  • How to choose a hookah

    smoking a hookah daily, it is preferable to a model with a height of about 50 centimeters. If you smoke hookah with friends in the country or barbecue, it is better to choose a model with a height of 40 centimeters. Hookah is quickly disassembled and collected, does not take up much space, and in case of breakage you will not lose much - you can always buy a new one. The design provides two main parts, which are tightly connected to each other, for example, by thread. In any hookah there are the following parts: upper and lower parts, a hose and mouthpiece, a cup for tobacco from ceramics. There is also a protective hood and saucer, a ball valve with an outlet for getting rid of smoke, and accessories for working with coal.

    • Top

    Look at the material from which the shaft is made. As a rule, this is a metal part, which is very strong. The lower end of the shaft is lowered into the water, the bottom is the bulb, where the stainless or copper tube passes. It is desirable that the stainless material, otherwise the hookah will quickly become unusable.

    • Bottom

    Bulbs can be plastic, metal and glass, you can find models made of crystal or Bohemian glass. Glass bulbs are most often found. Care for a metal bulb is much more difficult, because it quickly rusts and oxidizes, although it is not broken under any circumstances. If you often transport such a hookah, then sooner or later the bulb will bend. Despite the practicality of the glass bulb, it has a drawback - fragility, but it will never rust. Remember that if you buy a hookah with a height of more than 50 centimeters, you need to choose a large flask to increase stability. Look at the cracks, chips, and thickness of the glass. The most beautiful flasks are made of crystal, they have the same qualities, but are much more expensive.

    • Fastening top and bottom

    Most often, the flask and shaft are connected with a rubber or thread sealant. The advantage of the thread is that you do not need to constantly change the seal, but immediately you see a drawback - a breakdown of the thread will force you to go to the store and buy a new one, but you probably will not be able to find a replacement. During smoking, the mine must not move, pay attention to it.

    • Hose

    Make hose for hookah from durable leather. But now you can see models with hoses made of artificial materials, for example, thick foil, porous rubber, and even polypropylene, but they do not differ in durability. It is better to choose a hose one meter long and made of genuine leather. It consists of a mouthpiece and a branch pipe, connected to a bulb or a shaft. The branch pipe is chosen from a solid wood, but still look at its shape, it should be round and even, without any chips. Look at the flexibility of the hose, if it bends badly - buy another. Look at the tightness of the hose, for example, cover the opening of the inlet with a palm and blow with all its force into the mouthpiece, if air passes - the tightness is very low. In the hookah you can install several hoses at once.

    • Cup

    Make a cup for tobacco not only from metal, but also from ceramics. The advantage of the ceramic cup is that the tobacco never burns, but it heats up from all sides. In the cup there can be only one big hole, and maybe a few small ones. Preferably a few holes, because the tobacco can fall into a large hole, and you will regularly cover a large hole with a stone or foil. Look at the top of the bowl, it should be flat. Preferably a round bell with a small internal diameter, which is strongly attached to the top of the hookah.

    • Tightness of the

    When assembling the hookah, you should pay attention to the fact that all parts must fit tightly together without serious efforts on your part. From the tightness of the hookah very much depends, take a look at the tightness of all parts after a complete assembly. It is not difficult to do this: remove the bowl from the hookah and close the upper part of the shaft with the palm of your hand, then draw in air, if it does not retract - the tightness is normal. If there is an exhaust valve, it must be checked beforehand. Do not remove your hand from the shaft and blow again through the mouthpiece, if the air passes - everything is fine. Look at the hookah's seals. All seals should fit tightly to the parts and be flexible. They are installed between the bulb and the shaft or between the shaft and the bowl, or between the shaft and the hose, although this can not be done if the nozzle can be firmly inserted into the shaft. When buying a hose, flask and mine separately, you need to look at the tightness immediately when buying.

    • Tobacco

    It is not enough to buy a quality hookah, you need also good tobacco. It's not even in the fortress, but in the freshness of tobacco. It should be sticky and wet, while black tobacco with the addition of aromatic substances is stored for a very long time, unlike dry varieties. The most popular tastes: cherry, melon, apple and grapes. Look at the quality of the packaging, if you see that there are some small dents and tears - do not buy tobacco, since air could have already got there and the aromatic substances have disappeared.

    • Coal

    There are two main types of choice: flammable chemical coal and natural purified wood. The first coal contains a lot of chemicals, so when igniting a characteristic odor, but the advantage is significant, you do not have to kindle coal for a long time. Natural coal is kindled for a long time, about five minutes on a gas stove, but it does not smell and does not provoke the appearance of harmful smoke.

    To summarize the selection and purchase of hookah. ..
    First, every detail of the hookah must be sealed to other parts and it is very easy to assemble. Otherwise, the smoke will come out during the passage through the tube, which is absolutely undesirable. The air must pass through the coal to get into the hookah very hot. Also, it should be moistened and clean thanks to the mouthpiece, while through the tobacco fall aromatic substances that improve the taste of smoke. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the quality of the hookah and the assembly so that there are no problems when using it. For home use, buy a large hookah, if you take it to nature - prefer small hookahs.

    The hookah has an upper and lower part, most often the lower one is made of glass, since water or milk is poured into it. Glass can have any color: green, blue, yellow, red and so on. Often you can see the hand-painted on the flask. In ancient times, flasks were made of crystal or glass, and the mine was always made of metal. Prepare hookahs exclusively by hand, while the models of glass and metal are the most durable and comfortable. There are even the most durable models, which are made only of metal.

    How to choose a hookah by parameters

    • Size of a hookah

    As a rule, the height of a hookah is 40 centimeters. If you plan to