  • Meliness for red hair: photos before and after, master class at home

    Milling is one of the most common types of hair dyeing. And it's not difficult to guess that any hair color can be made. The most beneficial shades for this procedure are light brown and red. We can say that these are medium colors between light( blond) and dark( brunette), so it is not difficult to find the most suitable shade for them. In this article, the photos before and after melting for red hair, as well as master classes from hairdressers will be discussed in detail.

    For this type of chalk, a color is used that is 3-4 colors lighter than the original. That is milk blond or light blond, also these colors should be bright, to give hair shine and iridescent hue. Also, quite often besides meling, haircutting and styling are carried out. I suggest to consider some photos on this topic.

    And here are more photos after melirovaniya on the red hair color.

    Still, out of all the possible types of melioration, red hair is suitable for Californian, where the curls slightly discolor, however, we must admit that this is not liked by everyone, someone is more suited to a bright image, but to someone this brightness is interfering. By the way, Californian melioration is one of the sparing ways to process hair.

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    Because of this quality, it is ideal for dyed curls or for weak and fragile hair. About this technique, we wrote in detail here. I propose to consider photographs of this kind of melioration on red hair.

    Despite the fact that the Californian melioration is most advantageous for red hair, it is almost the only possible for blond hair, since the other types are not designed for blondes at all. Also, it is worth noting that this style is often not used for bright red hair, nobody wants to lose the natural contrast of their curls. But for a pale or light-red tint is ideal.

    Merrying a redhead at home

    Standard melioration is not such a complicated procedure, even those who have never done such things will necessarily understand its essence and will easily cope with the main task. In this part of the article, you will learn how to make melting red hair at home. So, your first task is to buy all the necessary ingredients, the list of which is given to you a little lower.

    1. Paint for highlights. Choose a color 2-4 tone lighter than your original, it is also desirable to take a bright tint, if you do not want to get a "Californian" result;
    2. Foil;
    3. Gloves and mixing bowl;
    4. Towels. Choose one that will not be a pity to throw, if it gets dirty;
    5. Balm rinse aid;
    6. Comb with a sharp tip.

    Now that all the components for successful melirovaniya are collected, you can begin to work.

    1) First, it is recommended to wash your hair well and dry your hair in any way. After that, separate a horizontal string on the top of the head and use a comb with a sharp tip to move the waves through one in a lock strands for processing, the rest can be released. Under the new strands, put the foil and spread them with a mixture of paint with a brush;

    2) By this method, go around the entire head or only the desired areas, beginning with the crown, then the back of the head, the last whiskey. When the procedure is completed, leave the hair alone for half an hour, if you do not need a too bright effect, then time can be shortened;

    3) After half an hour or less, gently remove the foil from the hair and rinse the head with ordinary warm water, then wait for a while with the rinse-aid balsam.

    Let's notice, of course, that this method of carrying out melirovaniya will suit both light brown hair, and dark, and for light curls, as well, this is a universal way of meliorating hair. But progress does not stand still, so you are invited to review some video tutorials on this topic.