
Chickenpox - how many days need to be at home, is it contagious?

  • Chickenpox - how many days need to be at home, is it contagious?

    Chickenpox is transmitted by airborne droplets, and refers to common childhood diseases, but adults can also develop chicken pox. They have specific symptoms more pronounced, and it proceeds much more heavily than the child.

    Therefore, many are interested in a certain point - how many days you need to be at home when an adult or a child is sick with chickenpox.

    Because the disease is very contagious, and an infected person is in some kind of quarantine, so as not to infect other people.

    The main symptoms of chickenpox

    Before the onset of rashes, in about 3 days, a person begins to show the first symptoms of chickenpox. They are like a common cold or SARS.These are the signs:

    • body aches, weakness;
    • high temperature;
    • cough, sore throat;
    • general malaise of the body.
    After these clinical symptoms, a characteristic rash with chickenpox begins on day 2-3 - small bubbles filled with transparent contents. They cause a significant itch, which annoys a child or an adult, especially in the dark.
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    The rash may be small, or vice versa, manifest as multiple rashes on any part of the body. In severe course, the rash can cover the whole body of a person from head to foot, literally. Some children are lucky, and their chickenpox flows in a mild form with single rashes and without any special symptoms.

    All this disgrace lasts up to 5 days, after the bubbles themselves burst and dry crusts come to their place. They should not be scratched, so that small scars do not remain.

    In adults, the symptoms of chickenpox are the same, but may be accompanied by a stronger intoxication of the body and a temperature reaching up to 40 degrees.

    The main condition for the treatment of chickenpox is bed rest and quarantine, as well as abundant drinking, and taking certain medications to relieve symptoms: antipyretic, antihistamines, and the like.

    How many days is chickenpox chicken?

    In order not to infect others, adults and children should stay at home for the same amount of time( usually 2 weeks), except for pregnant women, the elderly, and people with weakened immunity. They need to be at home a little longer than usual. How much exactly - the question is individual.

    As you may have guessed, the main factor is the immunity of a person, the stronger it is, the less time the disease lasts. With a mild form, the rash disappears after a week. With a complicated variant, they get sick longer, and this time interval increases 2-3 times.

    Let's consider in detail each of the periods of the disease, so that it becomes clearer how long the chicken pox is in children and adults, and how long it takes to stay at home.

    1. 1) Like any infectious disease, chickenpox begins with an incubation period, its duration is 10-20 days. At this time the virus actively multiplies in the human body. There are no symptoms, but a person becomes infectious.
    2. 2) Then symptoms of ARVI appear, toxins penetrate into the blood causing these symptoms. This prodromal period, its duration is 1-2 days.
    3. 3) The virus penetrates deep skin cells, causing a characteristic rash. This is the period of rashes, its duration is on average 3-5 days, sometimes up to 10 days.
    4. 4) Finally, there is a period of recovery, when the bubbles disappear, and in their place there is a crusted crust. Its term is 5 days.
    If to count, it is possible approximately will be defined, how many days it is necessary to be at home when was ill with a chicken pox. There is no unequivocal answer, but doctors recommend taking a sick leave and not appearing in the team for 2 weeks - with a mild illness. In case of complications, an adult or a child will need to stay in quarantine clearly longer.

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