
Herbs for hair: a list of the most useful plants and recipes for decoctions

  • Herbs for hair: a list of the most useful plants and recipes for decoctions

    Today, many return to the use of funds on natural ingredients and increasingly use decoctions of herbs for hair. And this trend can be traced not only with the care of hair in the home, but also with hair cosmetics manufacturers.

    And experts on skin and hair problems recommend using medicinal herbs to strengthen or treat hair. The effect of the use of herbs is manifested, let's say, not immediately, it takes quite a long time. But on the other hand, simple rinsing with a decoction, even if you are mistaken with the dosage of herbs, will not cause any appreciable harm.

    Therefore, the question: "can I rinse hair with herbs" is not even worth it - of course you can!

    Now let's figure out which herbs are best used for solving various hair problems. As a rule, decoctions or infusions of herbs are used, which, in fact, are one and the same, but with different concentrations of active substances and the base. For prophylaxis, mostly rinsing is done, for the treatment of hair, masks are made with the addition of alcoholic tinctures.

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    When applying the latter, it is advisable to follow safety precautions, since alcohol can cause a sensible burning sensation, and in case of contact with eyes, cause a burn.

    What are the gifts of nature worth using?

    Almost any "green" is able to help with several problems, just somewhere its effect is stronger, and in some cases is weaker.
    Therefore, consider the herbs that will be most effective in solving the following problems.

    1) For hair growth, rinsing with a decoction of burdock, birch leaves or roots of ayr will be most effective.

    Use this tool better every time after washing your head. In addition to growth, as a bonus, you get shine and softness of hair.

    2) Chamomile and rosemary, thyme, calendula and oak bark are extremely useful for strengthening and thickening of the head of hear. In addition, most of these herbs have a clarifying effect and adds a natural color to the hair.

    3) From the loss and alopecia masks from the nettle, yarrow, sage and plantain will help.

    It is also recommended to rinse with a decoction of the same herbs. To intensify the effect, periodically do a head massage.

    4) For dry hair, spoiled by constant drying and curling, rinsing with a decoction of birch buds, field horsetail and nettle is recommended.

    They will give the volume of hair and restore the split ends.

    5) Decoction from the collection of herbs, consisting of wormwood, oak bark and dandelion, good for oily hair. Regular rinses will restore the fat balance of the scalp, which will solve the problem.

    6) By the way, you can use herbs not only to strengthen and grow hair, but also directly opposite. Herb stupor for hair removal is no less effective than laser hair removal.

    The list of useful herbs can be continued for a long time, since practically everything that grows on the ground can be used with advantage. We listed the main types that can either be found in pharmacies, or procured independently in our band.

    Comments of women

    Olya: "Only recently I learned about the properties of aloe, before that he was quietly growing on the window, now I use it in various masks and my dry hair became surprisingly obedient and soft."

    Light: "I noticed one feature in some herbs, for example, chamomile and nettles: if they are applied in a pure form, the hair becomes stiff, so I add the broth to the conditioner, and everything is fine."

    Alina: "I started to use the broths of various herbs and after about six months I realized that my expenses for expensive cosmetics for hair care decreased significantly, but my hair looked better."

    Video for you

    On the selection of the video below you can see which herbs for strengthening the hair are used in different masks: