  • Haircut Debut: description, photos and detailed master classes on video

    Hints of such a haircut appeared already as half a century ago, but only in the late 90's, such a separate hairdo was formed and was called - the debut. As you know, this is basically a haircut for almost a boy or a "free haircut," it is chosen by those women who are hindered by long hair, but their appearance greatly cares.

    Therefore, in our time, this haircut is very popular among models, accountants, business ladies and many other professions;Because of its simplicity and elegance, it can be made for any length of hair.

    This hairstyle looks great together with any form of face, and hair with it easily fit. It is also very advantageous to have such a haircut in the short and medium variant in wet and rainy weather: the hair does not deteriorate at all, and it is easier to remove under the hat in winter.

    I suggest you consider the photo of the haircut debut on a different length of hair.

    As you can see, this hairstyle is characterized by the presence of a thick bang( or just its presence, as for short hair) and wavy or slightly curly hair is preferable, but this criterion is not the most important.

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    For short and medium hair

    Haircut debut on short hair can be called a haircut "for a boy", but as if it was not called by others, this hair is very simple and practical, the hair does not always require even combing, not to mention the styling. In addition, this option is so simple that you can make it in the home. I suggest you to find out what the standard technology of cutting the debut looks like, but let's start, perhaps, with the photo.

    As you can see, this haircut looks great both with styling, and without, to some extent fits all forms of the face. But if you lightly curl your hair or scratch it, you get a certain look of a strong and confident woman or a rebellious teenager.

    And now let's move on to the instruction in the pictures, and this will be helped by a video lesson, which, along with the drawings, also gives a detailed explanation of .

    A short haircut in the same way as in the video above.

    For long hair

    The debut for long hair is especially difficult in its creation, so I think it needs to pay more attention. Firstly, if during the cutting of medium and short hair the strands are simply thrown forward and left so for a while, then during hair cutting for long hair, first they are transferred forward and the curls are cut "under the bangs", and then the rest are processed.

    Now I propose to make out who is most suitable for this hairstyle.

    1. Women with oval, round and triangular facial shapes are best suited to this hairstyle, regardless of skin condition, but this does not mean that you do not need to monitor your face, very much the contrary;
    2. Women with a square and rectangular face are better able to follow the condition of their skin and, if necessary, improve it;
    3. Also I want to note that this haircut perfectly suits the owners of a large forehead, which she hides wonderfully.

    And now I propose to consider how this female haircut is created by the hands of hairdressers, that is, another video.