  • Why do I need to clean my tongue

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    Read in the article:
    • Why clean the language
    • How and how to clean the language
    • How to clean the tongue from the raid: feedback and advice from the medical personnel

    Why clean the tongue: cleansers for cleaning

    Hygiene of the oral cavity includes not only brushing your teeth but also your tongue: this avoids many diseases, and also prevents the activation of harmful bacteria.

    Why clean the tongue ^

    Language is one of the most important muscular organs with which people can talk and feel the taste of food. It is covered with microscopic pits and furrows, into which food remains, resulting in the appearance of bacteria and the formation of plaque.

    Proper cleaning of the tongue is important for several reasons:

    • Without it, the bacteria available in the language produce acids that damage the tooth enamel and cause the development of gum disease;
    • Inhabitants in the language of bacteria have the ability to multiply. As a result, sulfur compounds are formed, which in most cases are the cause of unpleasant odor from the mouth;
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    • If a person has a clean tongue, he perceives the taste of any dish better;
    • The use of cleansers for the tongue provides a light massage that affects certain points, thereby improving the performance of internal organs.

    Language Cleaner

    Do I need to clean my tongue? Of course, this should be done by choosing the most suitable device for yourselves:

    • Simple brushes for cleaning the tongue. They are suitable for people who are not addicted to strong emetic reflexes. For cleaning, apply a small amount of antibacterial paste on it;
    • The scraper for cleaning the tongue has a flatter shape than the brush, so they can be used by those who have a pronounced emetic reflex. There are many forms of scrapers, and choosing more convenient for yourself will not be difficult. They are usually made of metal or plastic, but in the latter case it is recommended to change them as often as possible, but it is better suited for people with sensitive language;
    • You can use a conventional toothbrush to clean the tongue, if on the side without the hairs there is a specially designed coating;
    • The sponge for cleaning the tongue is made in the form of a nozzle and a tip. Use it after cleansing your teeth. She perfectly copes with a touch and an unpleasant smell.

    Thus, each person needs to clean the plaque in the language: this procedure suppresses the development of bacteria that lead to the appearance of not only dental, but also other diseases.

    How and how to clean the language ^

    Is it necessary to clean the tongue: how to do it correctly

    How to clean the tongue

    For effective cleaning of the tongue from plaque it is necessary to use the simple instruction:

    • Brush your teeth, then take the scapula for cleaning the tongue or any other device;
    • Moving from the root of the tongue to the tip, we do sweeping movements on one side of the tongue, then we do the same on the other part;
    • We carry out a brush for cleaning the tongue 3-4 times across this body, we apply a special gel on it and start scraping the plaque, going from the tip to the root;
    • A hollow oral cavity, treated with an antiseptic gel to clean the tongue and wait 2 minutes;
    • Rinse mouth with plain water.

    Cleaning the tongue with hydrogen peroxide

    To prevent gum disease, whiten teeth and get rid of unpleasant odor, it is recommended to clean the tongue with a hydrogen peroxide solution prepared according to the following recipe:

    • Pour into a glass 50 mg of pure water, add 10 drops of peroxide( 3%);
    • Piss your mouth after breakfast.

    How to clean the tongue from white plaque

    To eliminate the plaque, there is another option - cleaning the tongue with soda, which also allows you to whiten your teeth:

    • In a glass of water, we make a large spoonful of baking soda;
    • Rinse your mouth without swallowing fluid;
    • Spit out, get rid of the softened plaque by cleaning the tongue with a scraper, spoon or brush.

    How often you need to clean the tongue

    You need to clean the tongue every morning: a large number of bacteria accumulate during the night, which lead to the development of diseases. If white coatings are worried, this may indicate problems with the stomach, while yellow often speaks of liver diseases.

    In both cases, you need to see a doctor.in this case, cleaning does not save you from health problems.

    We also recommend that you read the article Dry starvation: harm or benefit.

    Than to clean a tongue from a raid: responses and references of physicians ^

    Doctors advise to carry out purification by any most convenient device, but at all to not use usual brush if on it there is no specially designed for language coverage. If you do not pay proper attention to oral hygiene, diseases such as tooth decay or periodontitis may develop in the course of time, and tartar can also form.

    Language cleaning: feedback from our readers

    Anna, 28 years old:

    "To keep my tongue always clean, I bought myself a spoonful of Waterpik TC-100E.It is sold in a package and has two attachments, and you can use it every day. The device is inexpensive, and with a touch copes perfectly! "

    Catherine, 29 years:

    " I have been using the Tongue Cleaner for a long time. It is very convenient, and I have quite a sensitive language - no unpleasant sensations during the procedure there. I recommend it to those who follow their hygiene the same way I do. I did not go to the dentist for 3-4 years now - I do not have any problems with my teeth! "

    Irina, 35 years old:

    " I prefer the nylon brush Miradent( Docdont).I bought it for the action at a ridiculous price 2 months ago, the quality is quite happy. The only negative - it lasts a maximum of 3 months, after which you must buy another device. In general, this is quite a good tool for its value. "