge, but do not flake, it is possible that this is a hyperhidrosis, which has arisen because of increased sweating, accompanied by an unpleasant and sharp odor. Such spots often appear in the axillary zones.

    6. Infectious diseases( scarlet fever, measles, chicken pox) are also accompanied by the appearance of red spots on the skin.



    Scarlet fever

    Effective treatments for

    If your spots are caused by stress, then the treatment is easy to pick up. Let yourself rest as often as possible, extend the time of sleep if it is not enough. In the breaks between work, please yourself by reading a good book or an interesting magazine. And after a hard day, make yourself a foam bath with sea salt. Look at the new movie. Find any way to relax, which you like best.

    If allergies are to blame for everything, then just remove the allergen from yourself. Stop eating foods that contain it( if it's food).When an allergic reaction does not go away for a long time, you should consult a dermatologist.

    Hyperhidrosis in the initial stages can be cured by strict monitoring of the hygiene of your body. Use deodorants, wash with soap and a washcloth once a day. Do not perform strong physical exertion to not sweat again. If the hyperhidrosis continues to progress, then consult a doctor, after all, curing it with chemical means is not so difficult.

    It is best not to engage in treatment at home for those who have serious illnesses. But if you are sure that you have only redness, then treatment with folk remedies and simple ointments is ideal. Every day, apply to the damaged areas of the skin a baby cream that softens the skin and removes itching. In the initial stages of deprivation salicylic ointment will save, but in no case put it on the face! Use ointments that include chamomile, string, celandine, St. John's wort and vitamins D, E, C.

    Wipe your face with ice cubes in the morning, and in the evening apply moisturizing creams or masks based on dairy products.

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