  • Tracheitis symptoms and treatment

    Tracheitis is a disease in which inflammation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory throat - the trachea - occurs. The causes of the disease can be hypothermia, infectious diseases, such as influenza, measles, whooping cough, etc. Factors that can provoke the disease can also be heart and lung diseases, kidneys, pulmonary emphysema or chronic inflammation of the nasopharynx.

    Tracheitis is acute and chronic, but each of them is very dangerous for humans. Usually, the disease with acute tracheitis begins with inflammation of the nasopharynx and runny nose, it occurs mainly in wet weather during the free spread of infections through the air. Chronic tracheitis is often found in heavy smokers and alcohol lovers. In general, the disease tracheitis occurs in the spring or autumn periods of the year.

    The main symptoms of the disease include a paroxysmal cough, disturbing the patient at night and, especially, in the morning. Its occurrence can occur with a deep breath, crying or laughter, when the temperature of the surrounding air changes. At the beginning of the disease there is a difficult sputum discharge.

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    In the case of a pronounced tracheitis behind the sternum and in the throat of the patient, dull sore pain is observed, especially after a cough. Under the influence of inflammation of the larynx, the voice becomes hoarse. Usually, the general state of a person is not disturbed, but the patient sometimes experiences headache, fever and weakness throughout the body. In the case of an acute infectious disease, the tracheitis adjoins the symptoms of the underlying disease. As a rule, acute tracheitis lasts for 1-2 weeks. It is necessary to know that untimely treatment and non-adherence to patients at home regimen contributes to the development of chronic tracheitis and the process of transition of the disease to other parts of the respiratory tract is possible. The emergence of chronic tracheitis is also possible with diseases that lead to stagnation of blood in the respiratory organs - emphysema, cardiovascular disease or kidney disease. The main factors include the manifestation of a strong cough at night and in the mornings. The period of treatment of the disease is very long, with temporary improvements.

    Treatment is aimed at eliminating the factors contributing to the occurrence of tracheal inflammation. Recommended are antitussive and expectorants, inhalations, mustard plasters on the upper chest and back.

    The acute form of tracheitis is most often provoked by a viral infection, usually a flu. In such cases, the treatment of acute tracheitis directly depends on the symptoms and severity of the course of the disease. If the tracheitis is not accompanied by complications in the form of inflammation of the bronchi, enough immunomodulating drugs, abundant and frequent drinking of herb expectorant charges, inhalation and aerosol irrigation of the larynx by Bioparox. Antiviral and antipyretic drugs are prescribed only in cases of severe exacerbation of the disease, when the body temperature exceeds 38 degrees. The use of amyzone, interferon, remantadine or arbidol is indicated. Preparations containing paracetamol or ibuprofen are also taken. Exhausting, dry cough is treated with mucolytic syrups, antitussive drugs that do not have contraindications. Effective are syrups containing licorice root, marshmallows, rubbing with warming ointments and mustard. It is also necessary to drink a lot and often, for example, a broth of dogrose, which has a vitamin and diuretic effect. Bed rest, frequent wet cleaning, restriction of contacts in order to avoid additional infection are also integral measures in the treatment of acute disease.

    Treatment of acute tracheitis is carried out according to the doctor's prescription, because uncontrolled intake of antiviral drugs can lead to complications, and the transformation of tracheitis into a protracted, chronic complicated form.

    1. Relief of cough with acute tracheitis occurs when patients receive a mixture of milk and soda( 1 glass of hot milk 1/4 teaspoons of baking soda);or a mixture of a glass of hot milk and 10 g of butter. Take the mixture is recommended 3-5 times a day.

    2. Daily, once a day to do inhalation: in a pan with boiling 5 glasses of water add 10 drops of iodine or 5 drops of ammonia. You can take 2 teaspoons of crushed dry eucalyptus leaves, or a piece of briquette of pine extract, or 5 drops of menthol alcohol, or 15 drops of camphor alcohol, or 1 teaspoon of thymol oil, or 1 tablespoon of thymol oil.a spoonful of garlic juice, or 2 tbsp.spoons of chamomile.

    3. Prepare a medicinal mixture: 1 \ 2 cups of apricot kernel kernels, peel off the film, dry and grind into powder. Take 3-4 times a day for 1 tsp with milk or tea.

    4. Take 0.5 kg of white radish root, wash and peel, grind in a meat grinder and squeeze out the juice. Daily 1 time a day to drink 1 \ 2 ~ l a glass of fresh radish juice.

    5. Fry 2 eggs on fresh fat and salt well. When the scrambled eggs cool, put it on your chest for the night. This can be done for children and adults.

    6. 2 tbsp. Spoon the oats mixed with 2 tbsp.spoon raisins and pour 1.5 liters of cold boiled water, cook on very low heat under the lid until half of the liquid is evaporated. Slightly cool, wring out and add 1 tbsp.spoon of honey. Mix well and drink 1 tbsp.spoon several times a day.

    7. Prepare the collection, taking evenly: the flowers of the primrose, the leaf of the mother-and-stepmother, the root of elecampane and licorice naked.1 tbsp. Spoon a crushed mixture pour a glass of boiling water and insist 30 minutes. Strain and drink 1 tbsp.spoon 3-4 times a day.

    8. Wash the black radish and grate it with a peel. Warm up in a water bath and spread the hot slurry on a pillow wrapped in polyethylene. Cover with a cotton cloth and lie down with the chest. Lie on a radish for exactly an hour, preferably before going to bed. If very hot, then you can put up to 5 old sheets. Do the procedure for 3 consecutive days, if not help, then increase the rate to 5-10 days. At the same time, it is necessary to give the patient to drink a decoction of plantain, wild rosemary, linden or mother-and-stepmother in 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day.

    9. 2 tbsp. Spoons of crushed leaves of plantain pour a glass of cold water, insist 8 hours, strain. Drink a small sip of 1 glass of infusion per day.

    10. Pour a glass of water into a saucepan and pour in 1/2 tablespoons of anise seeds. Boil on low heat for 15 minutes, lightly cool, strain, mix with 1/4 cups of honey and boil again. Take 1 tbsp.spoons every 30 minutes.

    Chronic tracheitis is treated much longer than its acute form. This is due to the fact that the treatment of chronic tracheitis is aimed not only at eliminating the cough symptom, but also on the treatment of complications such as pharyngitis, bronchitis. The chronic form of the disease most often has bacterial etiology, respectively, antibiotic therapy is indicated. If pus appears pus, tracheitis is treated with macrolides, which have a wide spectrum of action and are effective against virtually all types of pathogens. The course of treatment can last from two to three weeks, depending on the severity of the disease and complications. Treatment of chronic tracheitis is impossible without inhalations, which can be carried out both with the help of pharmaceutical preparations, and with the help of broths of ester-containing plants - eucalyptus, pine or fir. Inhalation should be carried out at least two times a day for two weeks, even with a subsiding cough. Effectively the use of chlorophyllipt, both in the form of irrigation, so inside. Irrigating the larynx Bioparox will ensure the fastest elimination of inflammatory processes, antitussive syrups help get rid of debilitating unproductive cough. In addition to pharmacy syrups at home, you can prepare a decoction of althaea or licorice root. Treatment of chronic tracheitis should last at least three weeks, even with the early neutralization of cough or temperature, only so you can avoid relapse of the disease.

    Hypertrophic tracheitis, accompanied by the release of mucopurulent sputum, requires the use of inhalations of antibiotics, the selection of which is carried out on the basis of an antibioticogram, blowing at the time of inhaling astringent powders. In atrophic processes, vitamin oils( carotolin, dogrose oil, sea buckthorn oil) are instilled into the trachea. The cortex is removed by infusion into the trachea of ​​solutions of proteolytic enzymes. In general, the treatment corresponds to that for banal laryngitis and bronchitis.

    1. To mix with a glass of honey a glass of the cleared and passed through a meat grinder of horseradish. Take 1 tbsp.spoon mixture 5-6 times daily before meals. Store in a cool place under the lid.

    2. Bring to a boil a glass of milk and pour into it 1 tbsp.a spoon of finely chopped Icelandic moss. Boil

    for 3-5 minutes and take the broth in a warm form 2-3 times a day before the cure.

    3. Take 1 \ 2 glasses of seeds of radish( radish), spinach and eggplant. Lightly fry in a dry griddle and grind in a coffee grinder. Take 3 times a day for 1 tsp spoon through

    1,5 hours after meals, washing down with water.

    4. Fill with water the leaves of the ficus and boil them for 3 minutes, apply honey and apply to the chest and back. Secure with a bandage or towel, and tie a woolen scarf on top. It is best to leave such a compress on all night, and in the morning wash your skin with warm water.

    5. Take 10 heads of garlic, peel off the husks, grind in a meat grinder, fill 100 g of brown sugar, mix well. Put the mixture in a jar and add 1/2 cup of table vinegar, put in a dark cool place( preferably in a refrigerator) and press for 3 days. Then strain the mixture, squeeze the cake. Every day 3 times a day take 1/2 tbsp.spoons of infusion, washing down with a small amount of warm boiled water.

    6. Grind 300 g of walnut kernels in a meat grinder and mix with 100 g of sugar. Daily, morning and evening, eat 2 tablespoons.spoon mixture after eating.

    7. Carrot juice is effective in treatment, but the juice must be freshly prepared. You need to drink it 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day.

    8. Mix the juice of black radish with honey in a 1: 1 ratio and take 1 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day after meals.

    9. Mix 500 g of chopped onion, 400 g of sugar, 50 g of honey 1 liter of water. Cook for 3 hours on low heat, cool, strain and pour into a bottle. Take 1 tbsp.spoon 4-6 times a day. Keep in a sealed state in a cool dark place.

    10. 60 g( 3 items of a spoonful) of the crushed flaxseed seed to pour 1 l of hot water, 10 minutes to shake, strain. Add 50 g of licorice root to the resulting liquid, 30 g of anise fruit, 400 g of honey and mix thoroughly. Blend the mixture to a boil, cool, strain and take 1/2 cup 4-5 times daily before meals( expectorant and softening the painful cough effect).Not recommended for intolerance to honey.

    Prophylaxis of tracheitis is reduced to hardening of the organism, elimination of causes causing tracheitis.

    Immunity should be maintained in the proper form, since tracheitis is mainly caused by viruses. It is also important to follow safety precautions if there are people in your environment who are sick with acute respiratory diseases. The path of transmission of tracheitis by 75% - airborne, less common household. Personal hygiene, that is classical washing and frequent washing of hands helps to avoid not only viral, but also bacterial infection. Prevention of tracheitis is also a rejection of bad habits, especially from smoking, incidentally, passive smoking is no less dangerous in the sense of provoking diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Vitaminotherapy, body protection through hardening, regular wet cleaning and active lifestyles will help reduce the risk of developing the disease or even avoid it at all1.