  • Osteoarthritis: symptoms, causes, treatment, prevention

    What is it - arthrosis is a chronic joint disease, which is accompanied by degenerative changes in the joints.

    During the course of the disease, the cartilage layer slowly breaks in the joint or between the vertebrae and deforms the joint, which results in a "crunchy" sound and restriction of movements. Another name for arthrosis is deforming osteoarthritis.

    Nearly 15% of all inhabitants of the Earth suffer from arthrosis. Mostly sick elderly people, especially women. But recently the disease is increasingly affecting the youth.

    Causes of arthrosis

    All causes of the disease have not been studied. It is known that arthrosis can manifest itself as a result of:

    • joint injuries( fracture, dislocation, bruise);
    • of the hereditary factor;
    • prolonged static load on the joint;
    • age changes in the structure of the joint;
    • congenital deformities;
    • excess weight, significantly increasing the load on the joints;
    • metabolic disturbances, which causes malfunctions in the synthesis of cartilage;
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    • flat foot - shifts the center of gravity, increasing the load on the joints;
    • problems with the vessels of the legs, which complicate the feeding of the cartilaginous tissue;
    • presence of rheumatism;
    • intoxication of the body;
    • infectious diseases( typhoid, syphilis, chlamydia);
    • systemic diseases( lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis);
    • functional overload of joints( subject to ballet dancers, athletes);
    • large physical loads( loaders);
    • colds( risk group - workers in hot industries).

    Symptoms of arthrosis

    On the development of arthrosis testify:

    • aching pain;
    • crunch and aches in joint;
    • periodic swelling;
    • reduction in the amplitude of movements in the joint;
    • joint modification.
    Signs of arthrosis are largely similar to those of arthritis. But the main difference between diseases is that arthritis is caused by inflammatory processes, and arthrosis is destructive.

    Physicians distinguish 4 stages of the disease:

    1. 1) The first stage. The X-ray image during this period does not show any changes. At the onset of the development of the disease may indicate the limitation of mobility of joints in one direction and a minor crunch, tingling or aching joint pain.
    2. 2) The second stage. In the joints, pressure is felt, especially after loads. Movement in the joint is difficult and accompanied by a noticeable crunch. Partial deformity of the joint, visible on the x-ray, begins.
    3. 3) The third degree. There is a sharp pain in the joints, even in a state of rest, which is greatly enhanced by movement and changing weather conditions. Sometimes the joint is completely deprived of the ability to move.
    4. 4) Fourth degree. A person feels unbearable pain in the joints, unabated with the use of strong analgesics and intensive physiotherapy.

    Osteoarthritis of large joints

    Arthrosis happens:

    • primary( 40-50% of all cases) - the disease develops on a healthy joint;
    • secondary( 50-60% of all cases) - the disease occurs on a previously deformed joint;
    • generalized - the disease simultaneously affects several joints.
    There are several types of arthrosis:

    • of the spine;
    • arthrosis of the knee joint;
    • arthrosis of the hip joint;
    • arthrosis of the shoulder joint;
    • elbow joint;
    • arthrosis of the ankle
    • phalanx of the fingers
    • arthrosis of the foot.
    The most common of them - arthrosis of the knee( gonarthrosis) and hip( coxarthrosis) joints. Osteoarthritis of the knee joint is characterized by the gradual destruction of the hyaline cartilage covering the head of the tibia and femur, leading to fusion of the affected joints, obstruction of knee movements and curvature of the leg. The disease is caused:

    • by trophic disorders in the joint tissues;
    • with static static loads exceeding the joint capabilities;
    • with frequent microtrauma of the knee;
    • injuries of the knee joint( intra-articular fracture, meniscus damage);
    • transferred diseases( arthritis of various origin).
    The main sign of gonarthrosis is the emergence and aggravation of pain during exercise, prolonged walking, climbing the stairs, getting up from the stool.

    Coxarthrosis is accompanied by degenerative changes in the hip joints, bone proliferation, joint deformation and a decrease in the volume of movements. Osteoarthritis of the hip joint develops with:

    • prolonged overload on the joint;
    • excess weight;
    • chronic injuries;
    • hereditary violations;
    • inflammatory processes( arthritis);
    • hormonal failures;
    • transferred diseases( diabetes, osteoporosis).
    On the development of coxarthrosis can be judged by:

    • the presence of lameness under loads;
    • painful sensations during long physical exertion;
    • of weak aching pains in the lumbar region;
    • difficulties when climbing stairs;
    • restriction of hip joint motion;
    • high sensitivity joint.

    Treatment of arthrosis

    If these symptoms of arthrosis are found, you should immediately consult a doctor, and not self-medicate, so as not to lose the ability to move.

    It is not possible to completely cure arthrosis, but it is possible to slow down the development of the disease and prevent the destruction of cartilage. First of all, the doctor will give a referral to the X-ray to establish an accurate diagnosis and stage of the disease. Then he will determine the cause of the illness in order to eliminate it.

    When choosing the treatment of arthrosis, the doctor takes into account the type of affected joint, the degree of the disease, the severity of the symptoms and changes. Treatment of arthrosis is carried out in outpatient or sanatorium-resort conditions. The most effective is a complex treatment of arthrosis, which includes:

    1. 1) Anesthesia - mainly used analgesics.
    2. 2) Removal of inflammation with anti-inflammatory drugs.
    3. 3) Restoration of cartilaginous tissue, and if restoration is impossible - inhibition of degenerative processes. This stage is the main one in the treatment of arthrosis. To restore cartilage, the doctor appoints chondroprotectors.
    The above mentioned basic stages of treatment can be supplemented with physiotherapy procedures:

    • shock wave therapy( the most effective method), destroying the crystals and depositing salts, improving metabolism in tissues and restoring joint mobility;
    • by electrophoresis;
    • by manual therapy and massage;
    • by acupuncture, which activates its own protective properties of the body and eliminates not only the manifestation of the disease, but also the causes;
    • by magnetotherapy;
    • by electromagnetic therapy;
    • vacuum therapy - improves blood microcirculation, eliminates stagnation, removes toxins and toxins from the body, normalizes metabolism, nourishes tissues;
    • hirudotherapy - treatment with leeches;
    • with mud treatment;
    • radon baths;
    • intra-articular oxygen therapy, oxygen saturating the joints;
    • laser therapy;
    • pulse therapy.
    Physiotherapy will reduce inflammation and relieve pain. Please note that physiotherapy can be carried out only in a hospital under personal supervision of a doctor.

    It is desirable to combine therapy with therapeutic gymnastics. In cases where the cartilaginous tissue is destroyed, and the joint completely loses its capacity for work, the doctor will recommend resorting to surgical intervention.

    The operation is performed in several ways:

    1. 1) Arthroscopy - the damaged areas of the cartilage are eliminated;
    2. 2) Osteotomy - aligned deformed bone;
    3. 3) Endoprosthetics - replace the joint with an artificial one.

    Prevention of arthrosis

    To prevent the development of arthrosis should:

    • to minimize the burden on the joints;
    • get rid of excess weight;
    • to refuse frequent wearing of high-heeled shoes;
    • alternate sitting and standing position;
    • does not lift weights;
    • to avoid injury;
    • moderately load joints;
    • engaged in swimming;
    • avoid supercooling;
    • eat right;
    • give rest to the joints in the evenings: after taking a reclining position, make a "bicycle".

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