  • Worms in humans have symptoms

    The unattractive word "parasite" has long been used. This is what people usually call people who prefer, doing nothing, living at the expense of others.(You can still say in Russian more bitingly - "freeloader.") Biologists, taking this word into service, call it living organisms that feed on other organisms, while they are constantly or temporarily on them or in them.

    The encyclopedia defines the concept of a "parasite" as follows: "Parasites are organisms that feed on the account of other organisms( called hosts) and mostly harm them."Russian zoologist A. V. Dogel gave the following definition: "Parasites are such organisms that use other living organisms as their habitat and source of food, while laying on their masters the task of regulating their relationships with the surrounding environment."That is, the host serves as a habitat for the parasite, and it is through him( the host) that the parasite is connected in the external environment.

    So, parasites are microorganisms or animals that use individuals of another species as their habitat or food source, they feed on the body's juices of their host, his tissues or digested food. In other words, they are beings living at the expense of others. The hosts who feed the parasites can be different animals - cats, dogs, pigs, and maybe people, that is, we are with you. Parasites live in our body and fight for existence, taking away food and energy from us. They absorb vitamins and other substances that we take to improve our health, and thus deprive us of nutrients. In addition, parasites emit toxic waste that poison our body.

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    Our body is an ideal habitat for millions of parasitic organisms. For them, our mortal body is a whole universe where you can splash in blood lakes, urine, lymph, rest in the bowels of the intestinal food, eat in numerous restaurants of the oral cavity, luxuriate in saliva lakes, etc. Yes, parasites live well and freely,which, alas, you will not say about us.

    Parasites feeding on the host do not kill it, but slowly and steadily poison the existence of the latter. This parasite differs from a predator. Parasite in any way unprofitable, as you already guessed, to kill your master. The parasite acts "within reasonable limits".In order not to expose the immediate danger to the life of the owner and thus not to deprive himself of a source of existence, he restricts his activity and acts according to circumstances, that is, he does not deprive himself of benefits, and the owner, "in whom the table and the house is ready," is not toois hurting. If the owner too much harm - where to go to the parasite?

    The ultimate goal of any living being is to preserve yourself as a species. Proceeding from this premise, the parasites have adapted to the long existence in the human body. They do not harm him so much as to destroy the person they live in, but so much as to spoil his life to some extent.

    The parasite and the host are not voluntary allies. Their union is violent, benefiting only one of its participants.

    Do you feel unwell or even feel bad for several months, do you have chronic illnesses? You seem to be not sick at all, but all the time you feel tired? Are you in a constant depression? Do you think that all these are symptoms of stress, and drink antidepressants?

    Do not be too careless! Maybe the reason for your condition is much deeper than you imagine - you were attacked by parasites, they penetrated into your body, and they live well there, which, alas, you will not say about you.

    People who have reached a certain level of well-being may think that they do not threaten such a problem. At the word "parasites" they imagine existence beyond the poverty line, life in the garbage dump, complete unsanitary conditions. .. But, unfortunately, even a high standard of living does not guarantee anyone absolute safety from these invaders, because microorganisms live everywhere and are transmitted to people in various ways, sometimeseven through the air. Remember, and this is important:

    No one is insured against infection. ..

    Experts say that at least one species of parasites lives in the body of 85-95% of adult Americans. In Russia, 2 million patients with parasitic diseases are annually registered.

    You will be surprised: what does infection involve - it's about parasites, worms? Let's figure it out. What diseases are infectious diseases?

    First, those that are infectious.

    Secondly, able to spread massively, in the form of epidemics.

    Third, having a specific causative agent, that is, an agent that causes this and only this disease.

    Fourth, cyclical, that is, having their origin, progressive development and the period of stagnation of manifestations.

    Fifth, resulting in the formation of immunity. Strong or weak, lifelong or brief, during which it is impossible to get sick of the same disease.

    All these signs are typical for both influenza and any parasitic infection. Indeed, according to the international classification of diseases, which is used in our country, among the other infectious diseases are chlamydia( trachoma, ornithosis, etc.), protozoal diseases( malaria, toxoplasmosis), mycoses( fungal diseases) and helminthiases, that is helminthic invasions - diseases caused by parasitic worms( helminths).

    Still, it's somehow easier to do this psychologically from this information, right? Because it is very difficult to protect yourself from infection, which means that your fault is that you have caught parasitic infection, almost no. Even the perfect cleanliness in the house does not provide a guaranteed protection against parasites.

    The World Health Organization has included parasitic infections among the six most dangerous human infectious diseases.

    In military strategy( and we are developing a strategy of struggle), it is important to collect all the information about the enemy before the offensive begins. So we will look at the collected information and find out who such parasites are and how dangerous they are.

    How the presence of the parasite affects the health of the host depends on many factors: the number of these uninvited guests, the time since infection, from the overall health of the person. Little children, elderly people and people with weakened immunity are at risk.

    Parasites are cunning and insidious. Their main goal is to hide their existence, to live imperceptibly in the body of the host. Parasites can very cleverly disguise themselves - often the harm they cause us, manifests itself in the form of general disorders and ailments. Man does not suspect that he is obliged to uninvited guests by his deteriorating health, and even a doctor can not always correctly determine the cause of the ailment.

    Each of us can be the "master" of more than 100 species of parasites - microbes, viruses, fungi, helminths( worms).In size, they range from microorganisms that are not visible to the human eye, to worms several meters long. Parasites live not only in the rectum, as most people believe. Some of the varieties can be found in any part of the human body: in the lungs, liver, muscles and joints, esophagus, brain, blood, skin and even in the eyes!

    Parasites are incredibly tenacious, they multiply with great speed and are able to adapt to living conditions, surviving even under the most unfavorable circumstances. Some of them can live in our body for dozens of years, in any way.without showing himself.

    But as soon as for one reason or another a person has a decrease in immunity, parasites become more active, begin to multiply intensively and bring considerable harm. The reasons for which the defenses of our body are weakening are many: this is an unfavorable ecological situation, and fatigue, and stress. Far from always we can eliminate these reasons, but we need to know what this threatens us.

    Many parasites settle in the digestive tract and feed on the food their host consumes, robbing them of all the beneficial substances that are present in food and drink. A person cares about his health by taking vitamins or food supplements, but they are also intercepted by the parasites and benefit them, while the host remains with nothing.

    So, our uninvited guests get the best food. The more diverse our menu, the more diverse they are. Taking to itself nutrients, parasites leave to the person only empty calories. The host organism lacks vitamins and minerals, and it begins to demand more and more food.

    Some experts believe that parasites are the main cause of obesity and obesity.

    Aggressors also absorb useful micronutrients, extracting them from our blood and tissues. Silicon, potassium, copper, manganese, selenium, zinc, magnesium - all these substances are like parasites, and they are necessary for human health, and their lack can be deadly.

    Many people try to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right, but they do not make significant health improvements. If parasites have settled in their bodies, then this situation should not be surprising. Diet, exercise and hardening procedures will not bring the expected effect until the body gets rid of spongers.

    Not only do parasites overeat, they also poison us. The allocation of parasites is toxic. All the ungrateful beings eaten and processed are returned to us in the form of poisons. The dead bodies of dead parasites are also poisonous if they are not immediately taken out of the body. With a strong zaglostovannosti cleaning programs should be done very carefully, especially for children and the weakened patients, and certainly accompanied by the expulsion of dead worms. That's why deworming programs most often require you to drink laxatives and do enemas.

    The dead bodies of dead worms are toxic! It is not enough to kill worms, they should be immediately removed from the body!

    After a while after getting into the parasites.into the human body inevitably comes intoxication - poisoning the body with the products of the vital activity of these creatures. People get fatigue, worsen or, on the contrary, increase appetite, headaches appear. And this is not the most terrible consequences of the invasion of parasites.

    It is also believed that many allergic reactions we owe these harmful creatures. Parasitic infections increase the sensitivity of the body to allergens. Skin rashes, swelling, allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis, even bronchial asthma - all this, in the opinion of allergic doctors, can be associated with the vital activity of parasites.

    The length of the intestine of an adult is about seven and a half meters. And the length of a wide ribbon, for example, can reach ten meters or more. How do these two guys fit in the intestines? Clearly, to develop, to croak, to croak somehow. In crowded but not mad. But the intestine can not withstand a strong sustained pressure or a sharp movement of the worm-hero - and now either a rupture of the wall, or bedsore, or intestinal obstruction. That is, an acute condition requiring immediate surgery.

    Another parasite, echinococcus, can grow, forming a tumor, both in the liver and in the brain. And how will the patient feel with a brain tumor that presses on the surrounding tissue? Schistosomes can block the lumen of the vein, lamblia - block the outflow of bile from the bile ducts, toxocars - form a tumor in the eye, which leads to the removal of the eyeball. And the usual attachment of the worm to the intestinal mucosa is fraught with bleeding and necrosis of tissues - some parasites are kept slightly, but others are caught literally tightly.

    Unfortunately, people tend to underestimate the harm that parasites do to their health, and meanwhile, these uninvited guests are the cause of many diseases.

    Parasites are able to move around the body and cause damage to various vital organs. Worms-parasites and their larvae literally permeate the vessels, violate the anticancer protection.

    Many scientists claim that parasites can be the cause of cancer!

    The main danger of parasites is that they overload the immune system, reducing the body's ability to resist infections.

    And this, alas, is not a complete list of the problems that parasites bring to us.

    Antiparasitic treatment helps to get rid of diseases that have not healed for years.

    The simplest trichomonas parasite enters our body with blood and lymph flow, actively feeds on blood cells, vitamins and microelements and releases harmful enzymes, acids and other poisons. The results of her invasion may manifest in the form of anemia, oxygen starvation, various types of allergies.

    Lamblias often settle in the ducts of the gallbladder and pancreas, but can also choose as a habitat for the kidney or liver. Any problems of these organs may be related to the activity of parasites.

    Ankylostoma parasites, trichinella like muscle tissue. The easiest consequence of their introduction into your body may be a feeling of constant fatigue, but there may be more serious diseases.

    Worms most often live in the intestines, and it is with it that many problems with well-being begin. There is a dysbacteriosis, which manifests itself in the form of abdominal pains, diarrhea, constipation, nausea and vomiting. Prolonged diarrhea( diarrhea) in the absence of proper treatment can even lead to death.

    Pinworm colonizes the rectum. They lay their eggs in the crotch and anus. When a person is bothered by an itch and he combs the places where eggs gather, they fall under the nails, and from unwashed hands - into the mouth. And it all begins again.

    Irritability, depression, constant fatigue, discontent with life - all these are consequences of infection by parasites. Parasites change the character of a person, destroy his relationships with relatives, bring discord to the relationship of spouses and parents with children, friends and colleagues. Perhaps your constantly screaming boss is simply flushed beyond measure? And ever grumpy, grumbling wife does not need you to buy her a fur coat and run away to relax to an understanding mistress, but in a good parasitologist doctor, after whose treatment course will love, peace and peace return to your family?

    Moreover, parasites can determine the worldview and artistic tastes of a person. As established by American researchers, the presence of some species of helminths can completely change a person's idea of ​​beauty. The point here, apparently, is the toxins that they release. About 312 children from art schools in Egypt were examined. All were shown slides with works of great masters of the past and contemporary artists. Children noted what pictures they like and which they do not. After that, he was all three times tested for the presence of worms.

    It turned out that infectious parasites to children more often than others liked the works of Gauguin, Van Gogh, Toulouse-Lautrec, Cezanne. Masters of the High Renaissance, they were quoted much lower.

    According to the researchers, some of the toxins that are secreted by parasites and absorbed into the blood are apparently to blame for what is happening.

    They probably affect the host's brain, determining his artistic preferences. This point remains to be studied in more detail.

    Perhaps the very origin of the modern direction of painting can be associated with parasites. Memories of many artists of this school describe gastrointestinal symptoms, suggestive of parasites. It is known that Paul Gauguin, long lived in tropical countries, was infected with a parasitic infection. The parasite settled.in the eye of a great artist. Some experts note that unusually bright, sometimes incompatible colors on Gauguin's canvases, which admire art historians, is nothing but the influence of parasite toxins. As a result of his poisonous activity, the artist saw the world so brightly and unusually.

    The presence of parasites in the body can affect your worldview. Agree, it's offensive when your judgments and opinions depend not on your own choice or decision, but on the presence of "some parasite" in the body. And this is exactly what he dictates to you, what to give preference to, and what does not. There you have a man, a crown of nature. ..

    Listen. Even if you do not have allergies and other chronic sores - do not relax. After all, people often do not notice that they have guests inside. At any time, your immune system may be weakened by stress, an unbalanced diet or an attack of antibiotics, and parasites here like here, they will not miss the opportunity to settle in your body. From invasion of parasites to the appearance of obvious signs of the disease can take several years. And the most dangerous are chronic parasitic infections, in which a person does not have obvious symptoms of the disease. You just feel bad all the time and do not pay much attention to it. But sooner or later you will face serious health problems. You will start to suffer, not understanding what is happening to you, to avoid doctors, none of which, perhaps, will be able to help you. After all, most likely, doctors will treat specific manifestations of your illness, but does it make sense to try to eliminate the consequences without removing the cause?

    Parasitic infections of are a big problem, but it has a solution. We must make ourselves realize that parasites are a real threat to our health and even life. It is necessary to spend time on finding out the causes of the illness, to conduct reliable diagnostics and undergo a course of treatment. How to use folk remedies look here.

    Parasites are transmitted to people in various ways: by drinking contaminated water or food, by biting insects and walking barefoot, swimming in open water, contacting domestic or wild animals or sick people. Parasites can be obtained at home from parents. Many microorganisms and bacteria pass to the child in the womb or during childbirth. Parasites larger can be transmitted by breastfeeding or during the care of a child. In public transport, especially during rush hours, the crowd can pin you to a neighbor, and it's ready - you've already picked up the parasite. Certain types of these creatures pass to us in sexual intercourse. Sometimes it is enough to inhale the dust that contains the eggs or cysts of these pests, so that they penetrate the human body. In tropical countries, insects( mosquitoes, mites) are often carriers of the disease. And in our latitudes flies, mosquitoes and horseflies are not at all safe.

    Nowadays, many people travel around the world. Often they bring the infection from some distant country, and it may take many years before the symptoms of their ailment are identified. How many such friends will such a person have time to infect during this time?

    Most often, helminth infection occurs after ingestion by humans of invasive, that is, to the extent of ripened, egg worms. But directly from person to person only eggs of pinworms and dwarf chain are transmitted. Eggs of the remaining worms for ripening must necessarily fall into a suitable environment - soil or water. Sometimes, before invading the human body, they need to live in the body of an intermediate host - an animal.

    For example, eggs of a wide ribbon - a representative of the class of cestodes - can be found in fresh, water reservoirs, where larvae hatch from them. In order to get into the human body, they must pass through a chain of other hosts. Usually, larvae of the Lentian swallow crustaceans, and the crustaceans eat fish. If such a fish does not undergo the correct heat treatment before entering your table, or if after washing the fish you do not wash your hands well enough, you will inevitably get a very large number of ready-to-breed helminths.

    It is important to remember that contaminated meat or fish are very often the cause of infection. In general, eating raw food increases the risk of parasite infection. Not fried shish kebabs or sushi from raw fish is an ideal medium for these pests.

    When wrapping up for dinner at a Japanese restaurant, one should not forget that Japan is one of the first places in the world for the incidence of anisakidosis and other parasitic diseases transmitted from fish. Sushi from raw ocean fish, served in them, - the dish is extremely dangerous. If you are told that there are no parasites in fish from Japan and Japanese dishes - do not believe it. They are there. The widespread opinion that sea fish is safe for humans in any form is a very dangerous delusion. Sushi lovers are constantly at risk of catching anisakiosis. Round worms-parasites anisakids live in the intestines of fish. If the fish caught immediately freezes, the worms remain in the intestines of fish or die. If the fish caught at least for some time is stored without freezing, the helminths from the bowels move to muscle tissue. Eaten by humans along with raw fish, the parasite is usually introduced into the walls of the stomach, where an eosinophilic granule( tumor) is formed. In this cocoon, anizakid grows to 2-4 cm. To extract the worm, it is often required to perform an operation.

    In Russia, the consumption of raw fish is a long tradition, because the herring is also a raw fish, it does not undergo heat treatment. Here an African will never eat raw fish in his life, but for a Russian person, a Korean, a Chinese, a Japanese, this is the usual food, which means that this is another way of getting infected with helminths.

    Unfortunately, modern technology of food production also does not provide complete safety. The famous doctor Zoltan Rona, the author of a number of books on medicine, writes: "A high concentration of parasites is observed in commercial pig products( bacon, ham, sausages, sausages, pork chops, etc.);beef, chicken, lamb and even fish are infected with them. "

    In one of the most popular books on parasites "Guess what came to dinner"( author - Anne Luiz Gittelman) it is said: " people become infected with pig worm, consuming infected, undercooked pork, smoked ham and sausage. Larvae develop in the muscles, spread through the central nervous system into other tissues and organs and, finally, suck in to the upper part of the small intestine. They invade the muscle tissues, heart, eyes or brain, they go through another cycle of their development, damaging tissues and mucous membranes. "

    Maybe pork is a prohibited food for Muslims and Jews? In any case, parasitologists agree that pork becomes safe parasitically after three hours of continuous heat treatment. You cook, stew, bake the meat for so long? No? Then do not eat pork, take care of your health and your family. It is safe in the sense of the content of worms, the meat of herbivores: lamb, beef, rabbit.

    Insufficiently washed fruits or vegetables are also a significant hazard. Especially root crops - after all one of the most widespread fertilizers are feces of animals, and parasites feel themselves at home. A person goes to the market, buys greens, carrots, radishes, comes home and, first of all, improperly cleans them. The fact is that the ascarids eggs, invisible to the eye, attach to the leaves. Just do not wash them off under running water! It is necessary to take a large basin of water, cut the leaves, put them into the water( or even better pre-salt the water), and then the eggs of the helminths, under the weight of their own gravity, along with the earth will settle to the bottom. We must stand for half an hour, change the water three or four times. Then there will be a guarantee that the greens will not bring you harm. All the vegetables that are in the ground - radish, carrots, must be treated very carefully.

    It should be remembered that it is strictly unacceptable to use products with expired shelf life. If you have suspicions that the store neglects the rules of hygiene and storage of food products, refuse to purchase. The dirty hands of sellers and public catering workers also pose a real threat. People buying pies on the street, pancakes, shavermu, greatly risk their health.

    It is not always possible to be sure of the cleanliness of tap water, even if it is cleaned. I have already said that protozoa in the phase of cysts survive, despite the effects of chlorine. Natural water bodies are fraught with even more dangers. In lakes and rivers, many parasites live, many of them may be found in the water of the basins. Every one of us is swimming;at the risk of coadjuring some kind of harmful protozoa, for example ureaplasma.

    Another way to catch an infection is close contact with pets that are often carriers of parasites.

    There may be more than 150 helminths in the dog's body, but only echinococcosis and alveococcosis are common to us. Therefore, one should not exaggerate the importance of domestic animals in human pathology. However, do not go to the other extreme and consider pets pets completely clean from worms and safe in communication.

    What is Toksokara? A long white worm, a pure dog parasite. The entry of its larvae into the human body is an "error by address", but no harm from it. Larvae Toksokara are carried with blood flow and get stuck in any human organ, more often in the eye, brain, lungs, liver, heart, muscles. The parasite is able to bring the organs to necrosis.

    Toxocar products cause poisoning of the body, which is manifested most often by fever, allergic bronchitis, enlargement of the liver, lymph nodes, pronounced eosinophilia of the blood, skin rash, volatile infiltrates in the lungs resembling tuberculosis, mental disorders and convulsions. Often, the disease occurs with severe relapses( repetitions).Especially often with toxocarosis, the eyes are affected. In the eyes there are tumors that have to be removed, often along with the eye itself.254 cases of eye removal were analyzed, and toxocara larvae were the cause of this in half of the cases!

    Parasites can live on both the animal's body and inside it. Dogs and cats can get infected through fleas, as well as during walks. By the way, about walks - who will calculate how many tons of waste our four-legged brothers keep on their streets every day? Dog feces dissolve by melt water and are carried to the storm sewer. According to experts, in large cities the soils are almost completely infected with worms. When examining children's sandboxes in Moscow, 90% of cases were detected by infection with eggs of Toksokar worms.

    If your pet regularly takes you on a walk, remember: the dog's feces( and cats!) Are not fertilizer for the soil, roses from them will not grow better in the yard or in the park. But your children, as well as the children of your neighbors can become a habitat for various pathogens of parasitic diseases. The requirement to "pick up a dog" is dictated primarily by health care, and only then - about cleanliness and beauty. If during the walk the dog is heavily smeared, sprawled in the grass, the ground or in something worse, be sure to wash it, and putting on rubber gloves!

    Even if you do not have pets, you can bring home parasites on the soles of your shoes.

    In this case, pets like to sit in our chairs and sometimes sleep in our beds. There is nothing easier than to get infected by parasites from your favorite pussy. Loving owners are inconceivable and think that to live without pets, let alone part with them, but then there must be careful veterinary control. It is necessary to carry out two, or three times a year, preventive anthelmintic therapy( necessary in April and at the end of August) and begin at an early age, because, like a human, many microorganisms penetrate the blood of the fetus through the placenta, andalready newborn kittens and puppies are infected with parasites. Do not treat four-legged human medicines without special consultation with the veterinarian. Preparations for the expulsion of parasites in dogs and cats can be bought at pet stores. Veterinarians believe that the best for today for dogs and cats preparations from worms is drontal, proteol, azipyrine, polyvercan. They are given to animals without a preliminary diet, in quantities counted by the weight of the animal. If the infection is severe, the treatment is repeated after 10 days, but, as a rule, it is enough once.

    With any - any!- malaise of a dog or cat: diarrhea, temperature, weakness, if it is not possible to consult a veterinarian, give them antihelminthics according to the instructions. Even if this ailment is caused by viruses, you will still get a positive result. Destruction of helminths will help restore immunity, which will enable the animal's organism to deal with viruses faster.

    Given the expanding contacts of our citizens with the exotic world of the tropics and subtropics, special attention should be paid to the worm infestations of countries with hot climates.

    What is dangerous for tourists Turkey, Egypt, Thailand, other hot countries?

    90% of tourists from Russia go to Turkey and Egypt. Of these regions, mainly enter the intestinal infection - amoebiosis. Infecting them is extremely easy: through vegetables, fruits, swimming in the coastal zone or in the local basin. More often than not, tourists are fed with raw vegetables and fruits, which are not washed well with unboiled water, and sometimes with irrepressible thirst for sharp impressions. No German or Frenchman will ever come to dinner in the quarter of the Asian poor with dishes of national cuisine. Western travel agencies in advance intimidate clients with all sorts of horrors, and therefore the traveler-European is cautious and wise. Russians rely on their own "maybe".However, "avoi" does not pass in the southern latitudes. Having bitten in the Turkish tavern a dolma with raw beef, you are guaranteed to pick up something like a bull tie. And not noticing that they were infected( and how can you notice this? No way!), Grow this worm in your intestine to seven meters in size.

    In Vietnam, tourists can be offered dishes from raw pork, in Korea - dog dog, somewhere else even a jackal delicacy. Do not even try! Let the national cuisine outside your hotel remain the national pride of the people you are visiting, but this food is not for you.

    In exotic countries it is dangerous not only to eat and drink, but also just to live. The most innocuous action there is fraught with surprises.

    Does the disease always and necessarily develop if the simplest microorganisms or helminth eggs get into the host's body?

    In an adult human body, there are protective barriers that can stop invaders or significantly reduce the harm that they can cause. Eggs of worms can die in the mouth, because in the saliva of man there are destructive enzymes for them. Aggressive to parasites acidic environment of the stomach, too, can stop them. A properly functioning intestine also has local immunity and produces antibodies that can destroy pests.

    But this is the reaction of the body to a healthy person. How many of us can boast of absolute health? In an organism weakened for one reason or another, all these barriers may not work. And the worms will get into our body without hindrance, where they will start their harmful activity very quickly.

    The most unpleasant thing is that, unlike chickenpox, which is sick once in a lifetime, certain types of parasites can be infected again and again. Married couples, as well as children with parents, are usually carriers of the same parasites. Accordingly, if you have an infection, then it is necessary to examine all members of your family, and all of them must be treated simultaneously. Otherwise, the idea loses its meaning - you will again and again become infected from your loved ones, who have the same disease in a latent form.

    Parasites are part of the natural world, a special form of life. It is unlikely that they will ever disappear at all. No one can be sure that he will avoid meeting them. And if so, how do you find out if you are "spared"?

    From parasites that have settled in your body, not just get rid of. But it's even harder to find them there.

    You probably noticed the symptoms of parasitic infection often mentioned here: indigestion, allergic reactions. Unfortunately, it is the same as in such a hallmark of parasites as in trying to find Petroff Nikolai Ivanovich in medium-sized cities, medium height and middle age. Such signs will suit thousands of people. Yes, and weakness can be the cause of a dozen diseases: from simple overwork to cancer. It is not enough to suspect helminthiasis, it is necessary to establish the type of pathogen. Without this, correct treatment is impossible, and the wrong treatment is simply harmful.

    Before you the algorithm. Carefully read and think.

    Parasites are one of the oldest organisms on Earth, and for many millennia they have developed many ways of successful coexistence with humans. Proceeding from the ultimate goal of any living being( preserving itself as a species), the helminths acquired the capacity for prolonged existence in the human body. In this case, most of the helminthic invasion has no bright manifestations, especially at the first time.

    The insidiousness of parasites lies in the fact that they are perfectly able to adapt to living conditions. Many of them manage to "get along" with the owner so that they stop causing any obvious symptoms. A person can not feel absolutely no sign of their presence. Or there is a slight malaise, but it is so difficult to determine what caused it. Very often people simply do not consider it necessary to consult a doctor.

    Parasites are cautious and insinuating. They do not need their master to die. For what? Where should they go, poor people? The lifetime of the roundworm is up to one and a half years, the cysticerca is up to 10 years, the Menson schistosome is up to 25 years old, the clonorch is up to 40. Having lived so many years in peace and quiet, eating well can grow to gigantic proportions! Therefore, they try to observe the rules of the game and do not particularly "stick out", do not make themselves felt much. Slowly, lightly, the worms are full, people are safe. ..

    This is the point of view of the parasite. However, we have another. We do not want to live with them, do we? So, we will try to find and liquidate.

    The first thing that should alert us is chronic diseases.

    Parasitic infections can contribute to the occurrence of various sores. Doctors will prescribe medications that must overcome the ailment, but parasites - the fifth column of our body - will counteract from within and will nullify all efforts undertaken. Here is a small and far from complete list of diseases that can be caused precisely by parasites. Therefore, if you have identified the following diseases, consider whether parasites can cause them:

    • anemia,

    • asthma,

    • arthritis,

    • autoimmune disease,

    • bedwetting,

    • chronic fatigue syndrome,

    • Crohn's disease,

    • dysentery,

    • immune dysfunction,

    • intestinal inflammation,

    • rheumatism,

    • various inflammations of the mouth and gums,

    • ulcerative colitis.

    How many people have chronic digestive problems, suffer from constipation, flatulence, bloating, permanent allergic reactions, abdominal pain for an unclear reason or simply from endless fatigue. .. The number of possible symptoms is almost infinite. Usually a person does not even think that he was attacked by worms. Parasites deftly camouflage themselves under the most common diseases and confuse even doctors.

    It makes sense to cleanse the body of parasites to all who suffer from seemingly the most common ailments, but for some reason the traditional medicines do not help at all.

    It happens so - a person feels bad, and the doctor is not able to determine the cause of the disease. He says that everything is normal, the tests are in order, they just overtired, he advises drinking vitamins. And he himself looks so unwell: "I will not give you a hospital man, my dear fellow. Because nothing hurts you. "

    Sometimes a doctor is more sympathetic and understanding. But he still puzzles with his hands or, even worse, offers a treatment that does not help at all, moreover, it gets worse from him.

    If you had such an unpleasant story, remember the parasites! Perhaps, they were the cause of poor health.

    Well, finally, the symptoms. But remember, they are suited to so many diseases. In any case, if you notice such manifestations in your life, you should be alert - it is quite possible and even likely that uninvited guests have settled in your body somewhere.

    Constipation. Some species of the glisten, strongly bred, can block the bile and intestinal tract, which leads to rare and difficult feces.

    Diarrhea. All parasites, as you already know, secrete toxins. Excess of some toxins leads to frequent watery excrement. Diarrhea in this case is the result of the vital activity of the parasite, and not an attempt by the body to get rid of the infection.

    Gases and bloating. Some parasites, living in the upper part of the small intestine, cause inflammation of its walls, which leads to the formation of gases and bloating. If a person uses a lot of difficult to digest foods, for example beans, it only exacerbates the problem. Similar symptoms can last many months and even years.

    Pain in the joints and muscles. When parasites settle in articular fluid and muscles, a person experiences pain, which is often considered a consequence of arthritis.

    Anemia .Parasites suck nutrients out of the host's body. If their number is large, they can cause a sufficiently large loss of blood, resulting in a lack of iron or anemia.

    Nervousness. Metabolic products and toxic substances released by parasites can irritate the central nervous system. Anxiety and nervousness are often the result of infection by parasites.

    Sleep disturbance. If you often wake up in the middle of the night, especially between 2 and 3 hours, your body may be trying to get rid of toxic substances through the liver. According to the postulates of Chinese medicine, it is during these hours the liver is activated, and because of the presence of parasites it has a lot of work, this interferes with your calm sleep. Sleep can also be disturbed due to the fact that at night some parasites exit through the anus, which causes itching and severe pain.

    Chronic fatigue. Weakness, apathy, depression, decreased concentration of attention and memory can also be associated with the presence of parasites, because the vital activity of these aggressors leads to a lack of nutrients in the body. You lack the necessary vitamins and trace elements, which inevitably affects your well-being and mood.

    In addition:

    • A chair with a disgusting smell.

    • Frequent appearance of a loose or watery stool or periodic constipation.

    • Recurrent spasms in the abdominal area, as well as rumbling and gurgling in the stomach, not related to the feeling of the city.

    • Pain in the chest or heartburn, which previously was not.

    • Inflammation and breast enlargement not associated with the menstrual cycle.

    • Symptoms that resemble influenza, such as cough, runny nose and fever.

    • Food allergies to many types of foods.

    • Itching around the anus, especially at night.

    • Unclear headaches.

    • Various skin problems - from trivial acne to psoriasis.

    • Hair loss.

    • The presence of parasites in the body can also indicate a sharp weight loss or, conversely, a sharp and unexplained weight gain.

    Depending on the parasite that has entered into you, the picture of the disease will be different. However, there are common features. As a rule, helminthiasis passes in two phases.

    The first phase of is associated with larval and developing stages of helminths. It is rather short-lived - from getting into the body of a parasite before moving to a permanent place of residence. At this time he migrates inside our body, because at this stage of his development he is still poorly adapted to existence in organs and tissues. At this time, parasites exert both mechanical and toxic-allergic effects.

    This is an acute phase, it proceeds like an allergic reaction: fever, pain in the muscles and joints, itching rashes on the skin. When migrating through the lungs - cough, up to hemoptysis, which is often forced to suspect pneumonia.

    The second stage of is chronic. It proceeds in different ways, and the degree of its manifestation depends on the number of parasites in the body and the specific places of their habitat. If the worm is one or a few, there are no special problems. Symptoms of the disease are manifested when the helminth becomes a lot, or when a lone parasite "will forget" and roughly breaks the rules of the game( for example, a small - just a two-meter wide - ribbon, awkwardly turns, closes the lumen of the intestine).

    Therefore once again we remind: do not put yourself the diagnosis yourself. When suspected of helminthiasis, the diagnosis and treatment should be performed by a physician.

    There is one more variant of the development of events. It is possible that you feel healthy and do not observe any of the symptoms listed above. However, this does not guarantee that you are free from parasites. It is possible that your immune system, fortunately, is still strong enough to neutralize the harm caused by these invaders.

    The danger is exacerbated by the fact that health professionals do not pay due attention to this problem.

    Therefore, if you do not find the above symptoms and generally feel good - this is not an excuse to relax.

    Especially if:

    • pets in the house;

    • you have small children;

    • you have a household plot, and you are actively engaged in gardening;

    • you like active outdoor recreation.

    What if you suspect that you are infected with parasites?

    Given the ecological situation in the modern world, it is possible to say with sufficient probability that most parasites live in the body of most people. How to pass the examination for the presence of parasites?

    Not all parasites can be seen without the help of a microscope. Far from all of them leave the human body and can be found, for example, in the analysis of feces. Very often, by consulting a patient complaining of diarrhea, the doctor prescribes a medicine that removes symptoms, and does not bother to think about the possible cause of the disease. But if the parasite responsible for diarrhea still lives in the human body, is it possible to have a complete cure? Most likely, the disease, slightly muffled by medicines, will return after a while.

    Even if your doctor assumes that you have had parasites, the test results may be negative. After all, as a rule, your tests will be processed in the laboratory of a local polyclinic, where, most likely, there is no necessary equipment, which means that the probability of finding parasites is very small. Why?

    Traditionally, the presence of parasites is determined by the analysis of feces. But this method is unreliable - parasites can be detected if the lab technician does not notice the eggs under the microscope. That is, the presence of worms will be established only if they deign to lay their eggs immediately before testing, and this can not be relied upon. Some doctors recommend doing three stool tests at some intervals, but, unfortunately, and this often does not work. After all, every kind of parasite lives, obeying its own cycle. Some lay eggs once every 14 days, others - once every two months. Do you guess this periodicity? Hardly.

    Therefore, if you are determined to find out the cause of the health problems completely, you should go to the laboratory that specializes in parasitology. There at your service will be special equipment and the latest methods of diagnosis. It may be necessary to pass the tests several times, because one analysis will not be fully informative.

    To detect parasites that live outside the intestinal tract, you will most likely have to pass a blood test.

    Such an analysis is able to determine the presence of antigens( parasites and products of their vital activity) in the human body and antibodies( immunoglobulins).Antibodies, as is known, are nothing but a defensive reaction of the body to the invasion of alien organisms. If the parasite has got to you, the immune system immediately turns on, and such antibodies start to be produced.

    The presence of antibodies and antigens in the blood and will be proof that the person who donated blood was attacked by parasites. This method is highly sensitive. The result of the hit is about 90%.In addition, enzyme immunoassay allows to determine the type of parasites, their number, and the level of antibodies in the blood will reveal the dynamics of the process.

    This parasite analysis is performed on the basis of DNA analysis. This method allows us to identify the invasion( introduction) of the simplest organisms, viruses, and intracellular parasites( for example, chlamydia).The downside of this method is that it will not give you the full picture and will not tell you about the number of parasites in the body.

    Currently, a modern type of diagnostics and treatment is actively developing - bioresonance. Diagnostics by the method of Dr. Voll was well proven.

    The method of the early system computer electro acupuncture diagnostics of Richard Voll was developed in 1953 in Germany and now unites more than ten thousand physicians of various specialties from 33 countries of the world. One can argue about the possibility of treating all diseases by the Foll method( according to his followers), but even parasitologists send their patients to Voll's examination today, because this method reliably determines parasitic infections.

    All living things have their own frequency range. These electromagnetic waves are easily captured by a special device. For example, the same radio. Each human organ also has its own specific frequency response. It is known and entered in the computer program. The doctor uses a special sensor to take readings from different organs. When the organ is healthy, the frequency coincides with the standard in the program database. Such a comparison occurs for each organ - thereby determining all the diseases that are in the organs. Each change in the characteristics of the organ is associated either with a specific disease, a virus, or with a fungus, a parasite. The program determines, from which the changes in the characteristics of the organ form, and shows: for what reason the organ is not healthy, or what parasite has lodged in the beloved body.

    In our country, the technique of vegetative resonance testing( ART-Imedis-test), developed from Dr. Voll's methods, has been developed and introduced, but largely revised and improved to the level that German scientists unconditionally recognize in them many new prioritydirections.

    However, not all doctors trust the Foll method. And they refer it to the category of paramedical methods of diagnosis.

    Although modern diagnostic methods can detect almost all forms of parasitic infections, often cases of infection remain undisclosed. Not through the fault of specialists-parasitologists, but solely through the fault of patients who are not attentive to their body and do not consider it necessary to undergo the necessary laboratory examination.

    Watch for yourself and do not show such carelessness!

    Of all the huge amount of parasites we will stop the attention to worms, they are helminths, or, simply, worms.

    Civilized people living in comfortable conditions may think that the sounded topic is not "about them" or "for them".It may seem to them that this is where diseases, unsanitary conditions, life below the poverty line, and the like. But, alas, no one is immune to helminths. This is the reality of our life, to the realization of which thinking people, including our dog-trained doctors, begin to come at last.

    Let's start by talking about helminths, known medicine and science. In the second part, we will open to you a world of worms, unknown to medicine, science, or traditional healers, and indeed to no one at all. If you hold this book in your hands, it means that the marked topic is not indifferent to you and, maybe, even interesting. At least, I would like to hope for it.

    Worms, or simply worms, or, as they are called, helminths, are parasitic organisms that live in various organs and tissues of the human body. Their presence and vital activity cause a variety of diseases, which are called parasitic. They are also called helminthic invasion, or helminthiases. Section helminthology about parasitic worms and caused by them diseases of a person is called medical helminthology. The World Health Organization has included parasitic diseases among the six most dangerous human infectious diseases. Each helminth requires its methods of dealing with it. A universal way that would at once deliver us from all parasites is not and, you see, can not be. It's clear.

    Virtually any person living on earth can be a carrier of helminthic invasion. Therefore, everyone should know about helminths, who care about their own health. You should also have an idea of ​​who he provides his own body as a comfortable housing with all the amenities and an abundance of delicious food. And, if you want, also about whose waste of life, whether he wants it or not, you have to consume it yourself. So let's get acquainted!

    We do not claim comprehensive information about helminths. In this case, we would have a multivolume work. Interested people can find relevant special information in textbooks and teaching aids on parasitology.

    Morphofunctional features of various worms must be known at least in general outline, so that success in their exile, if you want to get rid of them, was obvious. If it's easier, then you know who to drive and how "it" looks. And carefully watched the results of their work in this, at first glance, not quite a noble cause.

    Well, the classification of worms, their division into classes, species and subspecies, is necessary, since different methods are used to drive out different types of worms. That is, each helminth has its own "broom".There is no universal way to banish all worms at once.

    Adapting to the conditions of life in the body, helminths develop a number of features in the form and structure of the body, in physiological processes, reproduction and development, in behavior, in the ability to tolerate adverse conditions.

    In the structure and life activity of various types of worms, there are common features common to whole groups, as the living conditions in the body are basically the same for worms of different species and classes.

    The whole vast and diverse world of helminths is divided into roundworms, or scientifically, nematodes, and flatworms, which in turn are divided into tapeworms, or cestodes and flukes, they are trematodes. This is the most simplified scheme.

    Another type of worm has been revealed, as it is now fashionable to express itself, using the prefix "neo", a certain neohelminth. They called these worms algae-shaped.

    Helminths can occupy almost any organ and any tissue of our body. In this book, we will focus on those helminths that have chosen a habitat for the gastrointestinal tract. We will explain this by the fact that the gastrointestinal tract is the most popular place of localization of helminths due to the fact that infection occurs mainly through the mouth. For helminths, this is the simplest and most accessible method of penetrating an object of its parasitism. In addition, helminths living in our latitudes are based mainly in the gastrointestinal tract, where we find algae-like worms.

    The worms are divided into intermediate worms, where they pass through the larval stage and mature, and the final ones - in them helminths live most of their life, become sexually mature and are able to cause this or that disease. Sometimes in the final host, helminths spend the rest of their lives. It also happens that the owner of the worm is one for life( of course, the life of the parasite).

    Of roundworms, the most common are ascarid, pinworm, whipworm and trichinella. Roundworms are also called nematodes.

    The number of diseases caused by them and the breadth of their distribution are the most numerous worms, at least in our latitudes.

    Ascarids are roundworms. In addition, they are the largest representatives of roundworms. Ascarids refer to restless helminthes: they are active, mobile and can penetrate, if they want, into any human organ. A stringed body of ascarids is able to even drill holes in the walls of the intestine and other tubular organs. The body of the live roundworm is strong and resilient. The impression is that the walls of the body are under great internal pressure. The body of these worms on a cross-section is round, hence the name.

    Ascarids are the most highly organized worms. These are, as a rule, dioecious worms, with well-developed digestive and excretory canals, as well as the nervous system. Female ascarids can reach 30-45 cm in length, males shorter - 15-25 cm, with the posterior end of their body usually bent and sometimes even twisted.

    Thickness of ascarids on the average 6 mm. Their coloration can be of all shades - from white to orange-red colors. At death, ascarids have a pale whitish color.

    Inside the skin-muscular bag there is a fluid-filled body cavity. Inside are the internal organs of ascarids.

    Ascaride covers are a strong cuticle that does not respond to digestive enzymes. This circumstance is an obstacle to the pharmacological effect when trying to expel them. Only dead helminths can be affected by digestive enzymes and pharmacological agents.

    In the anterior and posterior regions of the body, there are sensitive papillae that perform the function of mechanical perception.

    Askarda human - geogelmint, which means that it parasitizes only in the human body.

    Adult ascarids live in the small intestine. In some cases, it can affect the liver, lungs, and also penetrate into the brain and eyes.

    In the intestine, ascarids are "digested" by ingestion of intestinal contents. Then they are parasites.

    Under unfavorable conditions, they can flee to other tubular organs, such as the caecum( appendix), in the ducts of the digestive glands, etc., then escape surgical intervention.

    Roundworms have no attachment organs and attachments. This they are very different from flat and tapeworms. But what holds them and why they are not thrown out together with excrement during defecation? And how can they resist uninterrupted peristaltic movements of the intestine?

    First, these are pretty large worms. Dimensions help them not only to digest food well, but also to counteract peristalsis. They are kept and thanks, as we have already mentioned, the elasticity of the body and muscle activity. Ascarids retain their positions, being bent into an arc, and at the same time they rest on the wall of the intestine. In addition, in order not to be thrown out, they make coordinated anti-peristaltic movements.

    Ascarids in large numbers in a restricted area of ​​the intestine are usually arranged in rows parallel to each other. Such a strategic grouping of parasites seems to be optimal for their nutrition, since the ascarids partially block the gut, which allows them to retain the intestinal contents longer for their nutrition and absorb the nutrients they need.

    Ascarids are very fertile. Females lay to 250 thousand eggs daily. It is estimated that the weight of eggs laid by one female within one year is 1500 times the weight of the worm itself. It turns out that a person infected with ascarids, along with feces, allocates a huge number of eggs. And the feature of the latter is a very dense shell, which protects them from the effects of adverse environmental factors. They almost do not have chlorine lime and other disinfectants.

    Ascarids begin to secrete eggs after reaching puberty. To fully develop eggs, they need oxygen, so they can not develop in the human intestine. Therefore, despite the huge number of eggs in the intestine, it is impossible to get infected from their own ascarids.

    For further development they need to go into the external environment. Larvae develop in eggs depending on temperature and humidity in the period from several days to several months. The optimum temperature for their development is 24-30 ° C.Infection occurs when ingested mature eggs.

    After swallowing and inevitable entry into the small intestine, larvae emerge from them, which enter the intestinal wall and penetrate into the blood vessels. Hence, the larvae migrate to the liver and lungs( migration stage - 6-7 weeks).In the lungs, the larva gnaws through the wall of the alveoli, and then with the sputum it appears in the oral cavity.

    Most likely, it will turn out that the owner will swallow it again. Thus, the larva enters the intestine. And this circle can be repeated again and again.

    7-8 weeks after entering the human, the larvae reach sexual maturity and lay eggs. We described a circle in which it is better not to fall. Hence the conclusion: never swallow sputum and mucus, which you can periodically spot in your mouth.

    The source of infection of people ascaris is the people themselves already infected with helminths. Once the feces of the infected person get into the external environment - they are already becoming potentially dangerous in terms of infection. Ascarid eggs fall into the soil, then into the air, are carried by the wind, rain currents, etc. A little imagination - and the picture is clear. These "gifts" can be brought home on street shoes.

    After drying eggs, ascaris becomes the main component of house dust. Yes, and on the street you can fully breathe ascarid eggs along with street dust.

    Compost is a favorite fertilizer used by gardeners on garden plots. So eggs can get on fruits and vegetables.

    Ascarias eggs survive, they can suffer a prolonged temperature drop to -30 ° C.They can be in the soil in a viable state for up to three years. They are resistant to various chemicals, but quickly die under the influence of high temperature. The temperature of +60 ° С kills them for 1-2 minutes, +70 ° С - in a few seconds.

    Once again in the human intestine, the ascarid larva changes into a sexually mature form after 2.5-3 months. The number of ascarids, simultaneously parasitizing in the human intestine, can reach several hundred.

    If we talk about the age characteristics of infection with ascarids, then children become infected more often than adults. But this is understandable, given that children are more often on the street, their games are often associated with soil and sand. Hygienic skills in children are absent.

    The disease caused by ascarids is called ascaridosis. Natural immunity against ascarids in humans is absent, so primary infection can occur quite severely.

    Excreted by ascarid products of vital activity, which inevitably enter the human body, are very toxic. Therefore, both at the pulmonary stage of the ascaris development, and at the intestinal stage of infection, allergic reactions are observed in the form of skin rashes, and symptoms of poisoning of the organism can also develop.

    When parasitizing ascarids in the intestine, various intestinal disorders are observed, caused both by the mechanical action of worms on the intestine, and by the action of toxins. Toxins can lead to intestinal obstruction due to spasm of the intestine. Ascarias toxins act depressingly on the hematopoietic system and cause anemia, which can be so acute that blood cancer is diagnosed.

    The effect of toxins on the nervous system leads to a variety of neurological disorders, such as sleep disorders, headaches, and, in particularly severe cases, to a violation of muscle tone.

    Even with a small number of parasites and absence of severe symptoms of ascaridosis, ascarids deplete the body, weaken the immune system, thereby aggravating the course of other diseases.

    Pinworms are small white worms 0.5 to 1 cm long.

    They are dioecious and parasitize in the final part of the small intestine and throughout the colon. The posterior end of the male body is spirally twisted. Parasites stick to the wall of the intestine, and can also penetrate the intestinal mucosa.

    Eaters eat both the contents of the intestine and blood.

    Female pinworms are filled with developing eggs in them, advance to the anus and crawl out through it. Most often it happens at night, but maybe in the daytime. The pinworms that crawl from the anus are crawling over the skin in the region of the anus, the genitals and thighs and laying eggs on the skin. After that, they perish. They live pinworms only about two weeks. Creeping pinworms are very irritating to the skin, the person scratching, while the eggs of the pointers fall on his hands and under his fingernails. From the hands of a person, eggs fall on household items and food.

    With food or with the bad habit of gnawing on the nails, the person becomes infected again. Similarly, people around him are infected. Especially often there is infection with pinworms in kindergartens, summer camps. It should be borne in mind that conventional disinfectants have almost no effect on pinworm eggs.

    In some cases, creeping pinworms can penetrate the genitals of women and girls. They can reach the uterus and even fallopian tubes, causing gynecological diseases. Often, the pinworm from the intestine falls into the appendix and causes its inflammation. The disease caused by pinworms is called enterobiosis.

    Enterobiasis is the most widespread helminthiasis. This is due to the peculiarities of the development of the pinworm and the mechanism of infection. Eggs ripen quickly. Optimal for them are the conditions usual for a person's dwelling, where they can also accumulate. Infection and self-infection is easily accomplished by violating the basic rules of hygiene. Enterobiosis entails a restless sleep, decreased ability to work, sometimes there are nervous disorders. The diagnosis is made when creeping pinworms are found, as well as eggs in scrapings from perianal folds or in imprints on the adhesive tape. In feces of patients with enterobiasis, pinworms and their eggs are most often absent.

    The whitewashed is a round worm of white or slightly reddish color. Its name was due to a peculiar form of the body - its anterior end is very thin, hairy, and the posterior end is thickened. Vlasoglavy are the dioecious.

    These helminths parasitize in the large intestine of the human and the caecum. The source of infection are eggs that are excreted from faeces. Eggs of the vaginal head are covered with several strong shells and are very resistant to external influences. In the rest of the way the parasite gets to the person and the prevention measures are similar to the ascariasis. Vlasoglav lives for a long time - more than 5 years.

    In the human intestine, the larva of the vaginal head emerges from the egg. Unlike the ascarid larva, it does not migrate through the body with blood, but immediately affects the intestine. The larva destroys the integrity of the intestinal wall and for 3-10 days lives and grows in it. Then it emerges into the lumen of the intestine, moves along it and is finally fixed by its head end in the wall of the blind or large intestine. Vlasoglavy can go deep into the wall of the bowel right up to the muscle layer. They eat withered heads with destroyed tissues and blood. In one and a half month the female starts to lay eggs. If a person does not comply with hygiene rules, the body immediately gets a lot of eggs. Infection with only one worm occurs rarely. With a strong infection, the vaginal head affects both the appendix and the lower part of the small intestine.

    Parasitizing withered heads leads to an illness called trichocephaliasis. This disease is accompanied by ulceration of the intestinal wall. Around the parasite in the tissue of the intestine, tumor-like formations grow and form. Inflammation of the intestine develops, which can lead to intestinal vascular thrombosis and intestinal infarction. In addition to direct effects on the human intestine, the poisonous release of the parasite acts both directly on the digestive system, and on the body as a whole. Toxins of the vagus head suppress the normal functions of the stomach, disrupt the activity of the digestive glands. The patient may develop a stomach or duodenal ulcer. Normal digestion of food and absorption is disturbed. There is nausea, pain in the intestine, constipation or diarrhea as a consequence of intestinal peristalsis. The defeat of the appendix often causes its inflammation.

    Trichinella ( or trichina) are localized in the sexually mature state in the small intestine and have microscopic dimensions: females 3-4 mm, males 1.5-2 mm. These worms are characterized by live birth. Larvae of Trichinella, as can be clearly seen in Figure 5, live in the muscles. They are coiled and covered with a capsule.

    Trichinella are able to "occupy" all mammals, but in natural conditions - mostly carnivorous and omnivorous( pigs, wild boars, cats, dogs, mice, rats, bears).They can parasitize in domestic animals, such as pigs, rabbits. The same organism can be for trichinella first basic( sexually mature forms in the intestine), and then an intermediate host. This applies to the person infected with Trichina.

    In nature, there are difficult ways to exchange these parasites between wild and domestic animals. The parasite can fall into the pigs when they eat dead mice and rats, using pigs or meat of infected animals for feeding pigs.

    Parasitizing this worm causes a disease called trichinosis.

    The person most often becomes infected when eating a stricken Trichinella and poorly fried or cooked pork. People can become infected by eating also the meat of wild animals, hunted by hunters. If meat is checked by veterinarians in the markets, you can not vouch for the quality of the meat of wild animals purchased on occasion.

    In general, meat should be bought only in official markets where there is sanitary control, or in stores. It is dangerous to buy pork from casual sellers, since even among the most clean owners it will most likely be infected with Trichinella. Domestic pork smoked products are of great danger.

    Meat of doubtful origin should be very well boiled or roasted( this also applies to poultry meat).You can not cook shish kebab from such meat. Compliance with the rules for cooking meat dishes is the only means of preventing trichinosis.

    Trichinella larvae localized in meat are surrounded by a capsule, which is formed from the host cells. When eating such meat, larvae emerge from the capsules into the human intestine and reach sexual maturity within three days. Fertilized females are attached head end to the mucosa of the intestine. The peculiarity of trichinella is that females produce eggs and larvae immediately. The female Trichina lives only about 50 days and has time to produce up to 2 thousand larvae. The life span of males is about the same.

    In the intestine of a human, larvae permeate its wall, exit into the lymphatic vessels, and from there into the circulatory system through which they spread throughout the body. After a few days( from 3 to 9) they begin to settle in the muscles. Most often affected by a diaphragm, intercostal muscles, laryngeal muscles, tongue and neck, eye muscles, urethra and esophagus, as well as leg muscles. Sometimes the peritoneum, the lungs, the brain, the retina of the eye and, as an exception, even the heart, may be affected.

    Trichin larvae excrete substances that destroy the tissues affected by them. An active inflammatory process is developing. The human body begins to defend itself: a capsule is formed around the larva of the parasite. It protects the human body from the parasite, but at the same time it contributes to the normal existence of Trichin larvae. The walls of the capsule germinate with blood vessels and nerve endings. With blood, the parasite receives from the human body the nutrients it needs, and itself draws into the blood harmful products of vital activity, which can cause an allergic reaction and can poison the entire body.

    With a sharp decrease in the resistance of the organism Trichina behave differently. The new larvae do not migrate from the intestine to the circulatory system, but are introduced into the intestinal mucosa, rapidly develop in its tissues and after a few days return to the intestine, where larvae are again produced. Some of these larvae go to the blood and settle in the muscles, and some again make accelerated development without leaving the gut. Such a process can be repeated many times, and in a short time the infestation of the body will increase tens of times.

    The most important symptom of trichinosis is the appearance of edema. They begin with the eyelids, then the swelling captures the whole face, spreads to the neck, body, limbs. At the same time, the temperature rises( to 40 ° C and even higher), which lasts for up to a week. There are muscle pains. During this period, the disease resembles the flu. Muscle pain intensifies, it is painful for a man to move, swallow, even move his eyes. There are disorders of the gastrointestinal tract: diarrhea, severe abdominal pain, vomiting. The defeat of the nervous system causes insomnia, headaches, depression, or, conversely, painful arousal, delirium, hallucinations. People who have had the misfortune to consume infected meat usually fall ill.

    The acute period of the disease usually lasts 2-3 weeks, then gradually the symptoms begin to relax and trichinosis goes into a latent form. With a very strong infection or weakening of the body, complications can develop - heart damage, pneumonia, meningoencephalitis.

    The , or hookworms, are reddish worms. Their size does not exceed 1.5 cm. In Russia, these helminths occur on the Black Sea coast, since they can develop normally only in the zone of subtropics and tropics.

    The headpins parasitizing in the duodenum of the person, allocate eggs which with faeces get to the external environment. Larvae emerge from the eggs in the soil;they can live in the ground for a long time, up to a year and a half. When walking barefoot or laying a man on the grass, the larvae dig through his skin. On moistened by rain or dew of plants, larvae can ascend up to 30 cm. When a person walks on grass, larvae can penetrate into the body through the skin of the shins, even through stockings.

    Another way to infect these parasites is by swallowing eggs while eating with dirty hands.

    After the penetration of the larvae through the skin, they migrate through the human body with blood, like the larvae of ascarids. If a person swallows a larva with contaminated food, it enters the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, penetrates into the bloodstream and then moves along the body. Then the larvae behave like the larvae of the ascarids: they linger in the lungs, penetrate into the cavity of the alveoli, along the respiratory tract rise to the pharynx, swallow together with the saliva and through the stomach pass into the duodenum, then into the initial section of the large intestine. Here, the curved heads cut through their sharp teeth the intestinal mucosa, penetrate deeply into its wall and begin to grow. Females give up to 10 thousand eggs per day.

    Illness caused by the head, is called ankylostomidosis. After penetrating the larvae through the skin, a person may develop an allergic reaction in the form of a rash, develop an inflammatory-purulent process. The pulmonary stage of development of larvae is accompanied by hemorrhages and symptoms similar to pneumonia.

    Parasitizing the curve of the intestines leads to a violation of the integrity of the intestinal wall with the development of ulceration, the inflammatory process spreads to the neighboring parts of the digestive system, a decrease in acidity, heavy duodenitis. But the most severe consequence of ankylostomidosis is anemia. Symptoms of anemia in animal experiments were identified already during the migration of larvae through the body with blood. Anemia develops as a result of several pathological processes caused by ankylostomidosis: worms injure the intestinal wall with their sharp jaws, causing bleeding, suppressing the synthesis of hemoglobin, impaired protein metabolism, reduced acidity prevents the assimilation of iron from food, parasites secreted by toxins inhibit hemopoiesis.

    Ankylostomidosis is manifested by progressive anemia, severe weakness, up to total loss of ability to work, yellowing of the skin of the palms and soles, the appearance of edema throughout the body, especially on the feet, thinning, pain in the duodenal region, nervous disorders associated with the defeat of the diencephalic region of the brain. Patients complain of a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, the desire is coal, earth, clay, paper.

    The intestinal cirrus is a periodic parasite, ie part of its life cycle this helminth conducts in a parasitic state, the rest of the time in a "free flight".

    Intestinal acne is small, up to 2 mm in length, a round worm parasitizing the human small intestine. Although more often this disease occurs in a warm, humid climate, it can also be infected under normal conditions( except for northern latitudes).

    In the intestinal erythema, larvae leave the eggs in the intestines, they enter the soil with faeces, where they develop and grow. Immediately, blackheads can also multiply, bypassing the phase of parasitism in humans. Developing from larvae males and females of intestinal ugliness can mate in the external environment, females produce eggs, from which larvae again leave in the soil.

    The infection of human larvae occurs either through the skin, or when larvae enter the mouth with contaminated food. Larvae penetrate into the blood, develop in the bloodstream of a person, enter the lungs, then penetrate into the pharynx, swallow and enter the human gastrointestinal tract.

    In the intestine of a human, the females of the intestinal ugly are affected mainly by the ducts of the digestive glands, they can penetrate the mucous membrane of the stomach and small intestine, under the mucous membrane of the blind and colon, as well as into the bile ducts and ducts of the pancreas. This makes them less vulnerable to drugs.

    Disease caused by intestinal ugliness is called strongyloidiasis.

    Strongyloidosis begins with allergic reactions - itching, hives. The defeat of the intestine causes severe diarrhea, alternating with constipation. Constipation with strongyloidosis is very dangerous: the larvae of the parasite are not removed from the intestine, but penetrate through the intestinal wall again into the circulatory system, again migrate through the body and eventually return to the intestines, resulting in a multiplication of parasites.

    There are about 1800 species of tapeworms. Their body is flattened in a dorsoventral direction and resembles a ribbon in appearance. Hence the name. These worms are classed as flat worms.

    The body of cestodes on the front end has a head, or scolex. The part of the body behind the scolex is the growth zone. It is called the neck. Here grow segments, or proglottids, forming in aggregate the body of the worm, or strobila. The length of the strobila depends on the species from a few millimeters to 10 meters or more. The number of proglottids can be different - from one to several thousand.

    Unlike other worms, Cestoda does not have a developed muscular layer in the shell. To maintain its vital activity, the parasite must be inextricably linked with the host. This is natural and quite understandable. This circumstance gives impetus to the development and improvement of the attachment organs, which in the cestodes are formed very purposefully. If you hold on, then keep tight. That's where another name of the cestode is from.

    The attachment organs are usually located on the head( scolex).These can be suckers, suction cracks, hooks of different configurations, and the suckers can be combined with hooks. The presence of certain attachment organs and their number characterize certain types of chains.

    Behind the head is an unsegmented neck, from which the young proglottids gradually bud off. In the middle of the strobila( body) are segments with developed male and female reproductive systems. They are called hermaphroditic. The last segments of the body contain exclusively the uterus filled with eggs. These segments are called mature. They are separated from the body.

    Since the segments contain both male and female reproductive system, cestodes are capable of self-fertilization and egg formation even when only one worm is parasitized. In each joint a huge number of eggs is formed, comparable to the number of eggs produced by one round helminth.

    However, in some tapeworms, the egg cells of one segment can be fertilized by the seminal bodies of another segment.

    Thus, only the very high sexual productivity of many helminths, reinforced by the same hermaphroditism( ie, the ability to self-fertilize), balances the unproductive loss of a huge number of eggs, which could be fatal in the absence of such fitness.

    But why so many eggs? And this is an adaptive mechanism. During the wanderings of the helminth from the intermediate host to the final one, a huge number of young embryos perish from various accidents: some from the enemies, others from the fact that they do not find a favorable haven for their further development, and only a few fall into more or less favorable conditions. And of course, there and "land", that is, they go through a further cycle of their development.

    So, a wide ribbon in all life can allocate 11 billion eggs, and in the human body fall and develop to the adult form, as a rule, from 2 to 5 of its descendants. If the broad ribbon did not have so many obstacles to continue its kind, the number of eggs allocated to them would undoubtedly be much less.

    Digestive, circulatory and respiratory systems in tapeworms are absent. As useless, as you already guessed. But this does not speak of the primitive functioning of tape worms, but rather of reasonable expediency. What for, it is asked, to tape worms digestive system if they in a plenty receive ready-to-eat foodstuff? Which, however, was not intended for them, but for us. Well, then they are parasites.

    Skin-muscular bag, or tegument, has a structure typical for all flat worms. We note one important feature - it releases an antiproteolytic enzyme that protects the parasite from digestion in the intestines of the host.

    Most tapeworms enter the environment only at the egg stage, but multiply only in the host's body. Some tapeworms can cause autoinvasion( i.e., self-infection) of the host with eggs that do not even enter the external environment( eg, dwarf tartar, pork tapeworm).

    The development of a parasite from an egg occurs with a double or triple change of hosts. Such a complex development cycle requires a kind of "excessive reproduction", as a result of which each parasite produces an astronomical number of eggs, spending on it all the resources stolen from the owner.

    According to the peculiarities of biology of tapeworms of practical importance in medicine, it is possible to divide into groups whose life cycle: 1) is associated with the aquatic environment and 2) is not associated with the aquatic environment.

    Gelycinths, whose life cycle is associated with the aquatic environment, is a wide ribbon. Helminths of the second group are bovine tapeworm( unarmed), porcine tapeworm( armed), dwarf tselement, echinococcus and alveococcus.

    Tape worms in the development cycle have two stages: mature( usually parasitize in different parts of the intestines of humans and domestic animals) and larval worms - oncosphere and finnu( tissue parasite in the intermediate host organism).

    Let us dwell on the description of specific helminths in order to correctly and competently navigate in all their diversity.

    This is the largest representative of all parasitic worms, which chose a human body for its habitat, more precisely, its gastrointestinal tract. Its length is 2-10 meters, and in some cases 15-20 meters. Life expectancy is tens of years. The life cycle is related to the aquatic environment.

    Like all cestodes, the ribbon has a flat ribbon shape, at the narrow end of its body there is a head with the attachment organs, which are called suction slots.

    The whole body of the worm consists of segments, and in each of them simultaneously contains both male and female reproductive systems.

    The path of human infection with a wide ribbon is as follows: first, eggs with feces and sewage enter the pond, then through a certain kind of crustaceans into the fish. Larvae of the Ribete develop here. Inside a person, larvae get into eating contaminated fish or caviar.

    If the infected fish is badly boiled, roasted or loosely waxed and salted, then the parasite's larvae do not die, but go on to parasitize in the human intestine.

    A wide ribbon is, as you understand, a large parasite, so the presence of even one worm is enough to cause serious harm to the body. It is even capable of causing an intestinal obstruction, which often results in a complex and unsafe surgical operation.

    There are cases when the parasite of a wide ribbon is asymptomatic. Often this is due to the individual characteristics of the human body, and in particular to the ability of the intestine to not suck in the toxins released by parasites.

    Cats and dogs are infected with a wide ribbon when they eat raw fish. And although a person can not get infected directly from infected pets, do not feed your pets with raw fish, so as not to harm them.

    Man is the ultimate master of the parasite. Lentets, attaching to the intestinal mucosa, injures it, begins to grow and produce offspring. One parasite per day can allocate more than 2 million eggs to the environment. Naturally, with this "performance", he very actively consumes the resources of the host.

    The impact of the Rapean on the human body is determined by damage to the intestinal mucosa, a violation of the motility of the gastrointestinal tract( caused by neuroreflexive effects on the digestive tract), poisoning the body with the products of the vital activity of the parasite and developing allergic reactions, and the rapid development of vitamin B12 deficiency and folic acid. This, in turn, disrupts the process of hematopoiesis and leads to the development of anemia. In some cases, there may be seizures similar to epileptic ones. And yet there are no signs specific for the presence of the parasite! Weakness, headache, bloating, flatulence, sweating - all this rarely leads the doctor to think about the presence of the parasite. Such a sign, as a night scratching teeth, is found in only 17% of cases - the significance of this sign of popular rumor is clearly exaggerated. And the rare complaints about "stirring in the abdomen" from the therapist cause only one reaction - to send his patient to a psychiatrist.

    Disease caused by a wide ribbon, called diphyllobothriasis.

    The disease begins with mild symptoms. There is nausea, rarely vomiting, pain in the intestines, unstable stools, appetite decreases. On the skin may appear rashes( hives).Gradually the symptoms intensify. One of the most typical symptoms of diphyllobothriasis is the development of anemia and hematopoiesis. Blood tests reveal an increase in the number of eosinophils, a decrease in the number of red blood cells and a decrease in the level of hemoglobin. The liver and spleen increase.

    A person infected with a wide ribbon, looks pale, swollen, gradually losing weight. Body temperature usually rises slightly, but can reach 38-39 ° C.On the tongue and inner surface of the cheeks often there are characteristic bright red spots, they are painful, can be covered with cracks. Over time, the papillae of the tongue are smoothed out, the tongue becomes as if lacquered. Perception of taste of food is violated.

    Cardiovascular system suffers: the tachycardia develops, the heart volume increases, the arterial pressure decreases. There are complaints of headaches, agitation or insomnia, there may be convulsive seizures.

    The disease can last for years, periodically the symptoms are weakened, then renewed. But after the parasite is expelled, all symptoms quickly disappear.

    The correct diagnosis can be made after the analysis of feces on the eggs of the worm. In addition, the stool may contain detached segments of the worm.

    The life cycle of this helminth is not associated with the aquatic environment. The man uses this parasite as the ultimate host.

    The bull chain is called unarmed, since it does not have special attachment hooks on the head, which further injures the intestinal mucosa.

    This is a large helminth of the human small intestine.

    Its length can reach 10 m. The head of the worm has 4 powerful suckers, with which the helminth is attached to the wall of the intestine. The mature segments are strongly elongated, so that the length of the segments considerably exceeds their width.

    The uterus, filled with mature eggs, is present in each segment. Eggs of round shape. Inside the egg is a larva, the so-called oncosphere.

    In the feces of the patient there are usually no eggs, but only segments that can actively creep out from the anus. These creeping segments are very active and swiftly move along the body and underwear. Despite the almost daily separation of up to 6-8 joints or more, the length of the chain does not decrease, since new segments are formed in the growth zone. The life span of a bull's chain is up to 20 years or more.

    When the segments are maturing, eggs are released through the rupture sites, which enter the feces and the skin of the perianal region. In this case, the segments can partially or completely be released from the eggs.

    The ultimate host is a person whose small intestine has a helminth that can live up to 20 years, allocating about 1 million eggs a day.

    Intermediate host - cattle. Animals become infected by eating grass or hay, contaminated with human feces containing eggs of chainworm. In muscles of the animal, swallowed eggs or segments of the chain, Finns are formed, called cysticerci. Finn is a vial filled with a liquid in which a scolex is located. In muscles, Finns can remain viable for many years. When a man consumes infected meat in his stomach under the influence of an acidic environment of gastric juice, the head( scolex) turns out to attach to the wall of the intestine, and a new cormorant develops.

    When preparing contaminated meat, Finns can be on hand and from them get on other products that are not subjected to heat treatment. Therefore, after cutting meat, you should immediately wash your hands, knives and cutting boards. You can not try raw minced meat, although this is a favorite method of many housewives. Finns can remain viable in a shish kebab, in a sherry from fresh-frozen meat. Compliance with the rules of "kitchen" hygiene avoids infection.

    The kitchen sphere is the destiny of women, therefore they become infected more often than men. Among men, invasion occurs in occupational groups associated with slaughtering animals and preparing food( workers in slaughterhouses, meat processing plants, cooks, etc.).

    As a result, we have a disease, which is called shadowarhinhosis. Powerful suckers of the worm, pinching the intestinal wall, cause its irritation and disruption of normal blood circulation in the intestine. The parasite is actively shrinking, while it irritates the intestines, causing convulsive contractions of the latter, which leads to paroxysmal pain in various areas of the abdomen.

    Crawling in the intestine segments often crawl into the appendix and cause its inflammation. As the worm grows, painful symptoms intensify. If at the beginning of infection a person experiences constant hunger, then over time, a persistent loss of appetite develops. The person is losing weight. The released toxins poison the body. The liver suffers, in which the blood purifies from toxins, there are symptoms similar to hepatic colic. Violated the activity of the stomach, first developed increased, and then decreased acidity. There is a strong weakness, dizziness, irritability, often a bad dream, sometimes convulsive seizures. After the expulsion of parasites, most of these symptoms disappear.

    This is a relatively rare, but very dangerous parasite. Its length can reach 3, m. It affects the small intestine of a person. Such a disease is called toiosis. The larvae of this helminth can affect the internal organs of man. Then a very dangerous disease develops - cysticercosis.

    The head, or scolex, is equipped with 4 muscular suckers and a halo of hooks. Kryuchiev can be many - from 20 to 30.

    The adherent chain has about 850 segments, the last 80 to 100 segments are mature, with fertilized eggs. As the posterior segments are separated, new segments grow from the cervix. During the year, a tapeworm armed can produce up to 800 mature segments. In each of them more than 50 thousand of the smallest eggs that are scattered in the external environment.

    The ultimate host is a man, in between is a pig. A characteristic feature is the ability of the segments to actively creep out from the anus. When drying, the shell bursts, and eggs can freely dissipate in the external environment. This process can contribute to birds and flies. Of eggs, swallowed by an intermediate host - a pig, the ocosphere develops and later cysticerci.

    The source of infestation is only human. The patient isolates with mature feces mature segments containing eggs. For further development, the egg must enter the intestine of the pig. Usually pigs eat feces and swallow eggs, from which a 6-hook oncosphere leaves in the stomach. With the help of hooks, it digs the intestinal wall, penetrates into the blood vessels and carries blood, and then turns into a Li-chinku-finnu. Finns of pork tails can develop in almost all organs, but most often they settle in the connective tissue of the muscles. A person becomes infected by eating pork, not sufficiently thermally processed.

    When a Finn gets into the human intestine, a tapeworm develops in him. The parasite grows rapidly and reaches a length of 2 m. The adult worm separates the mature segments containing eggs. These segments are usually excreted with feces. When vomiting, which is often observed with shade, these segments can be thrown from the intestine into the stomach. Here, under the action of gastric juice, segments are destroyed, eggs emerge from them. Six-crocheted embryos emerge from the eggs directly in the stomach. They enter the intestine, then into the blood and are carried throughout the human body. From these embryos in human tissues larvae develop - cysticerci( essentially the same Finns) that cause cysticercosis.

    There is another way of infecting a person with cysticercosis - if a person swallows an egg of a parasite. This can happen if the hygiene rules are not respected, when the eggs of a pig's chain are on the hands of a person, stained with soil.

    Symptoms of cysticercosis are an eating disorder, nausea, stool disorder, abdominal pain, headaches, sleep disturbances. Usually, when defecating, fairly large, up to 3 cm in length, light ribbon-like formations - segments of the parasite. Detection of segments in the stool serves as the basis for the corresponding diagnosis.

    The development of cysticerci in the subcutaneous tissue and muscles of the body is accompanied by pain, a person is often diagnosed with rheumatism. The most dangerous places in the development of cystecercles are the brain and the back of the brain and eyes, these organs most often affect them. The defeat of the nervous system is accompanied by severe headaches, convulsive seizures, paralysis, blackout of consciousness and mental disorder. Eye damage leads to loss of vision. Sometimes cysticercises develop in the heart, lungs and even in bones. The diagnosis is based on radiological and immunological examinations.

    This is a relatively small helminth up to 5 cm long with a head equipped with suction cups and hooks. It is a tapeworm that goes through the entire human life cycle in the human body. That is, there are no intermediate hosts for this worm. Such cycles of development are not common among helminth worms. The helminth's ability to reproduce in the host for a long time without leaving it at the egg stage is a rare phenomenon.

    But this is a dangerous parasite. And its danger is that adult, mature sex parasites and larvae develop in the human intestine. It is enough to catch only one worm, so that in the human intestine there are already several dozen parasites. The disease caused by this helminth is defined as hymenolepiasis.

    When ingested into the intestine from the egg, a six-egg embryo emerges, it penetrates into the villi of the intestine, and the larva develops there. After a while it goes out again into the lumen of the intestine and gives rise to an adult worm. Adult dwarf chains give off eggs, of which larvae develop again here in the intestine. The larvae remain in the intestine, eventually they turn into adult worms and also begin to excrete the eggs.

    Under normal immunity, a large number of larvae die, and with time only adults remain. Preventive maintenance of disease is simple - observance of personal hygiene, damp cleaning of premises with disinfectants.

    Parasites break the integrity of the intestinal wall, causing bleeding, so in the stool of an infected person there is almost always an admixture of blood. Inflammation of the intestinal wall develops. Chains produce toxins that act on the entire body, especially the nervous system. In the wound are bacteria causing secondary infection( hymenolepiasis is often accompanied by dysentery).

    In adults, hymenolepiasis can be asymptomatic. Children suffer the disease is much heavier than adults. The patient is disturbed by nausea, vomiting, aching pain in the abdomen. A characteristic symptom is a frequent loose stool with an admixture of mucus. A person grows thin, he often has a headache, increased excitability, irritability. Children can have convulsive seizures. Poisoning by the products of the vital activity of the parasite causes compaction and painfulness of the liver.

    The correct diagnosis can be made after the analysis of feces on the eggs of the worm, while only fresh stool is being studied, since it is more difficult to detect eggs in old bowels. The eggs of the dwarf chain are not released every day, but cyclically, so if the result is negative, the test should be repeated several times.

    The length of this helminth is up to 40 cm. The practical importance of this parasite lies in the fact that its final masters, in addition to humans, are cats and dogs. But at the same time a person can get infected if the animals are parasitized by fleas and withers. The disease is called dipilidia.

    Adult pumpkin-shaped chains parasitize in the small intestine of cats and dogs, along with excreta, the eggs containing the sexually mature segments appear outward. These segments are similar to individual worms, they are elongated and can crawl independently, crawl out of the feces and creep along the house or soil surface. Eggs of the parasite in them are packed in several pieces into peculiar cocoons.

    The segments collapse, the cocoons are in the external environment - on the ground or on the floor of the house. Such a cocoon should be eaten by a flea larva. If the animal has fleas, then their larvae will necessarily be on the litter of the animal, and from there they can spread all over the house.

    Adults often have asymptomatic diphtheria. Infection can be detected by seeing in the stool foreign formations of white, mobile. Children tolerate dipilidia is much heavier. The patient is vomiting, diarrhea, poor appetite, increased salivation, periodic abdominal pain, increased nervous excitability, restless sleep with screaming. Infected children pale and grow thin.

    So far we have been talking about parasites that live in the human intestine, and those helminths that either completely or partially pass through it in their own way of life.

    Now let's talk about the extra-intestinal worms. And in particular, about helminths, using man as an intermediate host. But from this they are no less dangerous.

    Echinococcus is a rare but dangerous parasite. It is a worm that, in a sexually mature state, parasitizes some wild animals and dogs. Man is an intermediate master, but from this it is not easier for him. In humans, internal organs are parasitized by its larvae - hydatids, which can reach the size of the head of a newborn child.

    The main source of infection for humans is dogs. In the intestines of dogs there is a ribbon parasite - echinococcus. This is a very small cestode, its length is only about 0.5 cm, and the body consists of four segments. The last segment contains mature eggs.

    From the intestine of the infected dog with excreta, mature mobile segments are distinguished. They crawl on the ground and scatter eggs. Movable segments can themselves crawl out of the dog's anus, mix over the wool and contaminate it with eggs. A person becomes infected with echinococcus, when he swallows the eggs of the parasite. In addition to humans, eggs of echinococcus can be swallowed by domestic animals - goats, pigs or sheep. They also develop hydatids.

    In the human intestine, a six-egg embryo of the parasite emerges from the egg. It penetrates into the wall of the intestine, and from there - into the blood vessels. With the blood, the embryo spreads through the body and settles in the internal organs. Most often it occurs in the liver, lungs. Inside the affected organ, the hydatid develops from the embryo - a fluid-filled bladder. Its dimensions range from a few millimeters to 15 cm or more. The development cycle and ways of infection with this helminth are shown in Figure 16.

    The bubble has a two-layered wall. On the inner shell of hydatids, secondary bubbles begin to form in which the parasite heads develop. Formed, they separate from the wall and float inside the bubble. Inside the hydatids there are several thousand heads of echinococcus. In addition to internal daughter bladders from hydatids, external secondary bubbles can also separate. Then a lot of hydatids develop simultaneously in the affected organ. If the hydatide breaks, the secondary blisters emerge into the abdominal cavity and develop there as independent hydatids. There is multiple echinococcosis.

    In order not to catch echinococcosis, you can not iron stray dogs. If you have a dog, it is useful to treat it from tapeworms with drugs based on prazikvantel. If you are dealing with livestock, wash your hands thoroughly before eating. Animals can lie on the ground, infected with Echinococcus eggs, and then these eggs will fall on their wool. High infection of echinococcus butchers feeding their dogs with internal organs of killed animals infected with cysts of echinococcus was noted.

    The growth of hydatids is slow, for a long time( months and even years) the disease can be asymptomatic. A thick capsule, formed around the hydatida, first sufficiently fences the human body from the developing parasite. During this period of the disease, while the hydatid is still small, under the influence of the defenses of the body, it can die. Then the wall of the bladder becomes calcified, and with such a cyst one can live to a very old age.

    However, in most cases the development of hydatida continues. The products of vital activity released by the parasite poison the body. Early symptoms of echonococcosis are mild malaise, weakness, poor appetite, skin rashes. As the bubble grows, the echinococcus squeezes or displaces the internal organs. The liver and spleen are enlarged and displaced, the diaphragm is deformed. There may be mild symptoms of jaundice. The danger of echinococcosis is that even in the presence of these symptoms a person still does not feel strong pain. Therefore, an inattentive doctor, most likely, will miss these signs of the disease.

    Often, the disease at this stage of development is detected by X-ray examination for some other reason. With the development of hydatids in the lung, the symptoms resemble tuberculosis: cough, chest pain, low temperature, the appearance of sputum with an admixture of blood.

    Echinococcosis usually manifests itself when complications occur. The most common complication is the breakdown of the hydatid. In order for the gap to occur, quite an easy injury or even a finger pressure on the doctor during the examination. In this case, a large amount of vesicle fluid is poured into the abdominal cavity, containing both secondary bubbles and parasite heads, as well as substances that are extremely harmful to the human body. The disease begins abruptly: strong pains appear in the abdomen, the poisoning of the body leads to a strong urticaria with excruciating itching, convulsions appear, and a shock condition develops. The ruptured bubble is usually suppressed. Internal suppuration leads to severe inflammation, purulent, often fatal peritonitis develops.

    As already mentioned, the recognition of the disease is difficult until the appearance of characteristic symptoms of the breakdown of hydatid, when the life of the patient is already in immediate danger. The hydatids in internal organs are detected by X-ray, ultrasound or tomographic examination. When referring to a doctor for any reason, do not forget to say that there is a dog in your environment - this can help the correct diagnosis. Of course, this applies to doctors thinking and knowledgeable enough. But such doctors, unfortunately, are few. But to have more of them - this is the aim of the book.

    Alveococcus and echinococcus are very close, the difference is only in the main host: adult alveococcus parasitizes on wild animals - foxes, arctic foxes and other predators, rare in dogs and cats. Livestock is not affected by this parasite. Therefore, a person usually becomes infected by swallowing alveococcus eggs, in conditions of wild nature. Groups of risk are hunters, furriers who make skins of wild animals. It is also dangerous to drink water from small, non-current forest ponds. You can also get infected by eating berries and edible plants harvested in areas inhabited by wild predators. A preventive measure that helps to avoid infection is adherence to hygiene rules when dealing with wild animals, for example with their fur.

    When ingested alveococcus eggs in human tissues, a bubble-like formation develops - the larva of the parasite. It also forms secondary bubbles. But alveococcosis is more dangerous than echinococcosis in that the separation of secondary blisters goes mainly not inside the primary bladder but outward. In the beginning, the liver is usually affected. Then, from the primary bladder, numerous secondary bubbles are separated. They contain some liquid, their cavity is filled with a dense cartilaginous tissue. These bubbles germinate into the large blood vessels, small secondary bubbles continue to separate into the blood, they are carried along the body and undergo further stages of development in internal organs. The whole organism can be affected: liver, lymph nodes, lungs, brain, kidneys and adrenal glands, spleen, heart, muscles, eyes, abdominal cavity. The process of gradual damage to the body can last for many years.

    With liver lesions, alveococcosis is similar to echinococcosis. The bladder of alveococcus is dense and is more often detected by physicians while probing the liver. In this case, doctors often have a suspicion of oncology. Alveococcosis is most often found in the late stages of the disease, when only unsafe surgical treatment is indicated.

    It remains for us to consider another type of flatworm. These are flukes, or, scientifically, trematodes.

    The body of the trematode is flattened in the dorsal-ventral direction and most often has a leaflike, sometimes rounded or elongated shape.

    Their size varies from 0.1 mm to 10-15 cm in length. One can even say that it was more clear that the flukes in appearance and internal structure are similar to those of tapeworms. However, compared to the latter, they have a developed digestive system.

    Most of the trematodes, like the cestode, are hermaphrodites and secrete eggs. But among them there are both viviparous and dioecious species.

    In the process of adaptation to the parasitic lifestyle, the trematodes developed powerful suckers. One is at the anterior end of the body and is surrounded by a mouth opening. Two large suckers can be located in the middle part of the body. Because of these suckers trematodes and received a widespread name - dvustok. These suckers serve as the organs of attachment to the host. Many flukes also have small spines covering the whole body and facilitating attachment to the organs of the host.

    Flukes have adapted to live in a wide variety of organs, tissues and systems - from the skin and sensory organs to the circulatory system of internal organs. These are the ubiquitous parasites. Let us stop and look closely at those trematodes with which a person can most often encounter in life or medical practice. This hepatic fluke, cat's fluke, pulmonary fluke, and blood flukes.

    After entering the human body, most flukes perform complex migrations along the way to the organs of their final dislocation. Flukes migrate through blood vessels or directly through the vast expanses of body cavity and inter-organ spaces. During travel and searching for the most suitable places for "parking", flukes cause severe intoxication in the host and it is extremely difficult to diagnose this condition, since its symptoms are similar to the symptoms of a wide range of diseases. Diseases associated with the activity of flukes are called trematodes.

    The development of trematodes is rather complicated, with the change of several hosts. Summarizing information about these helminths, so as not to burden our reader, we will try to omit details that are of little practical significance, which will facilitate the mastering of exactly the information that can be useful in life.

    In the habitat of flukes can be divided into the following groups:

    • living in the digestive system;

    • inhabiting the blood vessels;

    • inhabiting the lungs.

    In our liver and bile ducts there is a hepatic fluke, or liver fluke, or scientifically fasciola.

    These are large leaf-shaped worms measuring up to 3-5 cm in length. The front part of the body is elongated conically. On it are two suckers - oral and abdominal.

    Eggs are large, oval in shape, yellowish-brown in color. They have a lid on one pole, on the other a hump. The life of the parasite is several years. The final hosts are herbivorous animals( large and small cattle, horses) and a person, in between - a mollusk. The disease caused by this worm is classified as fascioliasis.

    In eggs that fall with feces into the water, larvae develop( or scientifically, miracidia), which are then actively introduced into the body of the mollusk, the intermediate host, where they become a sporocyst. The larvae are covered with cilia, due to which they actively swim in the water.

    After a lot of sailing in search of an intermediate host, the larva, finding it, actively takes root in his body. After several stages of development, the larva emerges and enters the host's liver through the grass that it eats. So cattle are most often infected by eating grass from flooded meadows or consuming contaminated water, and man - through water and dirty vegetables.

    Parasites penetrate the liver either through the vessels of the portal vein, or - gnawing through the intestinal wall, enter the abdominal cavity and, actively moving through it, reach the liver and penetrate it.

    A young liver fluke feeds on liver tissue and its blood. Gradually, the parasite destroys the liver tissue and purposefully moves to the bile ducts. The tissue period of development of the hepatic fluke begins, which ends on the 7th-8th day after penetration into the liver. Sometimes the parasite remains in the liver tissues, but in this case a capsule forms around it. The presence of a capsule of the hepatic fluke causes inflammation and degeneration of the hepatic tissues.

    The hepatic fluke penetrated into the bile ducts clogs them. Changing the walls of the bile ducts and breaking the outflow of bile promotes the development of a secondary bacterial infection. The liver becomes inflamed and destroyed, the bile ducts expand. Hepatic fluke emits harmful substances that cause the development of an allergic reaction. The affected person develops fascioliasis.

    The latent period of the disease lasts from 1 to 8 weeks. The disease begins with malaise, increasing weakness, headaches, loss of appetite, sometimes hives, slightly increased temperature.

    In case of severe infection, the temperature may rise to 39-40 ° C, the whites of the eyes glow slightly. Gradually the painful symptoms intensify. There are pain in the liver and in the stomach, nausea, sometimes vomiting. The liver gradually thickens, it becomes painful. There are attacks of severe hepatic pain, accompanied by an increase in the liver. After an attack, the liver quickly shrinks to normal size.

    The poisoning effect of the parasite affects hemopoiesis: the spleen increases, the number of red blood cells, leukocytes and eosinophils increases in the blood. Over time, acute events subsided, the blood state is normalized, the disease turns into a chronic form. It occurs with periodic disorders of the intestine, from time to time there are attacks of hepatic colic with the development of mild jaundice.

    As a result of a long illness, a serious disorder of the liver functions with jaundice, diarrhea, severe anemia develops. Without treatment, a person can die. Unlike many other parasitic diseases, immunity to hepatic fluke in the human body does not develop.

    Diagnosing the disease is quite difficult. If the parasite penetrates the liver tissue, then it is almost impossible to detect it, the diagnosis is made on the basis of symptoms. If the hepatic fluke affects the bile ducts, then its eggs are excreted with bile into the intestine and are found in the analysis of feces.

    Hepatic fluke refers to parasites that are very difficult to expel. No infusions of herbs or pumpkin seeds on them do not work. Prazikvental, very effective for expelling other flat worms, does not affect the hepatic fluke almost. It is not recommended to perform liver cleansing with fascioliasis, since the parasite will become

    out through the bile ducts, as a result of which the liver can collapse. If the hepatic fluke affects the bile duct, bile during cleaning does not have the opportunity for a normal outflow, which causes an attack of hepatic colic.

    The hepatic ligation is killed by taking certain medications, which we will not name. Since the expulsion of this parasite can itself be fraught with serious complications. This should be done in a specialized clinic.

    Moving along the host's body, the larva of the hepatic fluke can settle not only in the liver. They were found in the lungs, under the skin, in the eyes, in the ears, in the suppurating appendix.

    This worm is pale yellow in color from 4 to 13 mm in length. Body elongated, conically tapering toward the cephalic end. The life of this parasite is more than 10 years. Eggs are small, oval, pale yellow, on one pole - a tubercle, on the other - a lid.

    Its parasitization causes opisthorchiasis.

    In recent years there has been an increase in the prevalence of this disease in the territory of Russia.

    The main hosts of this worm are man and carnivorous animals such as a cat, a dog, a fox, a fox and others.

    The first intermediate host is the freshwater mollusk, the second is the fish of the Cyprinidae family: ide, roach, bream, etc.

    In the mollusk, the egg passes certain stages of its development - from sporocysts to cercariae. The latter leave the mollusc and freely swim in the water. Cercariae actively penetrate through the outer integument into the muscles of the second intermediate host. This last stage is invasive for the final host, i.e., man.

    A person becomes infected with opisthorchiasis when eating poorly cooked, fried, as well as dried and raw freshwater fish. In the muscles of the fish there may be larvae of the cat's fluke. In the human intestine, they actively migrate, reach the bile ducts and penetrate them. Here they suckers( which we have already talked about) are attached to the walls of the bile ducts or ducts of the pancreas. And they begin to grow after this.

    Usually there are a lot of larvae of this parasite in one fish, therefore a person can hit at once from several tens to hundreds of these flukes.

    Fish should be properly cooked. Larvae perish in fish when they are boiled for 20 minutes. Depending on the size of the piece, fry the fish for 10-20 minutes. In the faded fish, the larvae are well preserved, which can not be said of hot-smoked fish.

    Before cold smoking, the fish should be salted for at least 14 days with good and reliable salting out. Freezing fish does not kill the larvae, as one would imagine.

    Despite the name, the cat's fluke is not transmitted to humans from cats and dogs, although cats and dogs themselves can be infected with this parasite. Infection of man occurs only through the fish. However, you still need to protect your pets. But how? At least do not feed them raw fish.

    Biliary ducts and the bladder parasite are saccularly stretched, their walls become inflamed and thicken. The liver is partially atrophied, in it connective tissue grows. Inflammation of the pancreatic ducts also leads to their widening and thickening of the walls, and inflammation can pass to the pancreas and cause pancreatitis. The work of the digestive system is disrupted, the stomach suffers - the normal secretion of gastric juice and the contractility of the stomach walls are disturbed. The most dangerous consequence of opisthorchiasis, in addition to cirrhosis of the liver, is pancreatic cancer and liver.

    Symptoms of opisthorchias resemble the symptoms of many other diseases of the pancreas and liver. At the onset of the disease, this is a slight increase in temperature, stool disorder, abdominal pain. These symptoms are like poisoning. Then there are persistent pain in the liver and in the stomach, sometimes these pains are given to the back or left hypochondrium. There are dizziness, headaches, insomnia, mood swings, increased irritability. There may be an allergic reaction in the form of urticaria.

    The liver is enlarged, then it can take almost normal dimensions. Characteristic pain in the gallbladder. Almost all patients with opisthorchiasis develop gastritis with a low acidity. Normal operation of the liver and pancreas is disrupted more and more, cholecystitis, chronic jaundice, pancreatitis gradually develop. Because of the secondary attachment of a bacterial infection, bile peritonitis and acute pancreatitis can develop.

    All these signs are characteristic for some other diseases of the liver and pancreas. A competent doctor with such symptoms will necessarily appoint a study of feces for eggs of parasites, as well as examination of bile and pancreatic juice that are obtained by probing.

    Pulmonary fluke is an egg-shaped trematode covered with spinules. In life, this worm is painted reddish brown. The oral sucker is located terminal, the abdominal sucker approximately in the middle of the body. The length is 7-13 mm. Eggs are golden brown, oval, round, with lids. These are trematodes, which, as you have already guessed, amaze the respiratory organs. The disease, which is provoked by this helminth, is called paragonimosis.

    The ultimate host is a person, a dog, a cat, a pig and some predators. Adult parasites live in the enlargements of the bronchi. The first intermediate host is freshwater mollusk, the second is freshwater crayfish and crabs. Infection of the main host occurs when eating crayfish and crabs that do not undergo * sufficient thermal treatment. Eggs are excreted into the external environment with phlegm or faeces.

    In the gastrointestinal tract, parasites are released from the membranes, penetrate through the intestinal wall into the abdominal cavity, and from there through the diaphragm - into the pleura and lungs, from where they enter the bronchi - a favorite place of their dislocation.

    In the process of migration, the larvae of the pulmonary fluke damage the internal organs, causing hemorrhages, inflammation, as well as in especially severe cases - tissue necrosis in the wall of the intestine, liver, spleen, diaphragm, lungs. Even peritonitis may develop.

    Pulmonary fluke can affect the human brain. This happens in two ways. The larva itself can actively penetrate the brain, moving along the cervical vessels. Another path of defeat is associated with the introduction of eggs of these parasites into the brain with blood. Adult pulmonary flukes give off eggs right in the human lungs. The irritation of the lungs leads to a strong cough that causes the rupture of small vessels of the lungs. Eggs of the parasite penetrate into the blood and can be brought into the brain, while it develops an inflammatory focus. A cyst is formed around the adult parasite in the brain. A person has convulsions, develops meningoencephalitis, partial paralysis may occur.

    Sometimes the larvae of the pulmonary fluke develop under the skin of a person. A fester appears around the parasite. This can only be managed by surgery.

    Usually they are called blood flukes, or schistosomes. Diseases that cause blood flukes are called schistosomiasis. As a rule, schistosomes live in the veins of the human abdominal cavity.

    These are dioecious parasites. Young individuals live separately, but when they reach puberty they are joined in pairs. The male body is wider and shorter 10-15 mm, the female has a cord-like body up to 20 mm. On the ventral side of the male there is a groove in which the female is located.

    A wider male holds the female in its abdominal trough.

    The ultimate host is a man and various mammals, in between - freshwater mollusks.

    After fertilization, females lay eggs usually in the lumen of small vessels of the walls of hollow organs( bladder, intestine, etc.).Eggs with schistosomes have sharp spines, through which they move through the walls of veins into the lumen of the organ.

    But for further development they must get into the water, where they find intermediate hosts - mollusks. In the body of the molluscum, schistosomes consistently develop two generations of sporocysts, and then cercariae.

    Cercariae emerge from mollusks, swim in water and actively enter the skin or mucous membranes of the final host, i.e. human. This can happen when swimming, working in the water, drinking water from open water. Clothing, unfortunately, is not an obstacle for these parasites. Further, they enter the right ventricle of the heart, then into the lungs, into the veins of the mesentery, the walls of the large intestine, the genitourinary system through the lymphatic and blood vessels.

    For our latitudes the "collision" with schistosomes is fraught with schistosomal dermatitis, the so-called "itch of bathers".During bathing, parasites dig the human skin. Then in these places after a few hours there are very itchy, compressed bubbles. In 2-3 days everything can pass. But the allergic reaction with each new infection will be stronger and stronger.

    During the migration of schistosomes( young schistosomes), the most typical clinical manifestations of the disease are cough with sputum, symptoms of bronchial asthma, headache amid general malaise and weakness.

    Very morbid are the lesions of the genitourinary system, the "delights" of which we will not describe here. You can read about this in the special medical literature.

    Well and that, that the secondary infection can join and, as consequence or investigation, to develop purulent inflammatory processes, it seems, you have guessed already.

    About the "horror stories", which is still very, very much, if you come face-to-face with this worm with a beautiful name, you can tell a lot. Therefore, let us dwell on how to avoid this misfortune.

    The basic rule, at first glance simple, but sometimes difficult to perform in everyday life: do not swim in closed and low-flow water reservoirs, do not take water for domestic needs, do not wash or drink water from unfamiliar reservoirs. Especially beware of those reservoirs in which there are many mollusks. And also do not eat unwashed vegetables and fruits or washed with water of incomprehensible origin.

    They look like algae in appearance, twisted like ropes and intertwined.

    In an aerobic environment, being separated from stools, worms are not viable and rapidly decompose, so it is difficult to capture in photographs.

    These worms really exist and most of the population is infected by them. It sounds a little frightening, but what if it's true.

    A common feature of all algae-like rope worms is the lack of any forms of movement in mature forms. This feature they are similar to roundworms. They also do not have organs of secretion, circulation, and reproduction visible to the naked eye. Breathing, nutrition and excretion are obviously carried out by the whole surface of the body. It is not ruled out that intracavitary and intra-canal channels take more or less active part in this. But these features do not speak of a low degree of organization of algae-like rope worms. Simply they are arranged in this way and for their life support use other possibilities, different from those of known helminths.

    The sense organs and the nervous system are absent, which is due to the way of life. But this is not a sign of helminth degradation; rather, it is only an adaptation to the parasitic way of life.

    Some worms have a head on which there is a mouthpiece with four spinules 3 mm in length and two oval suckers( on the top of the head) with a diameter of 3 mm.

    The body of the worm is not segmented, it has a hilly surface with alternating areas of constrictions and extensions ranging from 0.3 to 4.0 cm in diameter. The length of an individual worm on average may vary from 3 to 100 cm. The body size of algal-like helminths is determined by the conditions of their existence.

    Unlimited amount of half-digested food, constantly available to worms, usually leads to an increase in the size of their bodies. They do not need to move around in search of food. The large sizes of these helminths help them not only to digest food well, but also to counteract the intestinal motility of the host, and also to be reliably kept in the place of dislocation.

    The coloration of algal-like helminths covers the entire spectrum of yellow-orange hues, but rather pale tones. This is quite natural, because throughout their lives they are in the dark chambers of their breadwinner, where no ray of light penetrates.

    Coloration may also depend on the substances that the parasite sucks from the host's body.

    The darkening of some worms can be caused by heavy metal salts that enter the intestines of the host together with food.

    The body worms are jelly-like, from dark brown to light brown color tones. Covers of the body are single-layered, they can be transparent and not transparent.

    As studies of algae-like rope worms have shown under a microscope, intracavitary canals are traced in the body thickness, the body covers are also permeated with channels. Worms are capable of capturing dissimilation products and transporting them through intracavitary canals. It is possible that the worms can also feed on the blood of their host.

    The head of the described worm, as a rule, is located in the rectum.

    In the process of vital activity from the body of the algal-like worm described above, parts of the body that are able to independently exist and grow separate. They have the appearance of the same algae-"ropes", but they have no head.

    At the head end of the body of such a "child" worm is a sucker, which can be either vesicular at the early stage of the development of the worm, or make up a large clot of mucus at the mature stage of the development of the worm. With this sucker, the worm is attached to the wall of the intestine.

    Such worms can be localized in almost all parts of the intestine. Small suckers can be located throughout the body.

    Depending on the age of the worm, the number of "algae-ropes" can be from 1 to 20 pieces. The basis for the development of the algal-shaped rope worm is the hemispherical sucker. The length of the hemispherical sucker can be 0.3-4.5 cm. When pressed, the vesicle-like suckers do not burst, unlike conventional gas bubbles. During the life of the worm, the vesicles can increase their volume. And this, in turn, leads to an increase in the total mass and volume of worms that fill the gastrointestinal tract.

    As a rule, algal-like rope worms are localized in various parts of both the small and large intestine.

    All stages of development of algae-like worms take place in the body of the same host, that is, a human. Intermediate hosts do not have algae-like rope worms. Larval stages, apparently, are also absent. It seems that they live in the human body as much as the person lives.

    Algae-like rope worms feed osmotically in the intestines of the entire body surface. A role in assimilation and dissimilation of food products is played by intracavitary and intra-canal channels.

    These worms are inactive, if not more. Why should they move? Half or completely digested food to their services. It is clear that under such conditions there is no special need for the movement organs, and they, naturally, are lost.

    At different stages of development, algae-like rope worms have their anatomo-morphological features. The transition from young forms to mature forms of the body of worms can undergo certain changes. These features give the basis to classify them depending on the stage of development as jelly-like worms, bushlike worms.

    Algae-like rope worms have one very interesting feature: in the process of vital activity, individual worms intertwine and, twisting around their axis like a corkscrew, form ropes, as it were. At least this creates the impression.

    Hence the name - rope. It seems that while curling and swelling, the worms block the lumen of the intestine and capture the intestinal contents, as if squeezing it, like the way the laundry is twisted after washing. Thus from intestinal contents "juice" is allocated - its or his liquid component which, probably, and absorb. Given that in the intestine algae-like rope worms are in large numbers, they probably divide the intestines into "zones of influence."Moreover, in each zone of the intestine there may be several dozen algal-shaped worms.

    In addition to the function of absorption and processing of food, the twisting of either one or several bodies may have another, no less important role in the life of the helminth. This "maneuver", in all probability, prevents the ejection of worms when passing stool masses through the intestines and ejecting them during defecation.

    The same goal is promoted by such a method as the release of gases from numerous gas bubbles through the intracavitary canals to the outside. According to the laws of physics, the body of the worms rush in the opposite direction( ie, inside), which again contributes to the retention of helminths in the intestine.

    The described techniques allow, in the absence of a muscular layer and a rather amorphous structure, to steadily occupy positions gained.

    Algae-like rope worms are quite large. This also helps them to stay in the intestinal cavity.

    Surface covers also give off a special substance - mucus, very corrosive, sticky and with a specific odor. Apparently, it has a double functional load. On the one hand, this substance helps worms attach to the intestinal mucosa, as if sticking to it, on the other hand, this mucus protects and protects against digestion and effects on the worms of proteolytic enzymes.

    It is possible that this mucus protects worms from immunological reactions.

    Some worms have a different anatomical structure at certain stages of development. The shape of the body is flat, resembling a jellyfish.

    Meduzdraznye worms have a mucous and amorphous structure of an indeterminate shape with a volume of 30 to 80 mm2.They are attached to the intestinal wall by the entire surface of the body. Eat osmotically intestinal contents of a person. Perhaps, in the course of life, the lumen of the intestine is blocked, delaying the progress of feces - that's where, in addition to other troubles, constipation is the scourge of modern civilization.

    There are suction cups on the body of worms, although they are not as pronounced as those of other classes of worms, and apparently are of no great functional importance.

    Some algal-shaped worms at a certain stage of development have a body resembling a bush of algae. These worms have a common base, as if a root of an undefined form, from which stem leaves in an amount from 10 to 30 pieces.

    On the surface of the body there are villi and suckers, by means of which worms attach to the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract.

    This type of worm is localized in the small and large intestine. The stems are round. Diameter from 0,1 to 1,0 mm, length up to 30 cm. In the stems there are intracavitary channels containing air bubbles.

    On the basis of the ultimate goal - long coexistence with a man who is the sole owner of their entire parasitic life, algal-shaped rope worms have adapted to this in a certain way.

    As a rule, they do not show themselves too much. At least at first they are not too "glowing", as if they are masked.

    They perfectly adapt to the physiological characteristics of a person, taking advantage of everything that he can give them, but in return they give nothing but all unpleasant "gifts."

    Often a person does not even feel any signs of their presence, except that endless and unmotivated fatigue. But who does not get tired now?

    By the way, these algae-like rope worms differ from worms of other species, the infection of which is sometimes acute, unexpected and quite stormy, and in some cases skilled doctors can immediately suspect this or that helminthiosis.

    Algae-shaped worms act cautiously, insinuatingly and at first do not bother the person who sheltered them. And they find shelter, as a rule, in most of us.

    But this is only at first. Having lived a certain number of years in silence, rest, not too bothering to find food, because it is always at their service, and in the finished form, you can grow to a gigantic size and in an immeasurable amount. Their development is not limited, apparently, to the time frames of life cycles, as happens in worms of other species. In addition, their lives are not interrupted by forced "business trips" to intermediate hosts. They multiply and. .. grow and grow. This is what happens with algae-like rope worms. But over time they cause the owner more and more harm, and a person can have a "whole bunch" of a wide variety of symptoms - who has more, who has less. Symptoms of prolonged intoxication, manifested in all in different ways. And the harm can be stronger where the person, if I may say so, has a weak spot.

    And now more about what we are injured by algae-like rope worms.

    Due to their large size, these helminths can physically block the intestinal and common biliary tracts, which leads to defecation disorders, to rare and difficult bowel movements, in common speech - to constipation.

    Described worms tend to increase the total mass in the course of their vital activity, not only due to the growth of the helminth body, but also due to the growth of the number and filling of specific gas bubbles. The latter may increase in volume and actively move along the interstitial ducts, causing a bloating, increased gas formation and flatulence. Such phenomena can be accompanied by strong sounds, audible even through the thickness of the abdominal wall: you can hear gurgling, rumbling, "croaking" and similar sounds - signals of trouble. Quite often, and "stirring" in the abdomen. That's why even young people who are not inclined to fullness, not to mention the elderly, have such large bulging bellies and a "pear-shaped" outline of the body.

    Inflammation of the intestine and deformation of its wall can squeeze the internal organs and, even more dangerous, the main vessels of the bloodstream. This is fraught with fluctuations in blood pressure and other cardiovascular disorders, which can be persistent in nature and, as a result, cause worsening of blood circulation, ischemia of organs and tissues, etc. The kidneys, heart, brain, eyes and otherimportant bodies.

    When killed, algal-shaped worms are not discharged outside, but remain on the intestinal mucosa. Expanding, they secrete a huge amount of toxins, which leads to intoxication of the body, its depletion and other unattractive phenomena.

    Because of toxins and their physico-chemical characteristics, the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract can become inflamed. Then we have in the presence of colitis, enterocolitis, ulceration on the walls, turning into an ulcer.

    Everything described can lead to diarrhea. Diarrhea is explained by the fact that the human body seeks to get rid of toxins, and therefore often they are accompanied by the release of a large amount of mucus. Diarrhea sometimes alternates with constipation. Due to increased gas formation, cramping pains in the abdomen are not excluded. Usually doctors connect them with anything, but not with helminths. They do not remember about them at all. They were not taught this.

    Bloating due to the specific characteristics of algal-shaped worms can lead to bulging of various parts of the intestine and the formation of an umbilical or inguinal hernia.

    And pressure on the bladder and urethra can cause prostate hypertrophy and other disorders of the urinary functions.

    The propensity of algae-like worms to intensified reproduction of their own kind, as a result of which their total mass increases, can also cause such a formidable phenomenon as intestinal obstruction, along with stagnant phenomena in it.

    And the products of the life of worms? They are very toxic and have a negative effect on the entire body. The liver suffers from an increase in the toxic load: its synthetic and bile-forming functions are impaired. Deficient bile does not properly stimulate intestinal peristalsis, which further exacerbates the painted picture.

    It's hard to imagine how much of the body's nutrients are consumed daily to maintain the existence and life-support of such a mass of worms.

    They feed on food that the host consumes, taking away all useful substances. The person, taking care of his health, takes food supplements with trace elements, vitamins, but they are intercepted by helminths, and the owner gets either crumbs, or nothing at all. The body begins to miss many useful elements, and he, unconsciously, without any apparent reason, begins to eat a lot and, as a result, gaining excess body weight, which is fraught with disastrous consequences. The excess weight is also promoted by the rapidly growing mass of helminths.

    Not all algae-like rope worms can affect the same way. It is necessary to take into account age, concomitant diseases, the state of the immune, endocrine systems. In each specific case, algae-like rope worms can behave differently, and the disease can proceed with its own peculiarities. And on the principle: "where it is thin - there and it breaks."

    The environment of their habitat - gastrointestinal tract promotes the increased reproduction and growth of algae-like rope worms. Why? Because they are not affected by either antibodies of blood plasma, or mechanisms of cellular immunity. What can not be said about helminths parasitizing the blood or tissue fluid. In short, the mechanisms of immunity against algal-like rope worms do not work. That's why they are so free to live.

    Algal-shaped rope worms are also characterized by active mucus formation, which can move upwards and penetrate the respiratory tract and lungs of a person. And the allocation of mucus can be quite intense.

    The most active phase of algae-like worms from 2 am to 6 am. During this period, the helminths actively feed, at the same time they swell, make sounds, an intensified separation of gases occurs. During this period, blood pressure may rise. A person often wakes up in the middle of the night, does not sleep well.

    The products of the vital activity of worms can irritate the central nervous system. Hence, anxiety, bad character, mood swings, various kinds of social phobia, etc.

    Algae-like rope worms irritate nerve endings in various parts of the gastrointestinal tract, which can provoke pain that is mistaken for the consequence of stomach ulcers or intestines, gastritis orinflammation of the gallbladder.

    If you often wake up in the middle of the night, especially between 2 and 3 hours, your body may be trying to get rid of toxic substances through the liver. According to the postulates of Chinese medicine, it is during these hours that the liver becomes active, and because of the presence of parasites it has a lot of work, it interferes with your sleep and full rest.

    Weakness, apathy, loss of attention, memory, inhibition, depressions of varying severity, reduction in athletic form and fast fatigue in athletes( for example, players, athletes, hockey players, etc.) can also be triggered by the presence of algae-like rope worms.

    Children and young people affected by helminths do not learn well, often they are not able to concentrate their attention in the learning process, often braked or, conversely, hyperactive.

    Particularly hard working for the night shift, when the activity of worms, as already mentioned, increases many times.

    Now a large number of intractable diseases with unclear etiology and blurred clinical picture have appeared. How many people have chronic problems that do not last for years( despite treatment) with digestion, suffer from constipation, flatulence, bloating, permanent allergic reactions or simply from endless unmotivated fatigue! The number of possible symptoms can be continued indefinitely. As a rule, neither the patient nor the doctor even thinks that the person is being attacked by helminths. Helminths deftly disguise themselves under a variety of diseases and confuse even bona fide doctors.

    You can also note for completeness:

    • stool with a hideous smell;

    • bad breath;

    • pain in the chest, legs, arms, lower back, which are mistaken for radiculitis;

    • black plaque on the teeth;

    • a constant accumulation of mucus in the throat and nose, chronic runny nose and cough;

    • frequent colds;

    • food allergies to many types of products;

    • debilitating headaches of incomprehensible origin;

    • various skin problems - from banal acne to psoriasis;

    • periodic scratching of the body in all its parts;

    • large bulging belly;

    • hair loss.

    Scientists around the world are increasingly inclined to think about the parasitic source of cancer. According to observations, in patients with oncological diseases described worms are present in abundance.

    So it is better to get rid of them to prevent or stop the development of cancer.

    The most dangerous are sluggish conditions. You just feel unwell, do not pay much attention to this. But sooner or later you will face serious health problems. You will suffer, not understanding what is happening to you, to avoid doctors, none of which can not help you. After all, most likely, doctors will treat specific manifestations of your illness, but is there any sense in trying to eliminate the consequence without understanding the cause?

    We must try to cleanse the body of parasites to all who suffer from seemingly the most common ailments, but who for some reason do not help traditional medications at all.

    Also, we add that, localized in a specific place of the gastrointestinal tract, helminths due to mechanical pressure on the tissue can cause their necrosis or atrophy.

    The presence of algae-like rope worms can not be determined by laboratory or microscopic methods by examining feces. There they simply are not present. Unlike other helminths, these worms will not voluntarily leave their "home", they must be expelled. And none of the known methods of ejection of helminths in this case does not work. That is why they have not been discovered before.

    Algae-like rope worms are very tenacious. It seems they live as long as the host lives. Over the long years of coexistence with humans helminths have achieved that their presence does not have a persistent immune response.

    Sometimes it happens that you feel, as they say, almost healthy. And no symptoms described above, you either do not, or they do not really bother you. But this does not mean that you are free from algae-like rope worms and parasites in general and this is not "about you."But. .. do not rush to conclusions. First, as we have already mentioned, at a certain stage of their development they can not manifest themselves in any way. A headache, eternal fatigue, allergic manifestations, pain, then here and there - well, who is paying attention to this today? And secondly, perhaps your immune system is still strong enough to neutralize the harm caused by helminths. But it's. .. for the time being.

    Snake-parasites .One of their representatives is a colic-viper. It occurs in North Africa, Southeast Europe and Asia.

    Some types of snakes are happy to penetrate into the gastrointestinal tract of a sleeping person through the mouth. Even the ancient Egyptian sources mentioned snake parasites, which caused acute pain in the abdomen. In our time, such snakes also occur. There is a well-known case with the cult Turkish actor Sonmez Jikilmaz, who decided to take a nap in the fresh air during a break between the shooting of another bloody militant. The snake crawled into him through the mouth, which confirmed the X-ray examination of the viscera. Muscular superman refused the operation, deciding to try out the folk remedies. In accordance with the traditional Turkish.method, he hung his head down over the basin with boiling milk. Strangely enough, it worked: after smelling the smell of milk, the snake crawled out and flopped into the basin. A similar case was recorded in Azerbaijan - the snake climbed into the eleven-year-old girl. In the local hospital, the poor thing had to drink 2 liters of salt solution to cause profuse vomiting and get rid of the parasite.

    Ghost Termites. Under this intriguing name are tapinoma melonosefalum. They are found in Australia and the USA.These termites have received such a name because of their transparency and microscopic dimensions, which makes them almost invisible. If the insect gets into the pants, it immediately dives right into the anus to lay eggs. Soon, the internal surface of the anus and rectum will cover with a rash, and for a long time it will be tormented by a burning sensation. It was these symptoms that led the two unfortunates to the doctor( one case recorded in Miami, the other in Sydney).The doctors were confused and decided to put an enema. After abundant irrigation of the intestines, a terrible picture was opened to the doctors: a huge number of eggs and termites hatching right before their eyes. Termites make themselves felt everywhere - they were found even in England, where they got on the clothes of tourists from Florida.

    Migrating larvae. A migratory larva, or molar migraine, is a collective name for a group of infectious larvae of animal worms. For these worms, a person is an accidental host, and getting into the human body, they do not develop until the mature state. A person invaded by migrating larvae is not a source of infestation for other people.

    There are two forms of lesions - cutaneous and visceral( organ).

    Clinical manifestations range from asymptomatic carriage and self-transitory manifestations to severe organ damage.

    In an adult state, worms parasitize cows, sheep, goats, pigs, waterfowl( ducks, gulls) in the body. Their feces are washed off with water, rains, it is thrown out in reservoirs, rivers, lakes, the sea, larvae - cercariae develop there from clams in molluscs. Then cercariae through the skin, through the mouth when bathing or when drinking water enter the human body.

    Develop from mild to severe skin and internal organs.

    At present, in connection with the deterioration of the sanitary condition of animals and water,

    1) larvae-larvae migrating dermal, caused by worm larvae - hookworm;

    2) migratory muscular larvae - Trichinella larvae.

    The source of the first are dogs, a person becomes infected by contact with soil, sand contaminated with dog feces. Often get infected on the beaches.

    When penetrating the larvae with hookworm through the skin, more often in the lower extremities, a different degree of dermatitis develops with redness, swelling, skin itching.

    The source of the muscular migrating Trichinella larvae is pig meat. Apparently, Trichinella has so adapted in the human body for 1,5 thousand years, that the larvae no longer fence with a protective shell, but move freely in the body.

    Often, when worms are treated with the resonant frequencies of the larvae themselves, the patients exclaim: "Oh, oh, crawl to another place!" And indicate where. Earlier there were thoughts: instead of to send these patients in "psychiatric hospital"?But when looking at a new location of localization, larvae are actually tested there, while they are not in the same place. Such patients were many, and were convinced of the possibility of travel of larvae to human tissues. Much later, scientific articles on the migratory worm larvae appeared in the scientific medical literature. There are patients who feel like they are moving in the skin or under the skin. And doctors need to listen to such complaints.

    Cercariosis is widespread all over the world, including in Russia. Pollution and overgrowing of internal urban water bodies creates favorable conditions for the development of mollusks and increase the number of urban waterfowl, and in this connection, cases of cercariosis began to occur not only in rural areas, but also in cities.

    Ankylostomidosis reaches a huge number in children, as 50% of sandboxes and beaches are infected with eggs and larvae of menacing flukes of blood - hookworms that affect even the heart of a person.

    Trichinosis affects not only the muscles of the muscles, but also the muscles of the heart, the uterus, as well as the mammary glands, leading to tumors-fibromas.

    For infectious diseases of animals that give us food( meat, milk, eggs), no one watches and does not respond. Veterinarians are responsible only for the loss of livestock. They forgot that infectious diseases are transmitted from animals, which do not immediately, but gradually lead children and adults to death.

    Salmonella, shigellosis, echinococcosis, opisthorchiasis, teniosis, cysticercosis, fascioliasis, hymenolepidosis, chlamydia and many others are transmitted through milk.

    Children's doctors say that already 80% of children are sick, and 30% - with chlamydia.

    Yes, the world around us is teeming with parasites. It is necessary to know about it and to carry out anti-inflammatory prophylaxis in the spring and autumn with herbs or medicamentous preparations not only to yourself, but also to your pets. Wash hands thoroughly and vegetables. And most importantly - to have positive thoughts and actions. Parasites await our stresses.

    Medicine believes that parasites can be cured. A lot of medicines have been developed that can cope with the infection, in other words - destroy the invaders. In the drug therapy of helminthiases, there is very great progress now. With respect to the intestinal group of worms, mebindazole( vermox) has proved to be well established. It has a fairly wide range, but only affects a portion of the round helminths. On ribbon parasites( trematodes, hepatic fluke) the praziquantel works well.

    First, do not treat yourself and do not treat your children without consulting an experienced doctor. Uncontrolled use of medicines can cause you irreparable harm.

    And secondly, such treatment, even under the supervision of a doctor, can be effective only if the diagnosis is accurately known! To make the diagnosis is extremely difficult. I already spoke about this above. Here and expensive studies, and blurred symptoms, and other interfering factors.

    Drug therapy has a big plus - as a rule, it is characterized by speed and reliability.

    In the case of severe parasitic infections that threaten human life, the use of antiparasitic medicines is justified and even necessary.

    Not at all in all cases, medications are generally effective. In particular, some parasites can simply move from one organ of the human body to another under the action of such a drug. This, first, will not bring the patient benefits, and secondly, it will make further diagnosis and treatment more difficult.

    Unfortunately, the attempt to create drugs capable of working "on all fronts" - one tablet against all kinds of parasites - has not yet succeeded. Modern antiparasitic drugs often destroy only one or two types of parasites and, as a rule, produce side effects of toxicity. If you shelter several types of parasites at once, then to destroy them, you will have to simultaneously take a large number of medicines.

    Most drugs can not be taken for a long time, and meanwhile, many parasites require a very long treatment.

    The human body includes an effective system of healing, so it is hardly always reasonable to load it with various medications that, in addition, may have side effects. And if you start to swallow a handful of medicine, you can very much "offend" your immune system - the main defender and keeper of your body.

    All of the above does not mean that doctors, all by the way, should be branded with shame along with their medicines and go to the people's healers. In no case! You just need to choose the right doctor.

    Because the clinical manifestations of parasitic infection often give little information - so similar a picture to anything else - a professional doctor will certainly investigate the geographical and food history.

    Where were you born? After all, every geographical area is a special circle of parasites. Where did you live next? Where did you go on business trips? To rest?

    For diagnosis, even a single patient day may be important. And here, if necessary, a professional doctor will not leave any blank spots. Here is a man who lives in Moscow in a hopeless fashion and only once got out on the Oka for a few days and went fishing. And he got a parasite from the fish. On the Oka, not on the Mississippi! It seems to us that we did not move anywhere with such a trip. And for a doctor, even such a short trip is a geographical anamnesis.

    A good doctor will certainly find out and food history, gastronomic habits of a person. Someone likes salted pike caviar, and tapeworm is common in it. The other recognizes only black caviar from the can. The doctor knows that it is safe.

    The competent doctor will send for diagnostics. Get to the bottom of the cause of malaise. Assign treatment. And, the competent doctor can include in treatment not only medicamentous preparations, but also homeopathic and medicinal grasses. Discuss with you the right diet, give advice on the formation of hygiene skills.

    And after the course of treatment, a competent doctor will definitely appoint repeated tests to determine if the parasite is completely removed or it simply lurks in the depths of your body. To be sure that the infection does not happen again. Depending on the type of parasites, a stool or human blood should be examined or an antibody test performed. However, a specialist can choose not only the treatment approach, but also the method that he uses. So, the doctor can offer you various methods of treatment from parasites - medicamental therapy, homeopathy or herbal medicine. Which of them is preferable? What will help to achieve the goal and not cause harm to the body?

    If the disease is not very severe, then, of course, it is unreasonable to overload the body with tablets. It is better to combine medications with other methods of treatment, necessarily paying attention to compliance with the appropriate diet. And sometimes it is useful in general to refuse from medicamental therapy. And what should I do? There are options.

    As you know, homeopathy treats not a disease - but a patient. This is its main principle.

    Therefore, it is believed that in "big" homeopathy there are no "fixed" drugs( drugs).As there are no two identical people, there can not be two identical homoeopathic "recipes" for treating the same disease.

    This is for many its main disadvantage: in order to choose the right medicine for you( and only for you), you need a qualified consultation with a homeopathic doctor. And only he can appoint you( and it is you) the right medicine. Following this logic, just to come to a homeopathic pharmacy and poke a finger into the medicine will not work.

    Definite difficulty? Of course. However, there is good news. First, ready-made homeopathic remedies for parasites still exist. Secondly, in homeopathic pharmacies, specialists usually work, from whom you can get an initial consultation.

    Homoeopathic preparations contain minerals, plants, and no chemistry. The homeopathic drug is not aimed at killing and neutralizing parasites, but in ensuring that these very parasites do not have any desire to be in our body. Disease is always an imbalance. And the task of a specially selected homoeopathic drug is to adjust the human body to harmony, to force it to deal with the disease on its own. Do you think that it is difficult, or impossible? In vain. There are people who will never pick up parasites or even notice the infection, will quickly cope with it.

    This is the property of their immune system. Homeopathy will set your body to work the same way.

    This method of alternative medicine is aimed at curing a person( that is, acting on all organs and systems).Therefore, it is simply impossible to harm homeopathy with the immune system. The principle of "one treat, the other is crippled" does not apply to homeopathy in any way.

    In this regard, treatment with homeopathic medicines is especially recommended for children, people weakened, suffering from various chronic diseases, pregnant and lactating women.

    Qing. Indications. Glistovye invasions of man and animals.

    Helminthopay. Indications. Glistovye infestations, pruritus anus, nervous disorders against the background of helminthiases, intestinal dysbiosis against the background of parasitic invasions.

    Not a lot? Alas, if you want to get some more specific recommendations - visit a homeopathic doctor.

    Homeopathic remedies are small peas of white color. They are assigned different courses.

    When starting homeopathy, remember that for a quarter of an hour before and after taking the medicine, you should refrain from using any products with a pungent smell( eg garlic), strong drinks, chewing gum, smoking. All this can neutralize the effect of the drug. And the medicine will not work.

    Homoeopathic pea should be sucked until completely dissolved in the mouth, and not swallowed, as is customary with medications.

    Biological additives exist a lot, and their quantity all arrives and arrives. What is good about dietary supplements? Supplements are good because, a priori, they are made from natural ingredients( herbs, beekeeping products, etc.).At the same time, their ingredients are properly balanced and matched, you just have to swallow the capsule, and it's done.

    The developers assure that their drugs have the proper efficiency. Biologically active additives are not a medicine! Therefore, before using them, it makes sense to initially consult a doctor. Consult, decide, choose.

    It is much more convenient than collecting the right grasses in one handful, measuring the right amount, brewing and steaming, and then drinking offensive formulations!

    Why disgusting? Because the most effective against parasites of bitterness, for example wormwood."Wormwood bitterness" is not a figurative expression. It's worse than her, it seems, only Khina. In the dietary supplements Bada bitterness bitterness wormwood, as well as the terrible taste of some other herbal components, such as aira, you will not feel.

    The cost of some dietary supplements may be too expensive for you. Manufacturers often wrestle a supernatural price.

    Some dietary supplements "do not keep their promises".For the manufacturer, this is only a way to make money by fooling the people.

    Do the creators of BAA adhere to all the technology necessary to obtain a quality product? Unknown. For example, if the composition of dietary supplements includes plant substances, then processing them, the change in temperature in one direction or the other can completely deprive these plant substances of all useful properties. And here you are, the dietary supplements are in "the full complement", all the herbs are in place, but there's no use in it.

    Supplements are preparations processed and created chemically, which means that when you swallow dietary supplements, you do the same( to a lesser extent, but still) as if you were swallowing medicines.

    For children, pregnant and lactating women, the use of dietary supplements is not always permissible.

    We will repeat: before you buy any dietary supplement, read the recommendations and consult a doctor.

    The following drugs from the group of dietary supplements are by no means our special recommendation, but only examples.


    Specially developed complex, which has a harmful effect on lamblia and fluke feline( opisthorchia).It improves the functional state of the gastrointestinal tract, promotes the expulsion of parasites from the body, has antispasmodic and anti-lambliogenic effects. In its composition: succulent eucalyptus( extract), buckthorn( bark), bearberry( leaf), rosehip( fruits), aspen( bark extract), valerian( root), mint( leaf).


    Plant complex used for helminthic invasions, including ascaridosis and enterobiosis. It contains a leaf of Senna and birch, bark of buckthorn, licorice root extract, pumpkin seed, garlic, tansy flowers, rhizomes and grass of elecampane, wormwood, yarrow and St. John's wort, thallus of laminaria.


    Antiparasitic action of a wide spectrum, clears the body of trichomonads, chlamydia, normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract. It has wormwood in the grass, eucalyptus leaves are sticky;macroelements: Fe, Ca, K, Mg;microelements Mn, Cu, Zn, Co, Mo, Cr, Se;vitamins: ascorbic acid, carotene.

    "Treichka" Evalar "»

    One of the most common and currently available drugs is a drug for the treatment of patients with giardiasis, ascariasis and enterobiosis, made up of extract and flowers of tansy, extract and herb wormwood, flower buds of cloves.

    American preparation "Black nut"

    It has an antiseptic and antiparasitic action, it acts on helminths in the mature and intermediate stage of development, it consists of an extract of the peel of the black nut.ali to produce a drug with the same name "Black Walnut", which also consists of an extract of black walnut peel, propolis extract and ashberry sugar

    After the course of treatment with "Black Nut" the manufacturer recommends to drink the preparation "Paragon", which has antiparasitic activity in the ratio of approximately 100parasitic infestations, including giardiasis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, amoebaea, which includes: peel extract and grapefruit seed, peel of black walnut fruit, pumpkin seeds, althaea root powder, clove seed powder and sexnor bitter, magnesium caprylate, bismuth citrate, calcium solkundetsilenovoy acid.


    The classic antiparasitic plant complex, which includes: wormwood, carnation, yarrow, dandelion root, sweet marsh, peppermint, milk thistle, horsetail, fennel, ginger, vitamin C.


    As part of the "Helmstsid" supplements: wormwood, cassia nizkolistnaya, carnation Chinese, fruits of cumin and dill, processed by special technology, essential oils and tannins. It is used for lamblia, opisthorchiasis, ascarids, pinworms.


    A remedy for Giardiasis. It consists of extracts from five herbs that grow in Russia in any region. This tansy, bitter wormwood, hilly solianka, bark buckthorn and yarrow."Tanaxol" relieves the intestines from lamblia and restores disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract caused by invasion. It is suitable for children under the age of three.

    "Ecorsol" and "Populina"

    Are offered for the prevention and treatment of opisthorchiasis. Both additives are made on the basis of a concentrated aqueous extract of the young bark of aspen collected during the sap movement. In addition, in both products there is an extract of the hilly salmia - an effective hepatoprotector, and in Populina there is also a dry concentrate of mineral water.

    This list of dietary supplements can be continued. As you can see, there is plenty to choose from.

    Treatment with medicinal herbs, or phytotherapy, is very popular in our country.(As you will see below, phytotherapy is an integral part of folk medicine.) It's not surprising that everything that people could use for their own benefit from nature was taken by the people, taken and taken, and treated and recovered, and to healyour body.)

    For hundreds of years our ancestors successfully used herbal medicines, including for the destruction of parasites and for removing them from the body. As a rule, several phyto-drugs were used: with the help of some kills parasites, others were needed to withdraw the products of their vital activity from the body. The first type of means include powders from herbs, teas and decoctions, to the second cups, decoctions and enemas.

    Note that the phytosets( their recipes will be given below), and dietary supplements listed in this book, most often consist of very bitter herbs. Why?

    Athonite monks say: "If you want a sweet life - eat and drink bitter, you want a bitter life in diseases - eat sweet."They drink tea only from bitter herbs, sweet do not consume at all.

    By the way, the cuisine of the peoples of southern countries is famous for its burning spices and bitterness - people instinctively developed a diet that would protect them from parasite infestation. After all, in a warm climate, parasites develop faster.

    Everyone knows how much harm food brings with high sugar content. For helminths, sweet food is a paradise, a wonderful nutrient medium. In this environment, they feel like a resort. But bitterness for parasites is death. A bitter environment can not tolerate parasites.

    Let's remind, that children suffer from parasites more than others. Meanwhile, it is much more difficult to treat a child than an adult, his body is rapidly growing and developing, and many drugs inhibit this growth and are therefore contraindicated. In addition, the immune system of babies is still very unstable and fragile. Even in adolescents, it is not as strong and enduring as adults.

    Here, it would seem, natural medicines, and, above all, grasses should come to the rescue. However, most of the herbal medicines contain doses calculated for people weighing 70 kg. How to calculate the correct dose of herbs for children and for elderly people with a weakened body? The dose may vary depending on the overall health of the person undergoing treatment, so it is better to still get a consultation with a phyto-therapeutist.

    Children's doses of

    6 months or less = 1/15 adult dose.

    1 YEAR: 1/12 ADULT DOSE.

    2 years: 1/8 adult dose.

    3 years: 1/6 adult dose.

    4 years: 1/5 adult dose.

    7 years: 1/3 of the adult dose.

    14 years: 1/2 adult dose.

    20 years: 2/3 of the adult dose.

    Phytotherapy as a method of treatment has undoubtedly many advantages. Herbs are a natural product, it's nature, and therefore, undergo a chemical attack you have no chance.

    Another important plus is the relative cheapness of the product and its availability. Herbs and herbs can be purchased at almost any pharmacy.

    To think that phytotherapy is absolutely safe and harmless - it is unacceptable!

    Most of us will calmly take a decoction from the collection of medicinal plants on the advice of a neighbor, and in fact it is sometimes no less dangerous than taking synthetic medicines without consulting a doctor.

    Many medicinal plants are poisonous, their beneficial or, conversely, pernicious effects on humans are determined by the exact dosage. In case of a severe overdose, the medicine can turn into a poison, the therapeutic effect is replaced by a toxic one.

    Widely advertised not so long ago hellebore appeared to be a poisonous and unsafe drug.

    In the Middle Ages, the powder of this plant was in fact used to expel worms. The grass had a peculiar reputation: the parasites were dead, unless the patient himself died earlier.

    It is very important to correctly and correctly use medicinal herbs and herbal preparations. Of course, not all and not always have the opportunity to get advice from a qualified phytotherapeutist, but if you independently use reference information, use vegetable decoctions, infusions, etc., remember:

    • Always follow the specified dosage carefully when mixing medicinal raw materials.

    • Accurately follow the indicated technology of preparation of a medicinal product.

    • Strictly adhere to the dosage when taking the finished medicine.

    • Note whether you have any contraindications to taking any medicinal plant that is included in the collection.

    If you follow these simple safety rules, phytotherapy will definitely give the expected effect and will benefit your body.

    1. Never and never drink raw water from open water bodies! Do not rinse your teeth with tap water. Do not clean contact lenses with tap water.

    2. Clean the house more often, because mud is the best friend of parasites. Pay special attention to the toilet. Do not forget to disinfect the toilet seat - there can nest egg pinworm.

    3. Keep hygiene in the kitchen. Since parasites very often penetrate our body through food, it is important not to spare the time and energy to clean food from dirt. Vegetables and fruits should be thoroughly washed, if necessary use a brush.

    4. It is very difficult to wash the greens well. You can, of course, beat it with boiling water, but then it loses its market appearance, the vitamins from boiling water are destroyed. The simple way is to put the greens in a bowl with well-salted water, and after 15 minutes carefully remove. Eggs of parasites will be at the bottom of a bowl.

    5. Thoroughly wash all root crops with a brush. After cleaning them, pour boiling water. All the greens, vegetables and fruits, served raw, also try to clean and pour with boiling water.

    6. Wash hands after touching raw meat, fish and seafood. Use different boards for cutting meat, fish and vegetables. Wash dishes thoroughly after cutting meat or fish.

    7. The most common refrigerator can be a breeding ground for parasites. Carefully watch that the fridge does not have spoiled food. Store all semi-finished products in closed boxes, bags, cans. The refrigerator should be cleaned regularly from the inside using disinfectants.

    8. Do not drink milk, use instead of it dairy products. Milk is a nutrient medium for helminths for all people over three years old.

    9. Do not eat meat, fish or seafood that has not been cooked properly. Think three times before tempting Japanese cuisine, offering you sushi from raw fish, or European cuisine with its classic dish - steak with blood.

    10. Remember that a good vobla is a perfectly salted vobla, and a good caviar is only that which is made in a licensed enterprise. Do not skimp on them, these products are extremely dangerous!

    11. Never eat meat of wild animals, homemade swine pork( "Just hammered a boar!").Purchase the pork cook for three hours, and only after that, eat. Cook kebabs only from meat of herbivores.

    12. If you are treated to unknown meat - do not eat it until you make sure that the animal is a herbivore. Antelope - eat, please, a wild boar - it is better not necessary.

    13. Caviar roe, pike and red can not be eaten freshly. From red caviar to cans can not be infected, because it has long been well salted and full of preservatives.

    14. Use caution when visiting a public bath, sauna, gym with shower and pool. It is necessary to have bath slippers and always put a towel before sitting on the bench.

    15. Instruct children to always wash their hands with soap after contact with pets. Be sure to inspect for the presence of parasites of your four-legged friend at least twice a year. It is better to use complex drugs to get rid of all the parasites at once. Do not walk your dogs in yards and playgrounds - remember that children play there!

    16. If you are pregnant or are about to become pregnant, you need to take tests for toxoplasmosis. This is a serious infection, the vectors of which are cats. Try not to touch the cat's dishes and instruct someone else to clean the cat's toilet. In extreme cases, wear rubber gloves.

    17. You must be sure that your sexual partner is not infected with parasites. You need to be checked at the same time to rule out the possibility of re-infection. If you do not have a permanent partner, be sure to use a condom when having sexual intercourse and refrain from oral sex.

    18. Abroad in hot countries do not drink or eat "dishes of national cuisine" - do not eat anything outside the hotel. Especially learn about safe places for swimming. Before the trip, take an interest in the measures of parasitic safety.

    19. The use of repellents to repel various mosquitoes, midges and other flying and bloodsucking mucks is a necessary condition for proper rest. Ordinary mosquitoes can reward not only malaria, but also a variety of other diseases.

    20. If you travel a lot or participate in hiking, you should undergo a full parasite survey, at least twice a year.

    21. Twice a year, conduct a preventive course of deworming.