  • Animal Allergy

    One of the most common allergens are animal allergens, they are from both domestic and farm animals. Allergic activity is possessed by wool, dandruff, feathers, saliva, as well as urine and animal excrement. Dogs, cats, horses, sheep, guinea pigs, rabbits, hamsters, rats and parrots can all be the cause of an allergic disease.

    Allergic reactions to animals are most pronounced in the form of allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis. Moreover, they can play a significant role in the development of bronchial asthma, despite the fact that the main allergens in bronchial asthma are domestic. People who have an allergy to animals can be very difficult to part with their favorite dog or cat. But, unfortunately, often this decision is the only correct one. It is difficult to achieve a positive result in treatment if, in the presence of an allergy to the animal's fur, you continue to contact it.

    In the opinion of specialists, the best solution to the problem is to avoid contact with the source of allergens, and first of all to refuse keeping pets.

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    Unfortunately, sometimes this is enough for a complete recovery, because animal allergens, including epidermal ones, are easily transported by air and on clothes of other people.

    Nevertheless, the first thing a patient should do is to minimize communication with the animal, if removing the animal for you is unacceptable - wash it at least once a week, but do it yourself. Turn your bedroom into a place isolated from all other rooms and completely inaccessible to your dog or cat. To reduce the content of particles of the epidermis of the animal in the room, it is better to remove carpets, upholstered furniture and everything that can accumulate dust from it. It is necessary to use air purifiers.

    And the last. Even if you do not have allergies and you decide to have a pet, remember that the relationship between early, in infancy, contact with animal allergens and later manifestations of animal allergy is universally recognized. You should seriously weigh all the pros and cons, especially if your close relatives had or have allergic diseases.

    The main symptoms of animal allergy:

    1) nasal congestion, nasal discharge, sneezing;

    2) itching and redness of the eyes, lacrimation;

    3) wheezing in the chest, dry cough;

    4) difficulty breathing( shortness of breath, choking);

    5) signs of eczema or urticaria.

    The season of garden and garden works begins in spring and summer. Urban and rural residents will take care of the processing of land, trees, plants. In doing so, they will use various chemicals. Can they cause allergies? Of course, any chemical compounds can act as allergens. But those chemical compounds that are used to treat plants from pests are most often not allergens, but strong chemical irritants. Therefore, there are certain rules for working with these connections. The mouth and nose should be covered with respirators. A person should ensure that chemicals do not get to open areas of the body: on the skin, on the mucous membranes. And each such chemical compound for plant treatment is given a special instruction, which can be carefully read before starting to work with this or that drug.