  • Arthrosis of the shoulder joint: symptoms, treatment, diagnosis, causes

    Arthrosis of the shoulder joint is a chronic disease in which degenerative and dystrophic changes of the articular surfaces develop.

    Gradually, a number of located structures are involved in the pathological process. This disease can occur in a different age category, but still more often they suffer people over 40 years.

    Deforming osteoarthritis is most affected by women, while they are twice as likely to suffer from this disease as compared to men. According to statistical data, the prevalence of arthrosis of the shoulder joint among all rheumatological diseases is about 50%.

    Especially often this disease is diagnosed in those patients whose relatives suffer from it( this is due to the weakened heredity of deforming osteoarthritis).

    Classification of

    Arthrosis of the shoulder joint is classified according to several features:

    • according to
    • 's primary lesion severity
    • for the preservation of joint function.
    The first classification item implies the isolation of two types of disease:
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    1. 1) Primary - cartilage of the shoulder joint is an unchanged pathological process originally
    2. 2) Secondary, in which background pathological processes predisposing to the development of deforming osteoarthritis can be identified.
    The degree of severity of the disease is classified into four degrees. To determine them, an x-ray examination is performed.

    The degree of restriction of the shoulder joint function is divided into three severity levels:

    • first - temporary disability
    • second - permanent disability
    • the third - the need for outside help, since the joint is completely immobilized.

    The causes of arthrosis of the shoulder joint

    The main causes of development of arthrosis of the shoulder joint are:

    • traumatic injury
    • dysplasia of the shoulder joint( dysplasia is a congenital genetic defect with increased mobility of the joints);
    • is an aggravated heredity( this is a disease with hereditary predisposition, since there is a certain system of loci that determine the reduced strength of the joint)
    • diseases of endocrine glands( diabetes, acromegaly with increased production of growth hormone, excessive body weight);
    • dysmetabolic shifts( gout, increased deposition of iron in the body);
    • concomitant diseases of the musculoskeletal system( rheumatoid arthritis and others).
    Regardless of the predisposing factor for developing arthrosis of the shoulder joint, the load on it should exceed the reserve of its strength. This creates conditions for damage to the joint surfaces.

    Symptoms of shoulder arthrosis

    Arthrosis of the shoulder joint, the main clinical symptoms of which are pains that worsen during movement by the hand, at rest they calm down, and also:

    1. 1) The pains that increase during movement by hand rest in peace as
    2. 2) Pains that occur when the
    3. starts to move 3) Blockade pains caused by the articulation of the articular mouse between the bony surfaces( the patient describes them as jamming in the joint during movement)
    4. 4) The appearance of a crunch when moving, As the bones rub directly against each other
    5. 5) Change of form shoulder due to bone growths( osteophytes)
    6. 6) Motility slightly restricted but advanced cases of disease.

    Diagnosis of arthrosis of the shoulder joint

    Additional diagnostic methods are needed to make the final diagnosis. At the same time, the main one is radiology. With its help, it is possible to determine the degree of lesion of the shoulder joint.

    The following diagnostic tests are also required for differential diagnosis:

    1. 1) General clinical blood test( remains normal)
    2. 2) Biochemical blood test( also without special features)
    3. 3) Synovial biopsy followed by histological examination to exclude other joint damage
    4. 4) Biopsy of the cartilage with the study of its structure under a microscope.
    It should be noted that diagnostic search should be built from less complex and less invasive to more complex and more invasive.

    Complications of

    Complications of deforming arthrosis develop if the disease progresses rapidly. This may be due to the lack of treatment of the shoulder joint or individual features of the human body. The main complications are:

    • traumatic damage to a number of located tissues
    • muscle contractures
    • ankylosis - a complete limitation of mobility in the joint.

    Treatment of arthrosis of the shoulder joint

    Arthrosis of the shoulder joint, the treatment of which can be both conservative, which is performed most often, and operative( it is indicated if appropriate indications are available).

    The main measures in the framework of conservative therapy are the following:

    • application of chondroprotectors that restore cartilaginous tissue
    • the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and according to indications - and hormonal for fighting the pain syndrome
    • use of funds that improve microcirculation in joint
    • treatment of background pathological processes
    • providing a dosed and moderate load on the joint.
    Operative treatment most often involves replacing the affected joint with an artificial joint. This operation is called endoprosthetics.

    And also, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with other forms of the disease:

    • arthrosis of the knee joint
    • arthrosis of the ankle
    • arthrosis of the hip joint
    • arthrosis of the foot


    Effective preventive measures currently do not exist to prevent arthrosis of the shoulder joint. However, whenever possible, it is necessary to influence the risk factors of the disease.

    It is about adhering to the following recommendations:

    • Reduction of excess body weight
    • Reduction of physical activity on joints
    • Abstinence from bad habits
    • Wearing special fixative joints of dressings
    • Regular observation by a rheumatologist if this diagnosis is made
    • Immediate visit to the doctor for complaints that are typicalfor this disease.

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