  • Mastitis symptoms

    Mastitis is called breast inflammation with the appearance of hardening. The most common postpartum mastitis in nursing women. The cause of mastitis are microbes, usually staphylococci or streptococci.

    If bacteria get into the blocked milk duct( often through a cracked nipple, stagnant milk can be infected, causing the duct to become inflamed.) This inflammation is called mastitis, it usually covers the upper outer segment of the breast. The women may be predisposed to mastitis due to coarsening of the breasts, stress, changes in the feeding regime, when the baby begins to eat at longer intervals or breastfeeding alternates with the bottle.

    The reason for the development of mastitis is penetrating(

    ) • foci of purulent infection in the body,

    • mastopathy( presence of seals and small nodules in the mammary gland),

    Postpartum mastitis is noted in2-5% of lactating women. A very often the onset of the disease is recorded 2-3 weeks after birth, less often - in a month.

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    Blockage of the milk duct with mastitis. It is best to immediately attach the baby to the breast and continue to feed, despite the pain. If, after feeding, hardness and soreness does not pass, you should immediately consult a doctor, as the blocked duct can become inflamed, and inflammation, in turn, can lead to a chest abscess, which often requires surgical intervention.

    ♦ Inflamed painful swelling.

    ♦ Brilliant red skin around the sore spot.

    ♦ Chills, muscle pains, similar to influenza.

    ♦ Nausea.

    Main symptoms:

    • temperature increase to 38.5-40 ° C;

    ; • local pain;

    ; • swelling and hyperemia of the breast in the lesion;

    ; • anatomical features of the nipples( retracted or flat nipples);

    ; • available chronicdiseases of the internal organs, especially during the exacerbation stage

    • palpation reveals dense, painful areas

    • general intoxication

    Mastitis may require treatment with antibiotics, analgesics and other methods recommendedand for obstructed milk ducts. You need to seek medical advice because there is a risk of an abscess

    Traditional medicine recommends for the treatment of mastitis:

    • tie fresh cabbage leaf or grated carrots to the breast

    • dilute rice starch in water to the density of sour cream, applyon a bandage and attach to a sore spot;

    • Drink a decoction of mandarin peel and licorice root in a 5: 1 ratio twice per day.

    The diagnosis is established by a doctor based on the results of examination and palpation of the mammary glands, ultrasound of the mammary glands, bacteriological examination of milk.

    With lactostasis, a feeling of heaviness and tension in the mammary gland is noted, there is no redness and swelling of the skin, milk is excreted freely, pumping, unlike mastitis, brings relief. The general condition of women with lactostasis suffers little, after the expression of the body temperature is normalized, the pain stops.

    Mastitis and lactostasis prophylaxis should begin during pregnancy, concern rational nutrition, familiarize women with the rules and techniques of breastfeeding, consist in the timely treatment of nipple cracks and lactostasis and eliminate infection from the body. It is necessary to wear a bra that does not compress the mammary glands, be sure to wash hands before feeding.

    To prevent the occurrence of mastitis, wear a free bra, avoid squeezing the chest during feeding and pumping. If the breast size is small, then you can do without a bra at all. In other cases without a bra, you can get by in the evenings after work and on weekends. Brassieres should be selected from natural fabric, rather than synthetic materials. It is useful to do daily gymnastics, in which the pectoral muscles are involved. It is important to monitor the diet, not allowing the formation of excess weight. The diet should be rich in vegetables and fruits, nuts, especially almonds and walnuts, and porridges are useful, among which buckwheat and millet take the first place. Bread is best to choose rye or bran, from wholemeal. Meat should be preferred to fish and poultry, which it is desirable to eat with vegetables.