
How to lose weight properly and quickly. Tips on how to run, eat and starve

  • How to lose weight properly and quickly. Tips on how to run, eat and starve

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    How to properly run to lose weight
  • How to starve to lose weight

  • Proper nutrition to lose weight

  • How to train properly to lose weight

  • How to run properly to lose weight

    Not every person is accustomed to running, since it is veryit's difficult and not everyone can wake up in the morning and run without stopping 5 kilometers. You need to start gradually, at first, jog about 20 minutes, but run at a calm pace, so as not to overload at first. You can run every day, but at first it is better to run 3 times a week. Over time, you will learn and will be able to run longer, do not forget that the body trains for a long time, and your stamina will necessarily increase. To lose weight you need to run about an hour, do not count the distance, better run at a calm pace for a while. When you get used, increase the distance and run time. If you feel that the body is very tired, and there are pains and discomfort in the lungs, you need to take a break and reduce the load.
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    Be sure to follow the correct running technique. It is advisable to run fast and slowly, depending on your condition. You can run for 10 minutes, and then go at a fast pace for 5 minutes. Also, you can run at speed and intensity, it is because of this burns excess weight. In this case, the body burns excess weight, but you can faint from too high a load, so do not forget about your own feelings. If you experiment with the running speed and its intensity, you can drop a few kilograms per week. Of course, provided that you eat right. Do not forget that before the body starts to burn fat should pass 40 minutes, only when you are very tired and can not continue to run, begins to burn fat. Keep your shoulders straight, keep your back straight, do not forget to suck in your stomach. Do not strain your hands, the body will have to strain once again due to the load on the hands.

    Endurance is affected by breathing, the more often and the more you breathe with your mouth, the harder it is to run. Beginners often hold their breath when running. Do not do this, be sure to breathe in the air with your nose and exhale through your mouth. Maintain a calm rhythm of breathing and do not knock it down. Professionals breathe in the following way: they inhale through 4 steps, and then exhale through 4 steps.

    How to fast enough to lose weight

    The therapeutic starvation not only helps to lose weight, but also has a therapeutic effect on the body. You need to know the basic rules of starvation, since it can do much harm if misused.

    A few days before the fast, you need to start training. It consists in the transition to food, saturated with cellulose. It is found in stewed vegetables, cereals, bran and other useful products. It is advisable to abandon meat and fish, since the intestines should be relaxed. In addition, the cellulose pre-empts harmful substances from the body.

    During fasting you need to be warm. Do not walk when it's cold outside. The body will be relaxed, and any hypothermia can trigger the appearance of the disease. You can lie at home on the couch and watch movies all day. In advance, understand that you can not look at films that eat too much. In general, it is better to limit your contact with food, otherwise you can break. During the fasting, toxins are removed from the body, so an unpleasant aftertaste may appear in the mouth. Also, the withdrawal of toxic substances is accompanied by dizziness and headaches. Drinking during starvation requires distilled water, in rare cases, mineral, necessarily non-carbonated.

    But how to get out of starvation? It's much harder than staying a few days out of eating. The body is relaxed, the stomach has not digested food for a long time, the gallbladder does not produce bile, and the small intestine did not absorb vitamins and minerals from food. At first you should consume half a glass of fresh carrot juice, dilute it with clean water. The juice contains many vitamins and minerals that will saturate the dehydrated body. If you feel that there is an unpleasant smell in your mouth - chew the black bread and spit it out, it perfectly cleanses the mouth. You can also chew the garlic and spit it out, too, but this will smell the toxins smell of garlic, which is also undesirable. You can clean the tongue with a special brush. During the exit, you need to follow a diet:

    • Use grated carrots and finely chopped cabbage, drink salad with diluted orange juice;

    • Grate beetroot and squeeze out the carrot juice, eat at one meal;

    • Make a fruit salad of apples, banana, grapefruit and orange. You can fill the salad with honey and grains of sprouted wheat.

    Proper nutrition to lose weight

    First of all you need to eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Of course, vegetables are much more useful. They contain more useful substances, and they do not have fructose. Virtually all vegetables have trace elements, vitamins and fiber, which normalize the balance of bacteria in the intestines and improve the digestion of food. Since fat is formed due to the fact that people use too many simple carbohydrates - their number should be reduced. Neutralize the action of simple carbohydrates with vegetables, because they contain tartronic acid, which prevents carbohydrates from transforming into fats. If you want to lose weight, eat the following vegetables: beetroot, radish, pumpkin, cabbage, carrots, hands and garlic. They have very few calories and carbohydrates, but many useful substances.

    Prepare vegetable salads, they are not only useful, but also delicious. Remember that on a diet you need to observe the cellulose rate - 25 grams per day. These substances include polysaccharides, which are not absorbed by the human body. You can use medications with a cellulose content to control the intake of the substance in the body. Before taking a consultation, consult a therapist.

    It is difficult for an organism to digest huge portions of food, therefore it is recommended to eat food 5 times a day, but in small quantities. Observe the interval of about 2 hours, do not eat too little, otherwise the state of health will deteriorate. Never eat fatty foods at night, eat them in the morning or during the day when the activity of the gastrointestinal tract is increased. If you want to arrange a snack between the main meals - do not drink coffee with condensed milk and chocolate, it is better to eat a vegetable salad and drink juice. You can not eat 2-3 hours before sleep, so that food does not lie in the intestine, it also affects the excess weight.

    How to train properly to lose weight

    Never engage in bodybuilding and other sports where there is a destruction of muscle tissue and an increase in its mass. It is necessary to engage in aerobic training, which burns fat, and with it a part of the muscle mass. During the aerobic regime, the person retains normal breathing, there is no deterioration of the condition and so on. You can do anything, but swimming and running are the most preferable. In order to burn fat, you need to exercise for at least an hour. Arrange 3 workouts per week to not dehydrate the body.