  • Fungus( dermatomycosis) symptoms

    Fungus( dermatomycosis) is an infectious skin disease, very common, caused by several different kinds of fungi. Infection causes the appearance of scaly, rounded itchy spots that develop on various parts of the body, including the scalp, groin, nails, legs and skin under the beard. Treatment in most cases relieves the disease in a few weeks. How to treat this ailment with folk remedies look here.

    • Fungal infection. Contact with animals( especially cats and dogs) that have a fungal infection is one way of transferring the disease.

    • Dermatomycosis is suspected when a characteristic rash with a red contour appears.

    • Direct examination under the microscope of scrapings from the peeling sites usually allows to detect the presence of a microorganism. Sometimes it is necessary to sow a culture of scrapings.

    • On the scalp: patches of alopecia and scaling.

    • On the skin: round, red spots that grow to about one inch in diameter. As the spots grow from the center, the central region heals, and around it there is a red ring where an active infection remains.

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    • Under the beard: itchy, flaky rash.

    • On the legs: dry peeling and cracks on the skin between the toes and the arch( epidermophytia of the foot).

    • People with epidermophytia of the foot may develop dermatitis( skin inflammation), possibly allergic, in other parts of the legs or hands. It passes after a complete cure for a fungal infection.

    • On the nails: thickened, flaky, rough nails on the hands or feet( onychomycosis).

    • In the groin: flaky, red-brown spots are usually on the inside of the upper thigh( inguinal epidermophytosis).

    • Dermatomycosis can often be cured with the use of over-the-counter antifungal creams or solutions, especially those containing terbinafine, clotrimazole, miconazole or ketoconazole. They are usually applied once or twice a day;the infection should begin to disappear after a week. Continuation of treatment during the recommended time ensures complete disposal of the fungus.

    • If treatment with over-the-counter medicines does not help, stronger oral medications may be prescribed. In particular, their use is necessary for infection of nails or scalp.

    • If possible, keep the affected area clean and dry;You can use talc or medical powder.

    • If the place of the fungal infection starts to bubble or ooze, apply a moist compress to clean the affected areas. Do not open blisters, it can cause the spread of infection.

    • If you have dermatomycosis in the groin area( inguinal epidermophytosis), wear cotton undergarments and change it more than once a day.

    • If the foot is epidermophytized, it is often necessary to change socks to keep your feet dry.

    • Clotrimazole powder should be used to treat shoes to prevent re-epidermophyte of the foot.

    • Do not use any towel or shoes with anyone.

    • Thoroughly wipe your feet after taking a bath or shower and after swimming.

    • Avoid prolonged exposure to excessively humid rooms, for example, in areas around enclosed swimming pools. Heat, humidity and darkness are favorable for the growth of fungi.

    • Avoid contact with infected pets if possible. Immediately seek help from a veterinarian to treat any skin problems of your pet.

    • Consult your doctor to clarify the diagnosis and if the symptoms persist or if the infection continues to spread after several weeks of using over-the-counter medications.