  • How to remove kidney stones

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    Our kidneys are a wonderful biochemical laboratory. For a day they manage to filter 200 liters of blood. But it is worth breaking even one of their many functions, and serious diseases can occur in our body.

    There are many ways to help the kidneys get rid of stones.

    Razdrobit them, you can withdraw this way: in a glass of cold boiled water add a juice of one-third of a lemon of medium size, divide this amount of liquid into three parts and drink in the morning on an empty stomach, in the afternoon and evening after eating. Repeat the procedure for ten days, drink a glass of cold boiled water with juice of half a lemon a day. In addition, twice a week, take a mixture of 60 g of vegetable oil and juice of half a lemon. On the 18-20th day, the scattered stones will begin to come out.

    The best way to treat this disease is the field horsetail. Dry grass( a full spoon on a glass of boiling water) to insist 20 minutes and drink after straining in the morning on an empty stomach. And in half an hour you can have breakfast. The infusion is taken every day for two to three months. Horsetail softens stones in the kidneys, liver, bile ducts, turning them into sand. After the beginning of treatment, severe pain ceases to torment the patient, pass into the weak, about a month later there will be sand, which will come out quite painlessly.

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    Here are some more tools:

    1. Insist the seeds of nettle, drink 1-2 cups.

    2. Drink birch sap on a glass a day.

    3. In the morning, drink a glass of radish juice on an empty stomach.

    4. Drink three times a day for a glass of hot water, in which a tablespoon of powder is mixed from the dried apple peel.

    5. Drink a day two glasses of herbal infusion: bear ears and field horsetail, taken in equal parts. To drink two weeks, two - to have a rest. This means, in addition, has a good effect on the work of the stomach.

    Dried grass( bearberry or bear's eye) must be brewed and drunk as tea. The broth has a diuretic and disinfectant effect in diseases of the kidneys, bladder and urinary tract.

    Russian healers were offered to get rid of kidney stones in this way: to pass through a meat grinder a glass of hemp seed, mix with three glasses of raw unpasteurized milk and boil up to one glass. Steaming and drinking a glass a day for 5 days. After 10 days, repeat. The course of treatment after a year to repeat and, as many witch doctors claim, a complete cure is guaranteed to you.

    In cases of kidney disease, cystitis and other diseases of the bladder, delayed urination, decoction of young aspen bark is used: 1 cup boiling water - 1 tbsp.a spoonful of leaves or bark, boil for 1 hour on a steam bath, filter and drink at 1-2 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day.

    With some kidney diseases and water-salt metabolism, as well as a diuretic, you can take a broth string.

    In the treatment of nephrolithiasis, dropsy, inflammation of the prostate, an aqueous infusion of parsley roots is prepared: 2 tbsp. Spoon the crushed roots with 1 cup boiling water, insist 30 minutes, and take 1/3 cup three times daily before meals.

    For cleansing the kidneys, folk healers advised one teaspoon of flaxseed to boil in a glass of water. Take half a cup every two hours for two days. To improve the taste, add a little lemon juice.

    For the dissolution of stones in the kidneys and gallbladder, it is recommended to drink a field horsetail, brewed like tea.

    However, one should know that in cases of diseases such as nephritis, the field horsetail is contraindicated.

    You can also use for a long time beet juice, which, according to Dr. M. Kurennoy, dissolves the stones gradually and relatively painlessly.

    With irritation of the bladder and frequent urge to urinate, it is necessary to take tea from boiled corn stigmas or stems of cherry and cherry on an empty stomach. To improve the taste, you can add a little honey.

    Once a week, the patient should eat only boiled wheat, washing it with water, in which the corn was cooked. With pyelonephritis, you must follow a strict diet, using only corn bread and taking a decoction of corn hair.

    A good diuretic and disinfecting effect with stones in the kidneys and cystitis is caused by decoctions of cranberry leaves, cornflower blue flowers and black elderberries, parsley seeds, fruits of wild mountain ash. Since ancient times, the curative diuretic properties of strawberries are known.

    Effective and decoction from the collection: parsley fruits - one spoon;leaves of mint, dandelion root, fennel fruits - two spoons;bark of buckthorn and corn stigmas - three spoons.