  • Pinworm: symptoms in adults, treatment, drugs

    Pinworms are small helminths of white color, which get to the person in the intestines through the mouth, cause itching in the area near the anus, intestinal disorders, allergic organism, in women - inflammation of the genitals.

    The disease caused by these roundworms is called enterobiosis. Children are most often affected, but adults can also get infected. Usually this happens when there is a sick child in the family.

    Treatment of the disease is not particularly difficult;recovery is impossible without careful compliance with some hygiene rules.

    How can I get infected?

    The only owner of this parasite is a person who becomes infected by swallowing a mature pinworm egg( usually immediately a large number of them).In the small intestine of such a person, heterozygous larvae emerge from the egg; for some time they live there, feeding on the contents of the small intestine, can cause inflammation of the intestine and even appendicitis( see the first symptoms of appendicitis).
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    After 15-30 days the fertilization of the female takes place, as a result of which about 15 thousand eggs are formed in it. After that, it loses the ability to suck in to the intestinal wall, and descends to the rectum.

    Next, she needs to crawl through the anus and lay eggs in the folds around him, after which the female dies. Only those oyster eggs that did not fall into human feces are viable, but were laid on the skin of the area near the anus of the person: it is there that the optimal temperature( 36-37 ° C) and humidity( about 70%) are maintained. In such conditions, eggs ripen in 4-6 hours. Those who fell on linen, toys, pots, household items - live about 3 weeks. Eggs can not move independently.

    You can get infected:

    1. 1) When combing the area around the anus( female pinworm, creeping, provokes the development of pronounced itching of this area, after which the person, without washing his hands, takes food or touches the mucous membrane of the lips or mouth;
    2. 2)swallowing eggs that have risen in the air when shaking bed linen;
    3. 3) Through the handshake;
    4. 4) Through door handles, clothes;
    5. 5) If food or household items related to food have not been washed before or from them;
    6. 6) When nursing a sick enterobiosis child, after which the adult eats or touches the face without washing their hands;
    7. 7) Eggs can be ingested by being carried by flies or cockroaches;
    8. 8) With dust, eggs can fall on the coat of pets.
    Contribute to infection with long fingernails, lack of habit of washing hands after communicating with pets, after going to the toilet, eating food at the computer or desk, and also in bed.

    Read also, symptoms of giardiasis in adults.

    Symptoms of pinworms in adults

    In adults, the first signs of pinworm can appear 10-15 days after infection.

    They can have different severity of symptoms depending on the number of parasites trapped in the intestine, the individual reaction of the organism, the existing chronic diseases( especially GI diseases or allergies), the degree of their severity.

    Usually, pinworms in adults are manifested by the following symptoms:

    1. 1) Itching of the area around the anal opening that occurs at night( just at this time the female crawls out of the anus), but with severe infection bothers day and night;
    2. 2) With a large number of parasites trapped in the intestine, itching is observed not only in the anus of the anal opening, but extends to the perineum, in women to the genital area;
    3. 3) Can be bed-wetting;
    4. 4) Recurrent abdominal pain;
    5. 5) There may be a loosening of the stool to a consistency of mushy, sometimes with mucus;
    6. 6) Insomnia due to itching, irritability;
    7. 7) In women - discharge from the genital tract, painful sexual intercourse, itching of the genitals, wounds on them due to the cramping of pinworms in the vulva and vagina;
    8. 8) Allergic reactions.
    If an adult does not get infected from family members, he daily conducts intimate hygiene activities and changes underwear, anal itching may be unexpressed, disappear on his own 1-2 days later. If, after such an episode, the symptoms recur after 2-3 weeks, it means that the person has again become infected, and a new generation of pinworms has grown in his intestines.

    If a large number of pinworms have entered the intestine, or the person has repeatedly swallowed them( they themselves die in a month), this can be accompanied by the following symptoms:

    • headache;
    • pain in the right side of the abdomen, which can be so pronounced that a person is taken to the surgical department and operated on for acute appendicitis;
    • false urge to empty the intestine;
    • bloating;
    • dizziness;
    • attention disorder, memory;
    • diarrhea or constipation;
    • dermatitis in the perianal region;
    • very rarely pinworm can provoke the development of fainting.
    If the itching around the anus area is strongly pronounced, then the bacterial flora enters the places of combing, which can be complicated by the development of purulent inflammation of only the skin, skin and subcutaneous tissue( phlegmon), purulent melting can occur in the underlying tissues, causing the development of paraproctitis.

    In all these cases, the general condition of a person worsens, his body temperature rises, pain in the rectum and / or buttocks becomes intolerable.

    See also how to treat opisthorchiasis and ascariasis in humans.

    Analyzes and diagnostics for pinworm eggs

    For the diagnosis of Enterobiosis, an analysis such as the analysis of feces for eggs of helminths is not informative. The diagnosis is made only when studying under a microscope scraping or a print from the perianal area.

    In the first case, the cotton wand scrape off the contents that are in the folds around the anus.

    In the second - paste a piece of transparent adhesive tape on this area, then unglue, glue on a slide and microscopy. To hand over such analysis it is necessary since morning, before the person has executed hygienic actions. In some cases, a three-fold examination of the scraping or imprint is necessary.

    Under the microscope, it is also possible to study washings from underwear, cotton wool, which was applied at night to the anus. Such studies are permissible with pronounced itching.

    Treatment of pinworms

    Treatment of pinworms in adults consists of three "whales":

    1. 1) Medical destruction of worms. The following preparations are used: "Piperazina adipinat", "Pirantel", "Vormil", "Vermox".At the same time a day before taking medication is advised not to take such products that cause constipation. After 1,5-2 hours after taking these drugs, drink sorbents( Smecta, White Coal, Enterosgel), and in the evening after their intake, drink a laxative( "Pikolaks", "Senade" or others).It is recommended that repeated anthelminthic medicines be given after 2 weeks, since they only affect mature worms.
    2. 2) Compliance with hygienic measures for the prevention of repeated contact with pinworms in the intestines of a person:
    3. 3) Daily change of linen - bed linen;
    4. 4) Weaving underwear before putting on both sides;
    5. 5) Carefully, several times a day, carry out the toilet area near the anus in such a way that water or soap does not fall on the genitals;
    6. 6) Daily wet cleaning.
    7. 7) With pronounced itching or the appearance of urticaria / dermatitis, antihistamines are prescribed: "Erius", "Fenistil", "Zodak".When small pustules appear on the site of scratching, local antibacterial ointments are used: "Oflokain", "Levomekol".
    If the bacterial process is more extensive, treatment with antibiotics in the form of tablets or injections is necessary. Phlegmon or paraproctitis also suggests surgical treatment.

    Read also, helminths in humans.


    Prevent the development of pinworms only in this way:

    • revealing of infected persons;
    • explaining to them how to properly carry out hygiene measures;
    • conducting daily wet cleaning;
    • timely change of bedding and linen;
    • nail clippers;
    • treatment of toilets and baby pots with boiling water;
    • regular processing of boiled children's toys.

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