  • Mastopathy symptoms

    Mastopathy - not always, but in many cases - a benign breast tumor. Perhaps, mastopathy would not have become a world problem if it had not been proven that it is a precancerous condition: it starts and develops breast cancer from it.

    In Russia, the incidence is correlated with the environmental situation in the city or region. If relatively pure - every tenth woman is sick, if the region is very industrialized - every seventh, and in some cases - even with a particularly severe environmental problem - even every second. How to treat this ailment with folk remedies, look here.

    From one publication to another, the same excerpt from the public statement of Professor E. G. Pinhosevich, the leading mammologist, Russia( mammology - a branch of medicine studying the pathology of mammary glands) wanders: "According to statistics, 30 to 40 women out of 100 suffer from whator diseases of the mammary glands. From breast cancer in the US and Russia, about 10% of the female population dies. The leading cause of death of young women in the US and we have breast cancer. .. No device shows breast cancer less than 0.5 cm - no better mammogram, no ultrasound. "

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    According to modern classification( 1997) mastopathy refers to benign dyshormonal proliferative-dysplastic processes in the protocol and glandular epithelium of the mammary glands. Translated into human language, this means the following: nodes of breast mastopathy in surrounding tissues do not germinate and metastases do not breed( good quality), so in this sense they are safer than cancerous ones. But all other phenomena characteristic of cancer are present: at separate points of the outflow ducts and / or the gland itself, where milk is produced, cells qualitatively degenerate( dysplasia) and quickly divide( proliferation) - instead of working in accordance with their purpose.

    True, there can be no significant proliferation - sometimes the process of abnormal growth of tissues is limited to hyperplasia, that is, an increase in the number of cells so that the gland can work in the emergency mode, although it is not needed at the moment. That's why mastopathy is often referred to as "breast disease outside of pregnancy" - because the emergency mode of operation is only necessary during breastfeeding.

    And the word "dyshormonal" means that the function of the mammary gland is affected by hormonal failures. Specifically, the ovaries, for one reason or another, produce too many estrogens and relatively few progesterones. A surplus of estrogens in some way( which is still not clear) causes the cells of the mammary glands to regenerate and divide. That is, mastopathy develops due to disorders in the system that regulates the sexual cycle.

    In fact, the very term "mastopathy" is a composite - behind it are a number of diseases, in many respects different among themselves and, most importantly, not necessarily passing into cancer. Classifications of forms of mastopathy there are many( in medicine there is no such thing as one point of view on one question - there are always a lot of them, and all pretend to be correct).

    What is the structure of the mammary gland? Its "elementary particle" is called the alveolus( not to be confused with the pulmonary!) And is a vial lined with a single layer of glandular cells, with an outflow duct.150 - 200 alveoli combine into a lobule, and their ducts merge into the intralobular duct;30 to 80 lobules form a lobe with a lobed duct opening on the nipple. Between the lobes and lobules - the breast frame, consisting of connective tissue.


    1. Diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy: the pathological process proceeds without the formation of nodes. In turn, it is subdivided into the following forms:

    a) With the predominance of the glandular component( adenosis): lobules grow due to the division of glandular cells lining the alveoli. Sprouting is not enclosed in a bag and is indistinctly delimited from surrounding tissues.

    Symptoms of - soreness of the gland, its engorgement, intensifying before the onset of menstruation, compaction of the entire gland or its site. Adenosis occurs in young girls at the end of puberty. Sometimes it happens in women at the beginning of pregnancy as a transitory condition.

    On the roentgenogram of a mammary gland afflicted with adenosis, multiple "shadows" of irregular shape with indistinct boundaries are visible - this is the overgrown lobules and lobes. If the process is extensive, the shadows can capture the entire gland.

    b) With the prevalence of fibrosis: the glandular scaffold is enlarged due to abnormal division of connective tissue cells in the space between the lobules;At the same time, the lining of the ducts is vigorously divided - so vigorously that the lumen of the latter narrows and even closes completely. In the gland are formed - and clearly feel, if the process has gone far - seals in the form of strands. They are also visible on the roentgenogram - the latter has the appearance, as the radiologists of "frosted glass" say.

    c) With the prevalence of cystosis: cysts are formed in the mammary gland - bubbles with dense walls and cavity filled with liquid or gruel. A characteristic clinical symptom, as well as for other forms of mastopathy, are pains that intensify before menstruation.

    Statistics show that the formation of cysts is most typical for women over 54 years: before menopause( stopping menstruation), they are found in a quarter of patients with mastopathy, after - in 60%.Cysts are formed from atrophied( deprived nutrition) lobules and dilated ducts. Simultaneously, the so-called and interstitial tissue grows, that is, into which the thin shells surrounding the alveoli pass. Sometimes the cells of the inner lining of the cysts begin to divide, and those acquire the features of benign tumors.

    On the roentgenogram, a coarse-grained pattern with a lot of clearly delineated bleeds with a diameter of 3 mm to 6 cm is seen.

    The contents of the cysts are different - from the colostrum, which is whitish, to the bloody gruel. About a quarter of patients cysts are calcified, i.e.their walls are calcified. Calculation of cysts and their bloody contents are considered the first signs of the beginning of malignant degeneration of the gland.

    d) Mixed form - in fact, it should begin with it, since the previous three in pure form are rare. And the most common option is when there is a set of: adenosis, and fibrosis, and cystosis.

    2. Nodal fibrocystic mastopathy: pathological changes are basically the same as in diffuse form, but are local, and therefore in the gland single or multiple nodes are formed - typical benign tumors. When probed, they usually do not have clear boundaries and are not soldered to the skin. Nodes usually increase on the eve of menstruation and decrease after it.

    Nodular form is especially painful, the pain is given to the shoulder and shoulder blade, and even in the arm. Sometimes axillary lymph nodes increase.

    3. Mastodynia, she is a mastalogia disease, not directly related to mastopathy, so to speak, attached to it. Another name is premenstrual edema of the breast: it increases in volume by 15% or more. Causes - stagnation of venous blood and swelling of connective tissue that divides the gland into segments and lobules.

    The main contingent of patients with all forms of mastopathy are women in the prime of life( or, as experts say, of reproductive age), suffering from these or other gynecological disorders: premenstrual syndrome, uterine bleeding, infertility, uterine myoma, endometriosis( when the mucous body of the uterus is transferred to otherstissue).There is evidence that women who have long used hormonal contraceptives, mastopathy is rare.

    Symptoms of mastopathy are diverse, but the main one is pain in the mammary glands, usually intensifying before menstruation. Nodules and densities are sometimes painful constantly, sometimes only with pressure. The cause of pain is elementary: where tissues proliferate, nerve endings are compressed.

    However, 10-15% of patients do not feel any pain at all, although they find the same pathologies when they are examined. Perhaps, it is "to blame" endorphins, which reduce the threshold of pain sensitivity.

    Approximately 10% of patients had axillary lymph nodes;sometimes a nipple is drawn. This means that if he is not involved, it can not be asserted that there is no mastopathy, but if he is involved, it can be asserted that she is.

    And further in words: THE RISK OF MASSOPATHY RISE IN CANCER IS HIGHLY HIGH.For example, it is proved that in women over 45 he is 2.6 times higher than the risk of developing breast cancer in the absence of mastopathy, and in the presence of atypical changes - 6 times.

    Do not say that in the arsenal of scientific medicine there was absolutely no means of influencing benign tumors in the chest. After all, speech about the global disaster, and if not results, then at least the process of research to identify and rescue its victims is obvious.

    First about treatment. Since ancient times, scientific medicine has had three approaches to mastopathy, based on certain facts related to it: first, its nodular form is a tumor;secondly, its cause seems to be in the excess production of estrogens;thirdly, estrogens are produced in the ovaries. Hence the sentences. Once a tumor - it can be cut. Once the blame for estrogens - they can be "knocked out" hormones, antagonists. Once the ovaries are mixed - they can be chemically acted upon and "called to order."

    So there were different methods of treatment of mastopathy: conservative - non-hormonal and hormonal drugs - and surgical.

    Among non-hormonal drugs, iodide potassium is especially popular - not so long ago all mammologists have relied on it. However, it is still prescribed to patients - in a 0.25% solution of a teaspoon per day. Take it prescribed for 8 - 10 months or longer - until. .. breast cancer will not develop or the stomach of the patient will be completely ruined, depending on what will happen earlier.

    The point of application of potassium iodide is this: as already mentioned, an excess of estrogens relative to progesterones has a proliferating effect on breast tissue( ie, it forces its cells to divide, instead of performing their direct duties).Hence, the ovaries produce too much estrogen. And iodide potassium depresses the estrogen-forming function of the ovaries. Unfortunately, at the same time he depresses the stomach until it is completely unfit for daily service. In addition, the maximum, which could be expected here, is to protect the mammary glands from new estrogen portions, so that the tumor does not grow further or at least grow slower, but it is theoretically impossible to dissolve it with potassium iodide.

    Attempted also to apply camphor, allegedly capable of indirectly affecting the production of hormones in the ovaries. Camphor was completely harmless to the body, but also completely useless for treatment of mastopathy.

    We also tried to cling to the fact that 30% of patients had liver functioning - namely, excessive estrogen was bound and disposed of there. There was an idea to apply hepatotropic drugs( drugs "from the liver").Synthetic - cholenzim and allochol - did not help at all, vegetable - holosas - almost did not help;choleretic teas( collections of herbs) acted somewhat better, but a radical effect was not achieved.

    In 1971 in Yekaterinburg( then Sverdlovsk) a sensation was born - a new synthetic drug from mastopathy called dimexide. He fundamentally differed from the others in that he worked not on the ovaries, but directly on the breast tissue. He was credited with a lot of various effects: anti-inflammatory, analgesic, etc., and most importantly - the ability to specifically dissolve excess fibrous tissue. Until 1980, clinical trials of dimexide continued. They showed. .. But first one explanation. Since mastopathy is a precancerous condition, the drugs are evaluated according to the same criteria as cancer drugs: they are tested for symptomatic effect( here - the ability to relieve pain and improve the patient's well-being) and oncological( the ability to stop the growth of the tumor and "melt" it, i.e., to eliminate the disease itself).So, dimexide tests have shown that 90% of patients have symptomatic effect, and unstable - it is necessary to be treated for the rest of life;Oncological is not noted in any patient. Hopes collapsed.

    Hormonal drugs always cause caution in doctors and patients - which is not surprising, since hormones directly act on many organs, and enough of an overdose to cause complications and everything went wrong. But the risk associated with the use of hormonal drugs is considered justified if they give hope for success in the treatment of fatal diseases or in their prevention. Therefore hormones at a mastopathy register do not hesitate.

    First, of course, progesterone. After all, we repeat, the tumors in the breast are formed and grow because of the shift in the balance of "estrogens / progesterone" - the first is being developed too much. So let the second be a lot: then the balance will be restored and the development of the disease will slow down. About complete cure, as you can see, there is no speech at all. And even slowing the growth of tumors is not always observed.

    Then, women suffering from mastitis are injected with androgens - male sex hormones, because they are antagonists of estrogens. It is logical, but again, at best, only slow the growth of the tumor. And young girls, whose puberty has ended only recently, androgens are categorically contraindicated - for obvious reasons.

    As clomiphene( a hormone acting on the hypothalamus, where the centers of regulation of the sexual cycle are located) are equally ineffective, and gonadotropin, stimulating the maturation of eggs. In the 1980s, they very much hoped for estrogen-progestational medications, which "inhibit the gonadotropic function of the pituitary gland and create functional rest for the ovaries"( a quote from the Ministry of Health's instructions for use), but they did not help the patient with mastopathy.

    It is easy to understand the general logic of conservative treatment of mastopathy: since there is no cancer, chemotherapy should be avoided, trying to interrupt cell division indirectly. Such attempts have no persistent effect, and sooner or later the cancer develops - then the jokes end and the real chemical war begins with the use of cytostatics and cytolytic drugs - drugs that kill cancer cells. Rather, cytostatics kill any cells, but if they are injected exactly into a cancerous tumor, the risk of damaging surrounding tissues, including blood, can sometimes be reduced to 90 percent.

    To give an idea of ​​the prospects of chemotherapy for breast cancer, it is sufficient to list the drugs, applied 30 years ago( and showed their total impotence) and used today. So, the 1960s - cyclophosphamide, vincristine, methotrexate, 5-fluorouracil, prednisolone. Late 90's: cyclophosphamide, vincristine, methotrexate, fluoroufur, 5-fluorouracil, prednisolone, adriamycin. In other words, oncoloths do not even pretend that research is under way, and they still prescribe obviously useless compounds! It is also extremely characteristic that in none of the scientific articles and monographs devoted to the treatment of breast cancer, in the section "results" there is never a word "recovery" - they only talk about "average survival of patients" for 1.2 and 5 years, not longer.

    The last treatment method in the arsenal of modern medicine is surgical. There are two possible tactics, depending on which treatment path the patient chooses. Having diagnosed mastopathy, they can immediately suggest cutting out the nodes. If she agrees - in the future she will have to repeat the operation as new nodes are discovered, since relapses are unavoidable even theoretically( is it possible to stop the pathological process by periodically removing its products? !).If the patient is against, she is prescribed conservative treatment and periodically examined on a mammogram, until the cancer develops. Then she is again offered a choice: cytostatics or mastectomy - complete removal of the breast.

    Both variants of surgical intervention, as they say, are fraught. Timely detection and excision of nodes in the end does not give anything. A removal of the breast does not guarantee against the tumor in the other breast - or in any other place in the body. Here there is no possibility to discuss in detail the genetics and biochemistry of malignant tumors, so we confine ourselves to one postulate: the mechanism of malignant degeneration is fundamentally the same for all tissues and organs.

    However, to some extent the success of the operation depends on the art of the surgeon. If he removed the entire tumor without leaving literally any degenerated cells, there is a chance that a relapse will not occur soon.

    Surgical intervention in mastopathy is indicated only in certain cases. Indications for removal of nodes: single and multiple fibroadenomas, large cysts of any origin, confirmed by rapid biopsy. Indication for the removal of the breast entirely - a suspicion of cancer.

    In short, mastopathy is virtually incurable by the methods of modern science. But, quite possibly, success with the use of hormones or the same dimexin would be greater if it were possible to make a diagnosis in time.

    Unfortunately, this is the main problem.

    Usually mastopathy is diagnosed in five ways - not one in five, but in combination. First, they collect an anamnesis. Knowing what the patient was sick before does not give an exact answer, what form of mastopathy she has, but still helps the doctor to orient. Secondly, palpation is the palpation of the mammary glands with hands. It makes sense only when the nodes are already expressed - barely born, of course, not probed. And large ones too, if they are soft and not encapsulated.

    Then, cytological examination: press on the base of the nipple, take a smear of what is flowing( or just do a puncture) on the slide, and under the microscope. If clusters of cubic and / or prismatic epithelial cells are found with rounded or oval nuclei larger than they are supposed to, then there is mastopathy. And the larger these cells and their nuclei, the further the process went. Fibrous-cystic mastopathy is determined by the presence of large cells of flattened epithelium lining the cyst. Again, all this is good only in the late stages of the disease, and if pathology is in the rudiment, you need to "comb" the entire gland to stumble upon its tiny foci. It is clear that this is unrealistic.

    Ultrasound and X-ray methods are the most reliable.

    The resolution of ultrasound( ultrasound), according to various estimates, is from 50-60% to 80-93%, and the accuracy of detection of cancer reaches 86%.Yes, but this is already when there is cancer! And if only just begun mastopathy, ultrasound is powerless - it does not "see" nodes smaller than a centimeter in diameter.

    It is believed that a more reliable mammogram is a special modification of the X-ray apparatus equipped with amplifying screens that allow reducing the radiation dose. The latter circumstance is especially important, since the examination has to be repeated every 1-2 years. And still, the X-ray is an x-ray: it's ionizing radiation, whatever one may say. Therefore, no matter how much one agitates us for radiographic examinations, repeating that they are completely harmless, this certainly can not be true. Paradoxically, but the fact: regular mammography procedures in themselves can lead to cancer! Not necessarily breast cancer - perhaps another organ will be "hurt" more.

    The mammogram session lasts an average of 15 minutes. The survey is carried out in at least two projections: "frontal" and "oblique", directing the rays at an angle of 45 degrees. If necessary, especially if an operation is shown, non-standard projections are made: lateral and at different angles, depending on what the surgeon needs. Then different projections combine and receive something like a three-dimensional image, which you can see. .. by the way, not so much is visible on it, and do not say so clearly.

    The fact is. .. however, it is better to quote one of the most prominent Russian roentgenologists-practitioners NI Rozhkov: "The mammary gland is a soft tissue organ with low natural contrast, and in this connection the possibilities of survey radiography are limited in some cases"( frombooks "X-ray diagnostics of breast diseases", M., Medicine, 1993).

    Therefore, radiologists are forced to go into all serious, resorting to artificial contrasting. His methods are different - by the way, Rozhkova herself came up with one of the best. But they all boil down to the introduction into the mammary gland of a substance that is absolutely unnatural for it. For example, pneumocystography: empty the cyst and pour in air. Or the doktografija applied at fibrozno-cystic mastopathy: squeeze out from a gland all secret by vigorous massage, then iodine contrast medium( urotrast or verographin) is injected into the outflowing ducts, and "push" it all over the chest with pressure! Rozhkova suggested combining both: first introduce the iodide contrast agent, and then - when he properly "dye" the walls of the ducts and the internal surfaces of the cysts - squeeze it and pump the air.

    There were also suggested more intricate ways of contrasting, still, the truth, consisting in the introduction into the gland of some rubbish supposedly in innocuous quantity. But, despite all the tricks, it was not possible to teach the mammogram to see nodes of a few millimeters in size - that is, at the stage when their detection is most desirable.

    The absence of a good diagnostic method is a sore point of world mammology. In 1994, Americans seemed to be ahead of the rest of the world, saying that they want and can create a fundamentally new equipment for finding nodes in the mammary glands. The doctors called for intelligence. Back in the 80s, electronics engineers working in the CIA system developed a super-computer system that allows recording the slightest changes in the tracking object by comparing aerial photographs taken at different times( details refer to know-how and not disclosed).The supercomputer of the CIA has learned to detect underground rocket mines and other objects, disguised in the most sophisticated ways."This technology can also be used in mammography," the CIA director then said. It was announced that the "computer mammogram" will go to the series in five years and save the lives of about a third of American women who die each year from breast cancer by identifying mastopathy nodes a year or two before they begin to pose a real danger.

    Five years have passed. But because of the ocean until nothing to hear.

    Meanwhile, mammologists are trying to improve previous diagnostic methods and offer new ones. Thermography was introduced, based on the temperature difference between the tumor and healthy tissues about a degree, radioisotope diagnosis - labeling of nodes with radioactive phosphorus-32, lymphography and lymphoscintigraphy - an indirect assessment of the mammary gland by subtle examination of lymph nodes. .. But all this is ineffective, and sometimes unsafefor good health.

    Summary: from the standpoint of scientific medicine, mastopathy is a disease that is detected with delay and is extremely difficult to treat. These are deplorable facts, and there is no need to soften the tragedy of the situation.

    But before you treat, you need a reliable diagnosis.

    Again, none of the modern scientific methods of diagnosis does not give the necessary accuracy, especially in the early stages of mastopathy.

    So it will not be an exaggeration to say that biolocation with mastopathy is the only available effective method of diagnosis. He has two major differences from an ultrasound machine and a mammogram. Those, first, do not see nodes smaller than a half-centimeter, and secondly, they cause some harm to the patients, especially the mammogram. Biolocation is certainly safe and helps identify tiny seals with a diameter of several millimeters. This means that the examination with a sensible method allows you to diagnose when mastopathy, strictly speaking, is not yet - it barely outlined.

    Perhaps, it would seem very unreliable to such a council-to call for biolocation. Like, what happens - everything is made dependent on the availability of nearby qualified doctors with the necessary sensitivity to biofields?

    So, reliable diagnosis of mastopathy - dowsing( of course, plus ultrasound, mammography, etc. for independent control).

    As for the treatment - mastopathy perfectly suits the complex method.

    Mastopathy nodes( benign) can be large, and there may be many, but if among them - or at a distance, "on the sidelines" - there was a tiny focal point of 10,000 real cancer cells, it's bad.

    It should be noted that in a healthy body, in one or another place there is no-no and cancer cells are formed. This is a fairly common and common type of disruption of the work of genes: those that are responsible for the specialization and "proficiency" of this cell cease to work, and those that regulate division suddenly awaken from hibernation( and in fully developed organs and tissues,share, and work "in the specialty").And then the cell falls into a kind of infantilism - it loses most of the specific signs that show its belonging to a particular tissue, but it acquires the ability to divide, which was lost even in the embryonic period.

    Such degenerated cells in every healthy tissue. .. well, not that full, but somehow there is.

    Degree III - inferior: the degenerated cells in the organ( tissue) are only slightly larger than the "laid", and until they clearly accumulate anywhere. II degree - "reincarnate" so many that they are already grouped in conglomerates, but very small, less than 10,000 cells. Finally, I degree - in some part of the organ( tissue) the size of the accumulation of cancer cells exceeded the critical one. From this point on, the development of a cancerous tumor is not just likely, but guaranteed.

    What is very important, biolocation allows us to find such clusters, insignificant in size, but thwarting an unequivocal threat. The hand, sensitive to biofields, distinguishes not only the presence of the node of mastopathy from its absence, but also the node of mastopathy from an embryonic cancer tumor in the chest. That is why the importance of biolocation for early diagnosis of cancer can not be overestimated.

    So, three degrees of risk. Amber, as a rule, is assigned at the first - the highest. In other cases, mastopathy is cured by the same method that is diagnosed - sensitive.

    The third component of the treatment complex is herbs( phytotherapy).When mastopathy they are only an aid, for alone, without bioenergetic therapy and amber, are not able to dissolve the nodes. The purpose of phytotherapy is to drive sick slag out of the body.

    And what it is good about - admits and even implies some self-activity of patients. It's impossible to decide whether to wear amber and what;and when, and how much. Similarly, you yourself will not spend a session of sensitive influence. But to prepare a collection of medicinal herbs is a very real thing. Here are a few recipes recommended by Dr. Klyuev.

    In addition, like many naturopaths, Klyuyev approvingly refers to an ancient antitumor agent - a mixture of lean oil with vodka. But, unlike her main propagandist NV Shevchenko, he believes that instead of vodka, pure alcohol is better. From mastopathy Klyuev invented such a modification of the recipe. Mix in a jar 30 ml of raw linseed oil and 15 ml of drinking alcohol, add 30 - 50 drops of lemon juice. Shake the jar for 5 to 10 minutes, and then immediately drink without snacking. All this must be done in such a way as to take the medicine half an hour before meals. At occurrence of a nausea it is recommended to rinse a throat with any acid solution, though the same lemon juice.

    A mixture of oil and alcohol should be taken three times a day for two weeks, then make a two-week break, after which the course is repeated. It is shown in cancer and precancerous condition of almost any organ. Medical control when taking flaxseed oil with alcohol is mandatory. With stones in the gallbladder, do not use without the advice of a doctor.

    Finally, modern immunomodulators from natural raw materials are very useful: T-activin, vylosen, thymalin, thymogen and some others. As you can easily guess by their names, they stimulate the activity of the thymus( thymus gland) - one of the most important organs of the human immune system.

    Such complex treatment of mastopathy is not necessary to combine with traditional scientific means( hormones, potassium iodide, etc.).First, as already said, they are unsafe for the body, and secondly, simply unnecessary. Bioenergetics plus herbs plus( if necessary) amber - a guarantee of full recovery for approximately 95% of patients, and 100% of cases - a guarantee of preventing the transition of mastopathy to cancer( "malignant nodes", as they say in oncologists).

    We have to start by stating a disappointing fact: prevention of mastopathy is impossible. There are no means - neither synthetic nor folk - that maintain a balance between progesterones and estrogens and do not allow it to "crawl".And there are no ways to "train" the tissues of the mammary glands to prevent the formation of nodes.

    But this does not mean that a woman can not help herself. Much is in her power. Firstly, she can appreciate - albeit on the sly, very roughly - how personally she is at risk for developing mastopathy. And for this you need to know more about yourself and your family.

    For example, whether there were oncological diseases in the genus - not necessarily breast cancer, but any? They are considered a factor of hereditary predisposition to mastopathy. Then, in acute anemesis, acute and chronic inflammation of various organs, neurohormonal disorders, mental trauma, ovarian dysfunction, lactational mastitis, chronic pelvic diseases, and thyroid lesions are often encountered.

    In addition, it is proved that emotional stress is also a provocative factor. However, modern doctors are inclined to explain by stress almost any organic disorder, and, what is most terrible, they are usually right. ..

    What conclusions? The first: do not run any inflammatory process, do not let him go from acute to chronic stage, must be cured before full recovery. Second: keep your nervous system in order. Modern medicine, carried away by psychology, taught us that any disease of the body is a psychosomatic disorder. And really, who knows, what mini-stresses, occurring several times a day and unnoticed even for the most sick, knock down the hormonal balance in the body? Until now no one has explained intelligibly why the ovaries are suddenly taken to give out more estrogens than progesterones. But can not we assume that the psyche is involved? By the way, this also applies to infertility. So, you need to monitor the condition of your nervous system, so that the body less often responds to external stimuli with inadequate stress reactions.

    Finally, since mastopathy is a precancerous condition, you must follow the same everyday rules that are recommended for cancer prevention. We borrow these rules from Dr. Bella Yakovlevna Kachugina - and who to believe, if not to her, as soon as she healed more than a thousand cancer patients for her life. So:

    And now - a very important recommendation of Dr. Klyueva, concerning nutrition. True, no "anti-mastopathy diet" has been invented yet, but the fact is proved: the risk of mastopathy increases significantly if a woman abuses strong tea and coffee and if her diet is dominated by dairy products. From this, of course, it does not follow that kefir, cream, sour cream, etc. should be rushed out of the diet - they simply should not serve as its basis.

    Next. Very topical question - what is the most dangerous age? The answer is unequivocal: adolescent and youthful, or rather, girlish. God knows why, but even some doctors believe that in adolescence serious illnesses, including mastopathy, are unlikely. Kliuyev's data indicate otherwise: among teenage girls, one in every fifth shows seals in the mammary glands.

    Therefore, from a young age, vital regular check-ups are essential.

    Finally, every month for 6 - 12 days before the start of menstruation, examine yourself. This practice also needs to start from adolescence, barely noticeable breasts.(Non-motoring women should conduct self-examination on a date of the month they chose on their own.) Dr. Klyuev recommends the self-examination technique proposed by Professor Pinhosevich. The sequence of actions is as follows:

    Keep in mind that the discharge from the nipples does not always leave traces on the underwear, so to identify it you have to call them - moderately squeezing the nipple at its base with the thumb and forefinger.

    If you notice or feel something wrong during self-examination, immediately consult a doctor. Self-examinations must necessarily be regular - otherwise they lose all meaning.