
How to remove the swelling of the finger - the swelling of the fingers

  • How to remove the swelling of the finger - the swelling of the fingers

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    Any deviation from the norm has its own reason. In order to get rid of the undesirable phenomenon, you need, in the first place, to know this reason. Who better than others can know about the processes occurring in our body? Of course, the doctor. He will not only point out the reason, but also suggest ways to eliminate it. So, from what do the fingers swell?

    The main causes of swelling

    The main cause of swelling

    Any swelling is an excess of fluid in the body. With the withdrawal of fluid from the body, the kidneys are occupied. If they do not cope with their main function, then they need help. Therefore, it is recommended to limit the flow of fluid into the body - therefore, drink less. This method of fighting is ineffective, but it is necessary to start with it, and perhaps more radical ways to combat swelling will simply not be needed.

    If there is swelling of the whole body, then it will affect the fingers of the hand. To learn how to remove the swelling of the finger, you need to figure out how to remove the common swelling of the body.

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    In case of impaired renal function, diuretics are prescribed. The doctor can also recommend a special pose - on all fours. In this position, the pressure of the internal organs on the ureters decreases, the liquid from the kidneys will flow into the bladder. This is especially important during pregnancy. During each hour 3-4 times for 5 minutes in the position on all fours is quite an effective method for the disappearance of edema. In between these positions, we visit the toilet, regardless of the need.

    Please note! Restriction in drinking and taking diuretics is a very superficial treatment that can remove swelling, but does not eliminate the cause of its occurrence.

    Fingernails of the fingers, both permanent and temporary( from several hours to several weeks), can occur as a result of cardiovascular failure, liver disease, thyroid disorders or serious diseases of other organs that require immediate "exposure".

    Other causes and ways to eliminate swelling

    Excess salt in the body

    Salt. The accumulation of fluid in the body is facilitated by salt, so the salt food is taboo. The diet should be revised in favor of "neutral" foods, the consumption of which does not cause increased thirst. While stable puffiness has not come, you can take excess salt from the body with an abundant drink, the main thing is not to get involved.

    Contusion. In everyday life, a bruise is a common thing. In particular, if we take into account the current rates and the associated speed of movement of the body. Injuries lie in wait for us everywhere - at home, on the road, at work, in nature. I do not have to mention sports.

    Particularly relevant is the problem of how to remove the swelling of the finger, in the event that a finger is worn on the ring. Differences in atmospheric pressure, ambient temperatures can lead to an increase in the thickness of the finger, even with normal operation of the internal organs. A beautifully decorated metal hoop on the fingers of our hand often limits the processes occurring in the cells of the soft tissues of the finger. As a result, there is the same injury as with a bruise. In these cases, the integrity of the skin covering the soft areas may not always be compromised. As a result of injury, small blood vessels( subcutaneous hemorrhage), subcutaneous tissue, muscle fibers are broken( torn) - there is a hematoma. Such traumatic swelling( edema) is accompanied not only by severe pain, but also by the increase in the damaged space in the volume.

    When getting injured, it is important to reduce swelling. The fact that the injury can be accompanied by inflammation, in which there is a flow of blood to the injured place, which is accompanied by swelling. The inflamed part of the finger, lacking sufficient oxygen and nutrients, begins to pulsate. To reduce the flow of blood it is important to raise your hand to the top: the hand should be above the line of the heart. It is useful to apply cold compresses or chilled compresses from the squeeze of medicinal herbs filled with boiling water - tansy, yarrow, St. John's wort, heather ordinary, plantain. Dangerous seals( bumps), as a result of injuries, are removed with "Troxevasin" gel, iodine net, Magnesia solution. The perfect remedy is boiled cabbage leaf, smeared with honey, which is applied with a bandage to the injured place for a couple of hours.

    Compression on finger

    To underestimate the consequences of such injuries and bruising is very dangerous - after a while it can lead to necrosis of soft areas of the body, and large hematomas can be transformed into traumatic cysts. Therefore, delaying with treatment is fraught with dangerous consequences. The earlier the measures are taken, the greater the chance of recovery. The most correct decision is the consultation of a trauma doctor.

    Allergic reaction to the hands of

    Allergic reaction. Puffiness with allergies is not uncommon. Detergents for dishes, floors, for washing clothes and other modern household chemicals - a very common cause of allergies. The use of gloves in these activities should become a habit. In case of an allergic reaction, first of all, avoid contact with the allergen and hurry to visit an allergist to prescribe an antiallergic drug.

    Circulatory disturbance. Blood circulating through our vessels is the "vehicle" that supplies oxygen and nutrients to all organs for their successful operation. Violation of the circulation leads to the accumulation of toxic substances that cause swelling of the face, hands, feet. The only way out is to restore blood circulation through qualified medical care.

    Pregnancy and swelling

    Pregnancy. The pregnancy period, as a special period of testing for the female body, can also be accompanied by periodic swelling. To perceive it as a threatening factor would be wrong. Puffiness in this case is caused not so much by organ disturbance or allergy, as by the accumulation of fluid in cells and tissues. Regular consultations of a gynecologist are an indispensable condition for a future mother to be a "lifebuoy".Most likely, the gynecologist will appoint a pregnant woman as a diuretic for herbal collection of bear's ears( bearberry), lingonberry, and also such an effective tool as the infusion of umbrellas of dill, instead of industrial medications.

    Violation of the daily routine. Workaholism and disturbed, unsustainable nutrition require a reassessment of priorities. Otherwise, the career will take away the lion's share of health. Prolonged immobility, lack of sleep and chronic fatigue are significant factors in the swelling of the hands and feet.

    Weight transfer

    Physical loads. Excessive physical exertion on the hands( carrying heavy loads, digging up the ground, cutting wood) with insufficient rest breaks significantly contributes to the occurrence of edema of the hands. The method of preventing it is the refusal to work for wear.

    It is worthwhile to try several traditional medicine that has not harmed anyone:

    • cool infusion of the above-mentioned herbs on the gauze bandage is applied to the edematous place for several hours;
    • drink the infusion of cranberry leaf;
    • apply a pack of grated raw potatoes, squeezed from its juice, cellophane and a towel are tied from above;
    • make baths from a saline solution( 1 teaspoon of salt to a glass of water).

    If you do not notice a quick effect, then let it be compensated for by cheap methods and by the absence of side effects.


    Take a look at a useful video on how to remove the swelling with bruises: