
Useful properties of ginger - the healing properties of ginger

  • Useful properties of ginger - the healing properties of ginger

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    Ginger( or "white root") is known to the people of South Asia since ancient times. Later it was grown in China, India, Australia, America, Europe and West Africa.

    From the whole plant only its rhizome is used. The useful properties of ginger are due to the substances contained therein: essential oil, vitamins C, B1, B2, amino acids and other elements useful to the human body( including zinc, potassium, sodium, iron, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium salts).


    Rolls with ginger

    Ground ginger root is one of the most popular seasonings in our time. In Russian cuisine, it was added to kvass, sbiten, liqueurs and baked goods( buns, cakes, gingerbread).In Asian cuisine, ginger is used to prepare preserves from poultry and meat. It is also added to curry, lollipops, biscuits, compotes and puddings.

    The second version of ginger, used in cooking, is pickled ginger. It is used both as an independent product, and as a seasoning for rolls and sushi.

    Less popular candied ginger - a kind of jam, which you can treat in China, Burma or England, there it will also add an orange peel.

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    In some countries( Australia, USA and England) for ginger have found another use - it makes beer and some other non-alcoholic beverages, for example, ale.

    In addition to taste, ginger adds another important quality to the dishes - the gingerol included in its composition( it gives the spices a burning taste) is able to stimulate metabolism and blood supply. In turn, this greatly accelerates the processes of splitting the eaten food and removing slags from the human body, i.e. Ginger eliminates the conditions for the accumulation of fatty deposits. However, in order to lose weight, you have to use ginger, like spices, for a long time: the result will be visible only after three to four months. In addition, it is impossible to abuse the amount of ginger in food, and also to increase the amount of food eaten per day, ginger besides the above-mentioned beneficial properties has another "drawback" - it stimulates appetite.

    Add this spice to different dishes should be at a specific time( otherwise useful properties of ginger may be lost):

    • in meat( when extinguishing) - 15-20 minutes until ready,
    • in dough - at the end of mixing,
    • in sweet dishes(compotes, mousses, kissels, etc.) - 3-4 minutes before the readiness,
    • in sauces - strictly after the completion of the complete heat treatment.


    Ginger in medicine

    However, the useful properties of ginger today are used not only in cooking, but also in medicine, often comparing it to the root of life - ginseng. Anesthetics, anti-inflammatory properties, the ability to neutralize animal and vegetable poisons, for example, when poisoning with mushrooms, and lower cholesterol, while improving memory and cerebral circulation, are supplemented by the fact that ginger is also a powerful aphrodisiac and an antioxidant that saves from aging.

    In addition, some studies show that ginger helps the body fight the appearance of tumors. During pregnancy, it facilitates toxicosis, and when menstruating - reduces pain. Even a small piece of ginger, if it is chewed, can cure stomatitis and get rid of bad smell from the mouth.

    But although the rhizomes of ginger can be bought at the pharmacy, it is very careful to use it with self-medication and, preferably, consulting with the doctor, as there are serious contraindications( allergy, some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract).

    Ginger tea

    The most common methods of treatment with ginger are:

    First, "ginger tea" - helps with colds, improves the overall metabolism, promotes weight loss and the removal of accumulated wastes:

    • six teaspoons of grated ginger pour a glass of cold water, and then bring everything to a boil over low heat;boil, covered with a lid, about 10 minutes;after you give the ginger tea to brew for about the same amount of time;add honey and lemon slice to taste;
    • teaspoon of powder from the root of ginger plus a teaspoon of green tea - brew in a thermos hot water, so that the useful properties of ginger do not lose, insist for 30 minutes;take strictly before meals, adding a teaspoon of honey.

    Secondly, compresses - they are used for chronic rheumatism, as well as for relieving pain in the back: a handful of grated ginger put in gauze and squeeze juice out of it into a saucepan, pour three liters of hot water there;stir and simmer until boiling, protil the mixture for 5 minutes. Wet a towel or gauze in ginger water, lightly wring out, and, hot, apply to the sore spot;top with a dry towel to reduce heat loss. Apply a new hot compress as the previous one cools until the skin turns red.

    Third, ointments based on the extract of ginger - they retain all of its useful properties. For example, the drug "Zinaxin" is used to treat arthritis.

    Fourth, essential oil of ginger - it is widely used in aromatherapy, it helps to treat psychosomatic disorders, colds, diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It is used for inhalation and rubbing, in baths and for massage. Fifth, ginger powder is used today to fight nausea, as a result of chemotherapy, a symptom of toxicosis or motion sickness - about half a tablespoon of powdered ginger root a day, diluted with water. You can also buy capsules with ginger powder in the pharmacy, but in any of the above cases, you should first consult with your doctor and make sure that you have no contraindications and side effects from the treatment.

    Side effects of

    Side effects of ginger

    Some people do not tolerate ginger very well: diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, heartburn, constipation can occur - in this case, you can try to reduce the dosage or frequency of procedures. In case of allergic reactions, treatment with ginger should be stopped completely.