  • How to find true love? Where to look and by what methods?

    Love is one of the most beautiful conditions that characterize a person. Her mechanism is still not fully defined. Many biochemists who study this phenomenon scientifically relate its occurrence to certain chemical processes taking place in our brain. Philosophers and poets call love a magnificent gift of the gods, designed to make a man kinder, purer, nobler and more exalted. It is possible that both opinions are valid.

    Article plan:

    • Where to find love?
    • Real love and her quest for
    • How to search for a soul mate after 30 years?
    • Plots for the search for love
    • How to find a loved one in 10 years?

    Where to find love?

    If you are lonely and crave warmth and tenderness, you can often have a question: "And where to look for it, the love of all life?".Some create an ideal image of a prince on a white horse or a brave pirate on a beautiful schooner, and wait, thinking that their ideal will find them. Moreover, their image is so bright and real for themselves that the appearance of a candidate with any, minimal deviation from the canons of the image will be perceived as heresy, and immediately, with indignation, be dismissed. Ultimately, this is a dead end and an escape from reality, which can lead to loneliness until old age. You can paint yourself an ideal, but try to adapt it to real life, because the princes in the world are not a dime a dozen.
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    The other extreme is an endless series of loves. Meeting each new person, this type of personality finds in him those ideal features that, it seems to him, can make life truly happy. And when, finally, on the horizon a new object for adoration appears, the old idol is immediately forgotten and mercilessly discarded.

    Many people fall in love with actors, singers, athletes and other celebrities. They become one of many, a part of a crowd of fans, besieging an unfortunate "star."

    Firstly, people often fall in love not with a specific person, but in an image created by image-makers, celebrities and, quite often, by a person in love. Cases when between "celebrity" and the fan developed relations, as a natural continuation of any love and sympathy, is extremely small, practically absent. Therefore, do not succumb to the magic of art, because you yourself do not know the man himself. The hero and "macho" on the screen can prove to be a coward and an infantile nonentity.

    In order to find a person who really suits you, follow these recommendations:

    • Try to look carefully within your immediate environment. The person with whom you have the opportunity to see each other often has a much greater chance of becoming close( truly) to you.

    • Choose a person who is close to your interests, hobbies and hobbies. Partner, with whom you can only talk about weather and politics, has little chance of becoming your only and unique.

    • Do not look towards married guys or married girls, even if it is crystal clear for you that the one( s) is unhappy in the marriage, and you are the perfect party. Relations can be built only after the person has divorced, overcame emotional affection and became ready for a new relationship. Otherwise, you can associate your whole life with the process of parting with the former and the agonies of conscience, vexation and other negative moments that accompany the break of two people. In the end, to get rid of subconscious discomfort, such a partner will part with you.

    • Expand your horizons, circle of contacts and interests. This not only allows you to develop as a person, but also to find new friends and friends who are able to find you attractive and like you. Boring snobs-conservatives are of little interest to anyone.

    • Be careful with dating sites and social networks. This is an easy way to find a partner, evaluating its external data and interests. However, as practice shows, the ease of such acquaintances corrupts people, deprives them of the value perception of relations. Subconsciously, he will always believe that he has "in zagashnike" there are a lot of potential partners. The consequence of this will be a weak desire to compromise, to yield, to restrain oneself in something for the benefit of relations. Partners will be attracted by a sea of ​​potential opportunities, the desire to try something else and the question: "Is not this a mistake? Is that the woman? Maybe busty Irochka would be a better mistress and a complaisant wife? ".

    • Try not to choose future spouses at work. Service novels are good only in movies. In fact, such a relationship will equally harm work and love. In relations there should be a change of conditions, small natural "pauses" and possibility to have a break from each other. In case you work a day, and then come home, you will inevitably deal with professional matters. The partner's face will be associated with work, and emotional fatigue can result in a break in the relationship.

    True love and her quest for

    What is love? This feeling of tenderness, affection, admiration and respect for the object of their feelings. Love is maternal, paternal, brotherly and so on. Love between a man and a woman is something special. Therefore, it is important to correctly and correctly determine what you are experiencing. The criteria for true love is difficult to distinguish, because for each character and temperament, love and its manifestations will be different. Traditionally, the symbols of true love are the ability to sacrifice something of value, happiness, life, career for the sake of a loved one. But not always these criteria are correct.

    Practice shows that passionate, passionate love with beautiful gestures, exalted and reckless acts is characteristic of natures bright, addicted. Both partners enjoy their feelings, their desire to put them on display. Often they demonstrate their feelings demonstratively, kissing haughtily in the presence of the general public, making vivid gestures and using even "intimate" epithets and appeals with outsiders. Therefore, the more violent and enchanting the novel is, the more chances for a quick cooling of the feelings of partners and the breakdown of relations. This is due to the fact that explosive and vivid emotions require constant novelty in the relationship. Well, when both partners are aware of this and are ready to work on this. Most often, love passions pass the brightest phase and successfully die out, freeing partners to find new bright and sharp sensations and emotions.

    Another thing is when relationships arise slowly, leisurely, attachment gradually grows with new sympathies and small strokes that bring people together. In this case, you will not see public displays of feelings, "intimacy at the show."With outsiders, such a couple is reserved and even somewhat cold towards each other. There will be no ugly scenes of jealousy or exciting acts of passion "show off."But such love will manifest itself in actions, caring of people who love each other. Ideally, to old age, such love, bypassing the stages of carnal attraction and love, grows into a calm mutual respect of partners.

    Harder, when true love is unrequited. Often the lack of reciprocal feelings only further inflames the lover and provokes him on a long journey "to nowhere."In case you see that the object of your lust, despite all your efforts to awaken sympathy, remains cold, you should get rid of this feeling. There are many ways for this: moving, refusing to communicate with the object of love, finding new partners and new interesting work. In the end, you will be surprised to look back and be surprised that this person caused you such deep feelings.

    Do not confuse true love with sexual attraction. You can be comfortable with a man in bed, he can be very attractive and sexy. You can even find an interest in communicating with him between sexual acts. But if your relationship lacks emotional depth, if you just satisfy physiological needs, partially compensating for emotional emptiness and the need for intimacy, such relationships should not be delayed for long. Otherwise, they can turn into a bad habit, an emotional addiction, to get rid of which will be very difficult.

    Relationships and love are a long process of building, working on oneself and a partner, concessions and compromises. Therefore, you should not build love only on external sympathies.

    How to search for a soul mate after 30 years?

    This is the age when you should think about permanent stable relationships, family and children. After all, if you delay for a long time with the birth of a child, it will be difficult for you to support it while studying at the university and in general, you will be representatives of too different generations, which will create additional barriers in communication.

    What to look for when choosing a future partner and love all your life.

    1. Relationships are a constant movement and development. Observe, is it possible for the object of your sympathy to build and develop relationships, to bear responsibility for them, to plan a family and joint old age. If he does not have the desire to build your relationship with all seriousness, to work on his shortcomings, to give in to you, then it's best for you to part with the stage of easy falling in love, in order to avoid emotional trauma in the future.

    2. Analyze whether there is an emotional connection between you and whether there are any omissions. Can you directly state that you do not like and jointly discuss this by solving the problem.

    3. Try to let your loved one share your vital interests, could give you moral support in a difficult moment, serve as a support and support, and not a hindrance. If you fix that your partner is busy organizing his affairs at your expense, constantly sacrifices your interests in the name of his own and demonstrates, even if not explicitly, selfishness and selfishness, run from such a person that there is urine. He will not change and will not get right, no matter what you do or say.

    4. Note for yourself the person's tendency to petty quibbles, the ability to forgive, quench conflicts and act as a "peacemaker", even if the fault lies on him. This quality indicates that you are loved and cherished by your relationships more than by your empty ambition and the desire to assert yourself.

    Plots for the search for love

    • An ancient pagan plot to search for love. This conspiracy is associated with the Slavic goddess of fertility love Makosh. Leave early in the morning before sunrise on the street. Pick up two pieces, different in size. Turn to the rising sun and concentrate your thoughts on the image of the one whom you would like to meet. Move the larger object to the left, and the smaller one to the right. At the same time, say aloud: "Take this gift from me, O goddess of fertility, visible, but intangible. That which could remain mine, I give to you. For this I expect from you happiness, love, health and joy. May there be peace in the world for all. Gratitude to you, Makosh! ".

    • Take a pear and three chips of a cherry tree. Pear out the pear and say out loud: "The whole whole has disintegrated, so I sit, alone."Then stick the slivers in the pears and fix the halves. Say: "As different parts are united in one whole, I will find my own narrowed."Wrap the pear with a linen piece of cloth and hide it in any fruit tree. It will attract love into your life.

    How to find a loved one in 10 years?

    The very first love falls on us at an early age. Our parents are touched when, coming from the kindergarten, we proudly declare that we "love Masha".At school, our love becomes more meaningful. We can already formulate what exactly a person likes us. We carry portfolios of little girls, we go with them to the movies, secretly kiss and brag to these friends.

    All these moments are extremely important for the child. At this time, he learns to properly build relationships, care for and love, take care, take responsibility for himself and for someone who sympathizes. These infatuations are rarely prolonged. In most cases, they remain lifelong with a light and touching sadness.

    Love and be loved!