
How to transplant a cactus - transplanting a cactus

  • How to transplant a cactus - transplanting a cactus

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    Beginners who are worried that they will not be able to cope with colors that require special care and create special conditions for a successful "living" in an apartment can be advised to buy a cactus. This unpretentious inhabitant of deserts will survive, even if you forget to water and feed him.

    Transplanting the cactus: how and when is it better?

    Soil from the store for cactus

    The only point that, perhaps, will require some explanation - how to transplant the cactus and when should it be done? If your plant looks good, differs elasticity, flowers regularly, roots do not dry out, then you can not worry.

    Please note! Cacti usually feel great in small containers.
    Crocheted cactus roots at the bottom of the pot

    Raise the pot, inspect its bottom: if a root is penetrated through the drainage hole, a transplant is necessary. It will also be needed if some lethargy of the plant is observed, if the growth has stopped or slowed down, and also when your cactus became an object of pest attack. Sometimes a transplantation of a cactus is required immediately after it was purchased, when it is clear that the native flowerpot is too small.

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    When to transplant a cactus

    How to perform a transplant? First, you need to focus on the season.

    Experienced growers recommend to perform this procedure in spring or summer, when the cactus is actively growing. The reason is simple: at this time, the flower is easier to survive the damage to the roots, which are inevitable when transplanting. In winter, it is likely that roots with cuts can bend.

    Please note! Another flower grower should be remembered: a cactus for better survival should be transplanted into dry soil and a few days( about a week) after that do not water.

    This rule contradicts the general principles of transplantation of other plants that need to be watered well once they are in the "new home".If you do not take this into account, then your pet, who came to Europe from the hot dry deserts, may not get accustomed to the waterlogged soil.

    To avoid errors during transplantation, watch the video: there the step-by-step is told and the whole procedure is shown.

    Pour the gravel into the pot

    The plant should be taken with tweezers( you can just use your hand, but then it's better to wear gloves), carefully take it out of the ground, clean the roots of the old soil and carefully "seat" it in a new pot. The new "apartment" of the pet should be carefully prepared: down put a large gravel, then gravel less, and only then pour soil for cacti.

    Correct planting of a cactus

    Sometimes it is advised to mix this soil with sand. This is done to ensure that the soil is well passed the water - for cacti is an important point.

    Soil and drainage for cactus

    How to choose a pot? Look at the photo: the size of the new pot should be just a little bit more than the old one. In a large pot, a cactus awaits the danger of being flooded.

    Choose a larger pot

    We will provide comfort to the new tenant

    You have inspected the purchased cactus, did not notice any special problems, but do you still want to place it in the container that seems to you more successful?

    Please note! Then you can perform a simple transshipment: the flower along with the old earth mixture should be carefully moved to fresh, trying not to hurt the roots.
    Handling of cactus

    So it is possible to transplant the cactus after purchase. It happens that the plant does not want to leave its former "house".Then turn the pot and knock on the bottom - the flower should gently fall directly into your hand.

    Cactus transplant purchased from the store

    If you brought home a cactus process, given by acquaintances, you must be prepared for the fact that it does not go to growth immediately. The new tenant needs time to get comfortable. Put it in a bright place, after 5-7 days, pour it. Soon you will notice that the flower feels better, and when it blooms - it will mean that it is comfortable in your home.

    Correct transplantation of the cactus

    It is not difficult to transplant a cactus - probably even easier than many other flowers. The main thing is not to forget about precautions and put on gloves in time to protect your hands from corrosive thorns. In the future, this operation will have to be done no more often than once in 3 years: a cactus - a plant unpretentious and will feel good for a long time in the newly acquired "house".

    I wish you success in the flower breeding!



    We pour gravel on top
    We enclose cactus with stones
    Transplanted cacti
    Transplanted cactus