
Exercises for the back: a complex of effective exercises

  • Exercises for the back: a complex of effective exercises

    To your attention, we will present a set of exercises for the back, which will help strengthen the muscles and exclude the appearance of pain in this part of the body. The complex includes 7 simple but very effective exercises for the back and waist, which will reduce pain in this area, and are very useful for prevention, who practice sedentary lifestyles.

    Before starting to perform a set of exercises, you need to warm up. The warm-up should be 3-5 minutes, as in the physical education classes at school.

    First the legs are kneaded( raising the leg with a bend in the knee, wide lunges), then go to the trunk( tilt in all directions and rotation), then warm up the arms( rotation in the shoulder, elbow and hand), the final stage - neck warming( tilts androtation).

    For clarity, we suggest that you do the exercises described in the infographic.

    WARNING!If you feel pain while doing the exercises, then you do not need to perform this exercise, so that it does not lead to negative consequences. Pain does not mean that you are close to the cause of the pain!
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    Exercise 1

    Eliminates pain in the lumbar region and strengthens the abdominal press. Spread a sports mat on the floor. To perform the exercise, you need to lie on your back, hands to put along the trunk, legs together. Raise the leg to a height of 10-15 cm from the floor and fix it in the maximum position, until you feel tired. After a short rest, follow the exercise with the other leg. Each foot perform 5 lifts.

    Exercise 2

    Develops flexibility of the spine, and also relieves back pain.

    While lying on the floor, bring your knees down, then tilt them to the right, touching the floor, and head to the left. Then on the contrary: knees to the left, and head to the right. In this case, the upper arm is withdrawn in the direction in which the head rotates. Carry out 5 turns in each direction.

    Exercise 3

    Performs a curative and preventive back massage, and also increases the flexibility of the spine.

    In the lying position, bend the leg in the knee and grab it with your hands, pulling hard to touch the chest. Fix the maximum leg position until you feel fatigued. Then perform the exercise with the other leg, performing 5 repetitions per foot.
    You can also do an exercise with two legs at the same time - 5 times.

    Exercise 4

    Strengthens the muscles of the abdominal and back.

    Lie on your stomach, put your hands in front of you at chest level. Bend your legs in the knee, lift them 10-15 cm from the floor. Leaning on your hands, lift the upper part of the body as much as possible. Try not to let your knees and pelvic floor come off the floor. Fix the position of the body in the maximum position for a few seconds. Then return to the original position.5 repetitions of the exercise will be enough.

    Exercise 5

    Strengthens the back muscles.

    Get on your knees, lean against the floor with your hands. First, for a few seconds, bend the back down, and then maximally up. Exercise is carried out by two blocks: the first - deflections are made without stops, the second - fixing for a few seconds at the maximum position, at the top and bottom points. The first block is executed for a minute, the second should include 5 repetitions.

    Exercise 6

    Strengthens the muscles of the waist and back.

    Stay in the same position as after the previous exercise. Raise the leg and straighten it parallel to the floor, while the neck and back should be straight. Fix in this position for a couple of seconds and do the same with the other leg. The exercise should include 5 repetitions per foot.

    Exercise 7

    Relieves strain from strained back muscles.

    Get straight, legs together, straighten, spread your shoulders. Rise on the socks up, slightly tearing off the heels off the floor, try to relax the muscles of the back. Lock in this position until you are tired. The exercise is performed in 5 approaches.

    After the completion of the whole complex of exercises, it is necessary to become even, slightly spread your legs, straighten your back, straighten your shoulders. On the breath, gradually rise on the socks up, raising the arms above your head, stay in this position for a couple of seconds and then exhale smoothly back to the starting position. Do 5 repetitions. This is a relaxing and soothing exercise that will help bring the body into tone after a set of exercises.

    Remember: prevention is better than treatment, so with a sedentary lifestyle, be sure to perform such exercises to maintain the health of your back.