
How to choose a wedding dress for a figure - choosing a wedding dress for any shape

  • How to choose a wedding dress for a figure - choosing a wedding dress for any shape

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    Every woman is beautiful individually, in her own way. Considering this circumstance, each of them will approach his own, unique dress. And the occasion is unique and important - a wedding. The solemnity of the moment requires careful selection of the wedding dress, which is simply bound not only to decorate an already beautiful girl, but also create an amazing mood for her. The dress should ideally sit on the figure of its owner, then it will not only feel like a queen, but also look the same. Femininity, purity, innocence and elegance are those features that the wedding dress should emphasize in the bride.

    Individual features of the figure

    Types of female figures

    The selection of dresses by the figure is not the choice of the right size, which is adjusted to the growth and configuration of the body.

    Please note! This is a selection of the cut of the dress, which will emphasize the dignity of the figure as much as possible and soften its shortcomings.

    Let's learn this rule on our own, so that one of the most important days in your life look perfect.

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    It is generally believed that female figures are conditionally divided into 5 main groups: an hourglass( type X), an apple( type O), a pear( type A, triangle), a rectangle( type H), an inverted triangle( type T, sports).Let's try to determine how to choose a wedding dress according to the figure, so that all eyes are chained to the splendor of his lucky possessor.

    Shape type defines the style

    Shape type and style of the wedding dress

    To facilitate the choice of a wedding dress, having spent the minimum amount of time for various fitting, it is possible provided that you know what type of figure you possess. The type of the female figure determines the rules that must be followed when choosing a dress. It should mitigate the shortcomings of the figure, but emphasize the virtues.

    Observations and conclusions of specialists show that in comparison with the 50th years of the XX century, modern women have grown taller, they have increased their waist size, they have become more relaxed in behavior, which in one way or another affects the formation of trends and the creation of fashion trends.

    Please note! To determine its place in this variety of styles and trends of fashion, you must at least know your parameters and the features of your physique, which you are endowed with nature.

    The mirror will tell you what type of shape you have.

    Hourglass( type X)

    Dress fitting with belt

    This type of figure is considered to be the most feminine. Imagine a Botticelli rising from the waves of Venus - that's the woman with the perfect classical figure "hourglass".It is hard to imagine that a girl with such a figure may not be approached by some dress. Is that size. On such a beauty that you do not wear - look. Many details are unlikely to distort the dignity of her figure.

    Legendary female actresses such as Sophia Loren, Elizabeth Taylor, Marilyn Monroe, Brigitte Bardot, Michelle Pfeiffer, Melanie Griffith, supermodel Cindy Crawford, singer Diana Ross, Ella Fitzgerald, Kylie Minogue, Shade have this type of silhouette.

    Dress with a flowing skirt

    The type of "hourglass" is an equal width of the shoulders and hips, this is a pronounced waist, usually a luxurious chest. Clothes to choose for this type of girls - it's a pleasure, everything is beautiful that they will not wear.


    The most winning style of the dress for such a feminine figure, of course, fitting, emphasizing the waist, with a deep neckline, a boat and V-neck to emphasize the beauty of the bust, with a minimum of adornments and fabric trim to avoid weighting the elegant figure.

    Please note! The main decoration of girls with the figure "hourglass" is a silhouette.

    For a dress you can use heavy fabrics( heavy silk, for example), embroider it with stones, apply corsets, wide and narrow belts for even more expressiveness and femininity.

    Apple( type O)

    Dress with voluminous skirt

    Holders of the figure "apple", as a rule, people full with sloping shoulders, which need to be emphasized. They should forget about miniskirts, all sorts of ruffles and braid on the waist line, in a word, about everything that creates an extra volume.

    Please note! More volume should be added at the bottom of the outfit.
    Overstretched waist

    The perfect dress for the "apple" - semi-adjacent, without cutting lines at the waist. Vertical seams and tucks, lace and light ornament on the fabric of the dress with a deep V-neck and an overstated waist are used.

    Dress with bodice décor

    Looks good on the bodice or collar decoration, waist belt for a clearer definition. The body and the wedding attire on it will lengthen the vertical ornament of the fabric.

    A figure of the "apple" type has a singer and actress Jennifer Hudson.

    Pear( type A, triangle)

    Streaming skirt and bodice without braces

    The body type "pear" is usually called the most feminine, and in men's circles it is considered the most sexual. He is characterized by the ratio of narrow shoulders and wide full hips with convex buttocks, a medium-sized chest, a thin waist. For owners of such rounded hips, it is important to emphasize the shoulders and collarbone, chest.

    The task of the future bride when choosing a dress is to "make her" up with her bottom. To do this, forget about the skirt-trapezium, the tight bottom of the dress. Ideal will be a dress with an accent on the waist "A" -silueta, which gently smoothes the unbalanced ratio of the top and bottom of the figure.

    Flowing skirt and overstated waist, sleeve
    Please note! The dress does not tolerate the decor and draperies on the hips.

    The figure will look great with an overstated waistline. Pleasant sleeves, a flowing skirt, a strapless bodice, a wide collar that perfectly balance the brittle top and heavy bottom are welcome.

    Scion skirt

    The winning option is a diverse finish of the fabric at the top of the dress.

    The owner of the A-Silhouette is Beyonce, Jennifer Lopez, Julia Roberts, Kate Winslet.

    Rectangle( type H)

    Modern wedding fashion trends

    Silhouette type "H" - a typical figure of modern models. The subtle difference between the shoulders, hips and waist of a figure of the "H" type gives its possessor a nonfamily figure of a teenager. This androgynous type of the figure is characterized by the absence of bends of the body, which in clothes can be compensated for by large details, drapes, decor.

    Dress with a lush skirt

    Artificially create a volume on the hips can be a fixed shape of the skirt, lush sleeves, adding a missing body shape.

    From the point of view of the stylist, the figure of a teenage girl is perfect, any clothes will suit her, as she sits perfectly in shape, repeating the silhouette. Disadvantages of the figure - a very weak waistline, not infrequently absolutely flat buttocks.

    Dress with drapes and belt
    Pay attention! When choosing a wedding dress, you should give the image a pleasant female form, make a visually smooth curve around the figure to bring the silhouette closer to the ideal of "hourglass."

    To do this, use a V-shaped cut or a downwardly directed acute angle of the triangular cutout from the rear.

    Dress with fixed skirt

    Make more expressive waist a variety of feminine details: corsets, ruches, flounces, frill, fashionable basques, voluminous sleeves.

    Please note! The corset is just a godsend for these girls.

    He and the chest will show profitable, and the waist will definitely allocate. The dress should be in the style of "Empire".

    Dress with draping

    Skirts are trapezoidal, flared with drapes and trim. The pencil skirt, straight narrow dresses below the knee are excluded - they extend the shoulders.

    Dress with décor on bodice

    But high slender legs, on the contrary, require their demonstration in order to divert attention from the undeveloped waist. Slender legs always visually increase the volume of the chest and thighs.

    Deep neckline and shoulder pads are contraindicated - they will expand the already spacious chest of the girl "H" with a small chest.

    Belt with bow

    The bride's dress in this case should be made of contrasting fabrics, with airy outlines that will add volume to the hips.

    Inverted triangle( type T, sporty)

    3D skirt

    The image of a girl with a silhouette of a triangle resembles the famous sculpture "Motherland Calls".Minimal bends of the body make the silhouette "T" slim, and therefore sporty.

    Type "T" or "carrot" - is disproportionately wide shoulders with narrow hips, not too pronounced waist, flat buttocks, the chest can be large and small. As a rule, the upper part of the body is shorter than the lower one. Fat deposits are more often concentrated in the upper part of the body - in the shoulders, arms, neck.

    Deficiency of the sports figure: slender legs, especially below the knees, narrow hips and broad shoulders. But, nevertheless, such a girl should not worry about how to choose a wedding dress according to the figure.

    The voluminous short skirt

    Advantages - long legs, slender buttocks. Even the short girls look long-legged, so they can easily pick up a dress.

    Please note! The main task and an important rule in her clothes is to create a volume in the hip area to distract attention from the broad shoulders.

    The top of the dress should be as simple and strict as possible. On the image of the sportswoman, there are dresses without straps "A" silhouette, trapezoid skirts, deep V-neck in the decollete, opening the sports shoulders or cutout in the form of a deep oval.

    Please note! The secret is that you need to open something one - either the neck, or chest and shoulders.

    If you open both the shoulders and the decollete at the same time, then a manic athlete will appear before us. Wide shoulders will hide clothes with an overstated shoulder line.

    Decor on a skirt

    To make a sporty girl look stunning and much more feminine, you need a dress-case with a pattern in the hip zone, a straight cut dress or a lush skirt made of dense silk, with a fashionable detail - a Basque that adds to the hips the missing volume, with a diagonaltrim on top of the outfit. Overstated waistline will help balance wide shoulders and narrow hips. A lowered waist gives the silhouette a clearer outline, pulls it out.

    A sports girl should give up a flashlight sleeve, shoulder pads, massive parts and large, catchy drawings on top of the clothes.

    Please note! A variety of finishes, drapes, flounces in the hip area are needed to shift attention to long slender legs and a tight stomach.

    Lady of sports figure - ballerina Anastasia Volochkova, Princess of Monaco, Hollywood actresses Demi Moore, Charlize Theron, Naomi Campbell, Angelina Jolie, Charlene Whittstock.

    The simple theory with which you have become familiar will help you figure out how to choose a wedding dress according to the figure, will make it much easier to find your style, save precious time on numerous fitting wedding dresses.