  • Low Blood Pressure Symptoms

    Low blood pressure( arterial hypotension) is a reduction in pressure in the blood vessels with cardiac weakness, anemia, as well as with a decrease in the tone of the tissues of organs. This condition is characterized by the fact that in people aged 25-30 years, bloodthe pressure can be reduced to 100/60 mm Hg. Art.and below, and in persons over 30 years of age it may be 105/65 mm Hg. Art.and below. How to use folk remedies for this disease look here.

    The main manifestations of hypotension are headaches and dizziness with general weakness, sweating, pain in the heart, insomnia, lethargy and irritability.
    If your pressure is lower than 80/55 mm Hg.st., immediately call for an "ambulance", because with further lowering of pressure, acute renal failure may develop.

    Arterial hypotension is physiological and pathological, but the boundary between them is not always clear. Physiological arterial hypotension is a condition where good health and high performance are maintained with low arterial pressure.

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    It can be associated with severe physical stress( professional sports, job as a loader).

    Pathological arterial hypotension can be acute and chronic. The acute form most often occurs due to acute cardiovascular insufficiency. Chronic hypotension is divided, in turn, into primary and secondary. Pathological hypotension can lead to loss of consciousness, fainting and shock.

    Primary hypotension is a disease caused by primary imbalance between the processes of excitation and inhibition. Secondary hypotension is caused by infectious diseases. It occurs in cases of peptic ulcer disease, various intoxications, and exposure to ionizing radiation.

    In hypotension a person feels weakness, dizziness, headache, drowsiness, lethargy, increased fatigue, he is prone to fainting, motion sickness, increased thermo and meteosensitivity.

    Hypotension can be chronic, which is not dangerous to health. It can occur with diabetes, during pregnancy, after taking medications, excessive weight loss. There is also orthostatic hypotension - it usually occurs in the elderly, with a frequent symptom is dizziness when standing up from a sitting or lying position. Hypotension is also observed in tuberculosis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, diseases of the circulatory system.
    What should I do? As with hypertension, it is necessary to periodically measure blood pressure to prevent a hypotonic crisis. Hypotension is treated under the supervision of a doctor, so you need to contact your district doctor at the first suspicion of the disease. It is advisable to lead a more active way of life, exercise daily in acceptable for age and health status limits, more to be in the fresh air.
    Women with low blood pressure can drink coffee and tea in small amounts( without sugar and cream) instead of medicines.
    And then, in fact, it is much more useful for them juices or cranberry juice.

    It is useful to use vitamin and fruit teas, natural tonic drinks containing biologically active substances of beekeeping( flower pollen and royal jelly - if there is no allergic reaction).

    On the recommendation of the doctor, especially in the winter, you can use Eleutherococcus tincture and other natural tonic herbs( but not medicines!).

    Traditional medicine recommends strong freshly brewed tea and numerous herbal preparations, as well as tinctures of Eleutherococcus or Schizandra( 20-30 drops for half an hour before breakfast and lunch) and ginseng( 5-20 drops before breakfast and lunch) for the treatment of hypotension.

    Prevention of hypotension, as well as hypertension, is a healthy lifestyle. It is necessary to establish a reasonable alternation of work and rest, to provide a full sleep and stay in the open air. Amplified sports are contraindicated, moderate - welcome. A variety of water procedures, massages are useful. It is very important to ensure full nutrition, rich in vitamins and minerals. Staying in the sun should be minimized. In the absence of contraindications, you can drink strong blood and tea to raise blood pressure.