
The skin on the legs is flaky and itchy, what to do and why the skin dries and peels off between the fingers

  • The skin on the legs is flaky and itchy, what to do and why the skin dries and peels off between the fingers

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    The condition, when the skin on the legs is peeling and it itches, is familiar to every second. What is the reason for such a widespread phenomenon? Often it's enough just to pay a little attention to the legs, and everything will go by itself. In some cases, this indicates serious illness.

    Before you start to get rid of the symptoms, you need to find out the reasons for their occurrence.

    Why the desquamation of

    is necessary It is necessary to pay attention to the humidity in the house. Mostly this applies to the winter period, when heating is switched on and air is dried. This phenomenon is reflected in the state of the legs.

    Uncomfortable or overly tight shoes prevent normal circulation of blood. As a result, the skin begins to peel and itch.

    These symptoms may indicate an allergic reaction to something.

    Avitaminosis primarily affects the skin condition. If you have noticed, the problems begin, in the main, from the middle of winter. The skin first dries, then starts to itch and then peels off. The lack of vitamin A causes scaling.

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    If you notice that the skin is peeling off on your toes and there is a constant itching, then this can be the cause of a disease such as fungus.

    Negative emotions, bad mood, strong or persistent stresses, loads, can cause not only peeling, but also reddening between the fingers.

    Sometimes such phenomena can cause a serious skin disease, for example, psoriasis or dermatitis. And also other diseases of the whole body - diabetes mellitus, for example.

    How to take care of your legs

    To ensure normal blood circulation, shoes should be worn comfortable. Try to use less shoes with high heels. In the cold season in the room you need to change shoes.

    Maintain the humidity in the house at the required level. Optimum - 40-60%.

    To protect the skin from peeling, make baths on the basis of a soap solution before going to bed. After the procedure, lubricate your feet with vaseline and lemon juice. Water should not be rigid. For procedures it is better to use boiled. If you do not have enough time - add a couple of spoons of vinegar to the water, it will soften it.

    At least once a week, remove dead skin cells with the help of scrubs. For stop, you can use pumice stone.

    Skin on legs should be periodically enriched with nourishing creams or masks.

    Proper nutrition is the key to success! Watch your diet, eat more healthy food and drink vitamins from time to time.

    If after the beginning of skin care the symptoms do not go away, exclude synthetic clothing and change the detergent powder. The reason may be this.

    Folk recipes

    Dry skin of the legs is treated with a wrap. Give your legs a little attention and start doing the procedure every week. A medicinal composition is prepared, applied to clean skin, wrapped with food film, and socks are worn. Wait half an hour and rinse.

    One hundred milligrams of vegetable oil to heat, add three yolks. It is necessary to prepare the composition quickly, since the yolks can curdle. Use the wrapping mixture.

    From peeling, starch mask is very good. A glass of starch diluted in cold water and add forty grams of tomato paste. The mask is used for wrapping.

    Sometimes it happens that the skin on the fingers or the foot is cracking. In this case, kefir mask with carrot or cabbage juice will help.

    To make your normal nourishing cream more effective, add a little juice of carrots or beets to it.

    If the above methods do not help within two weeks, you should consult a doctor.
