
How to learn to sing beautifully? What if there is no voice and hearing?

  • How to learn to sing beautifully? What if there is no voice and hearing?

    Singing is one of the most beautiful and impressive ways of creative self-expression of a person. Singing in the full sense of the word is accessible only to the human species. Chirping birds and howling wolves does not count. Why does beautiful singing so enchantingly affect the human brain? First of all, we are influenced by the rhythm of sound, overtone and the power of voice. And only then we start listening to the lyrics of the song, because they are secondary.

    The ability to sing depends on many factors - the presence of hearing, voice, musical education, work on your vocal data. Sometimes we can have perfect hearing and a sense of rhythm, but have weak vocal data. Sometimes, and vice versa - with an excellent juicy and rich voice, a person absolutely does not have a musical ear. Is it possible to learn singing yourself? How to sing if there is no voice? Let's try to find out the maximum information on these issues.


    Learning to sing on your own at home

    First of all you should start to intensively "develop" your musical ear. The opinion that there are people with a missing musical ear is a universal error. Everyone has a hearing, he just needs training.

    For hearing development, voice sound training is very useful in unison. Unison is, a way of sounding, in which different sounds originate on one vocal height.

    To train singing in unison, we will use the following exercises.

    1. "In white light, like a penny"( most often this technique is called "Finger in the sky"). This exercise is just easy in theory, but difficult to implement. Such a strange name is due to the specifics of the exercise. We choose for ourselves a source of constant noise. You can take a quietly buzzing refrigerator or a system unit, and try to make sounds like "y-u-uu-uu", "yy-yy-yy", "uaaaaaaa"get with him in one tonality and pitch of sound. This can be achieved far from the first time, but it should necessarily happen.

    2. "Passepartout"( "Carpet bombing"). The principle of this exercise is approximately the same as the previous one. Only when standing near the source of noise, instead of monotonous sounds, we begin to imitate various household and technological noises( squealing of the saw, engine noise, howling of turbines, etc.).Our task, as in the first case, to achieve resonance in sound.

    For the development of musical ear, perform these exercises on a regular basis, and you will achieve significant success.

    The next important thing is the ability to listen to your voice. We hear it a little differently than others. This is due to the fact that the sound resonates from the vaults of the cranium, and we perceive it in a distorted form. When our voice sounds from the side( in the recording), it seems to us unnatural and alien. This should not interfere with our work on the voice.

    Another important nuance is the ability to breathe properly. During singing, proper breathing forms half of all success. We should sharply inhale air with the help of the nose and exhale slowly, slowly with the mouth, making the sounds of the necessary tonality.

    To train your breathing, the following exercises are useful for you.

    1. While the candle is on. The essence of this exercise is to fill the lungs with air to the maximum, and gradually exhale it, forcing the candle flame, located at a distance of thirty centimeters, to deviate to the side without hesitation. In this case, the light must not fade.

    2. Stronger than steel. Lie down on the floor and lay on the stomach of a stack of several books to create pressure on the area of ​​the diaphragm. Lie so for about a third of an hour and breathe in a calm mode. This type of training allows you to strengthen the diaphragm and improve your vocal data.

    Also for singing, the correct articulation is crucial - the clear pronunciation of speech sounds. To develop the articulatory apparatus, there are also special exercises.

    1. Open your mouth wider, and hold it in this position for about 5 seconds, mentally sounding "A".This exercise strengthens the ligaments and joints of the jaw. This action is repeated several times.

    2. To strengthen the buccal muscles, inflate one or both cheeks. Then draw them in at the same time.

    3. We also need to devote a lot of time to developing our language. This can be done by uttering tongue twisters. And it should be done at the most accelerated pace.

    What should I do if I do not have good vocal data?

    The first thing to do is put a voice. For this, there are also a lot of special exercises, which are used by professional vocalists.

    • Feet on the width of the shoulders .The body is relaxed. Begin to gently bend forward, stretching forth your hands, and touching them with the floor. At an inclination smoothly we pull a nose air, and at rectification also it is exhaled smoothly. This exercise is indispensable for staging a voice and strengthening the diaphragm.

    • Doing the arms of the , do not cross your arms. On the girth, we breathe in sharply. Then we spread our arms wide with a sharp exhalation. Correct and regular execution of such exercises will help you to strengthen all the organs involved in sound formation.

    • Raspevki .We pronounce the sounds "AND", "U", "O", "E" in a variety of key and timbre. This allows us to stretch and warm up the vocal cords before singing, giving them softness and elasticity.

    • Eight .This exercise implies a ten-fifteen-fold repetition of the following action: we dial into the lungs of air "for the most I can not" and say, from one to eight, trying not to exhale. This exercise perfectly helps to put your voice and strengthen the singing machine.

    Learn how to sing beautifully

    1. Proper respiratory equipment. When playing songs it is important to keep your mouth properly open in the so-called "yawn."The most difficult part is that your jaw must move to normal articulate. Therefore, do the following exercise: open your mouth to the stop, as if with yawning, move your chin to either side, close your mouth.

    2. Diaphragmatic breathing. In everyday life, we weakly use the diaphragm for breathing. Usually it helps women breathe. Men also breathe through the chest. Therefore, to develop skills of beautiful singing, men should develop diaphragmatic respiratory techniques. To do this, when performing an inspiration, we "inflate" the stomach, and during the exhalation "blow it off".Breast movement is practically not performed.

    3. Learn to listen to your voice. You will have to get used to perceive it as it really is. This will help you microphone and sound recording program as part of Microsoft Windows. Over time, you will learn to hear it correctly, objectively control the timbre and tonality.

    4. Sing the vowel sounds of the , using the accompaniment of a synthesizer or piano, varying the timbre and height of the published sounds, trying to get into the tonality of the sounds of the instrument keys.

    5. When you have warmed up the bundles well and trained in tonality, try to start singing. Choose your favorite song , which you can reproduce without any problems. First try to sing along with your idol. If you notice that you began to get into notes more often than before, you can try your hand at karaoke. If you score enough points, you can practice singing as a "minus one."

    6. An exceptionally important part of beautiful singing is the emotional coloring and entry into the image. The singer simply has to be a bit of an actor, so that his vocals produce the most powerful impression on the viewer. Remember the sound clips. All well-known performers take on their songs unusual video sequences, which briefly outplay the content of the song. This allows you to make a whole story out of the song, a reality that can be lived while listening to the song. When you deeply feel the emotions that permeate the song you perform, they involuntarily fill your vocal with magic charm and make a tremendous impression on the listener. Live your song!

    7. Choreography of .Try to simultaneously work with the development of vocals in choreography. Imagine a singer whose voice is beautiful, standing like a statue on a stage, hunched and stiff. This will largely smudge the impression of performance. If you do not plan to just sell your own audio recordings, but want to collect thousands of stadiums, you should work with plastic and behavior on the stage. Unlike singing, which can be started at any age, dancing is best to start from early childhood. This is due to age characteristics. In adolescence, your ligaments and joints are much better adapted to perform choreographic movements. But if you decide to start an artistic career in adulthood, it is important to master at least the basics of plastic movements and movements on the stage.

    8. Always try to in front of the mirror to control articulation and gestures.

    9. Try to learn how to freely hold in front of a large audience of .A huge crowd, looking closely at you, can shock even the strongest person in spirit. Try to step up on various kinds of seminars, conferences. This will strengthen your self-control and liberate you.

    Universal tips for all

    In order to learn how to sing, you must follow the recommendations:

    • Love singing, strive for development and self-improvement, the most wonderful vocal data can be developed into even more beautiful ones, rising to unattainable heights.

    • Do not rush. Your patience is the guarantor of future successes. Nothing happens "from a swoop."Sometimes it takes a lot of effort, time and effort to feel minimal progress. But it will be your success and achievement.

    • Keep your throat and vocal chords healthy, wrap in warm scarves in winter, do not abuse ice cream, alcohol and tobacco.

    • Take for the rule of holding regular "chanting".They will help keep your ligaments toned.

    • Do more active sports. This will help improve your respiratory system, keep your lung volume at an acceptable level.

    • Always think about singing. This will create the right mood for the whole organism, it will favorably affect your vocal trainings.

    • Constantly study the latest techniques of vocal training, read the advice of professional teachers, look for something fresh and suiting you.

    The most important thing in the learning process of singing is:

    • belief in yourself;

    • clear goal setting;

    • drawing up a long-term development plan, a clear adherence to it;

    • everyday and persistent exercises;

    • ability to overcome difficulties, doubts and criticism from others.

    Dare - courage and perseverance is sometimes more important than the most developed talent!