  • How to treat arthritis of the ankle. Effective methods

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    This disease, like arthritis of the ankle joint is now very common, not only in the elderly, but also in young people. What is it?

    This inflammation, which is accompanied by a constant aching pain, which increases with walking or any load. There is also a small tumor and some restriction of movement. There are two types of the course of the disease:

    • acute;
    • chronic.

    Acute occurs suddenly, once. The causes of inflammation can be bacteria. Therefore, acute arthritis is considered to be an infectious disease with all the characteristic signs, and also a sharp pain in the joint, redness and swelling in this area.

    The chronic appearance appears due to the deposition of salts in the articular cartilage region, which is often caused by trauma. Salt, which accumulates for a long time, promotes inflammation.

    The joint itself tries to produce more than usual, the amount of lubricant and there is swelling and pain when exposed. Over time, the inner shell increases and leads to complete destruction of the cartilage. This causes deformation and inactivity.

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    Treatment of arthritis of the ankle

    First you need to establish this diagnosis, so first of all you need to pass the following tests: X-ray, ultrasound or other necessary studies - IMRT, CT or biochemical blood test. Therefore, you should refer to an experienced doctor who will tell you how to treat arthritis of the ankle joint.

    How is the treatment usually treated? First of all, it is necessary to provide the sick place with absolute peace. In the absence of hospitalization or bed rest, you should at least apply elastic bandages and use a walking stick during movement to reduce the burden on the leg. The second part of the treatment is the determination of the cause of the disease and the removal of edema and inflammation with the help of non-hormonal drugs.

    After the appointment of such procedures, you can purchase special orthopedic inserts or insoles for shoes. Again, you can buy them only on the recommendation of the doctor, because you can only aggravate the course of the disease.

    Also, doctors advise buying orthopedic shoes with special convex and non-deflecting soles that will help relieve the load on the foot and ankle joint, and also relax the muscles. Arthritis of the ankle, the symptoms of which are redness, swelling and aching or harsh pain, is divided into several types.

    Types of arthritis

    Reactive arthritis - occurs with extra-articular infection( lesions of the mucous membranes or skin), have a nongovernmental character. Painful sensations are present throughout the joint, there is some stiffness and swelling.

    Gouty arthritis of the ankle arises with disturbed metabolism, alcohol abuse, strong coffee. As a result, there is an increase in the amount of uric acid in the patient's blood. The body can not extract such a volume and begins to lay salt in tissues and organs. Says the arthritic nature of the disease arisen acute arthritis, but not one-time, seizures are repeated again and again. There is redness and difficulty in trying to move.

    Arthrosis arthritis of the ankle - occurs as a result of complete destruction of the cartilage. The causes that can lead to this disease are impaired circulation, physical trauma, poor metabolism or local hypothermia of the joint. Characteristic signs - a constant aching pain, which can increase with physical exertion.

    Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic inflammation that appears as a result of the impact of the environment on genetically predisposed people to this disease. Often the inflammation is symmetrical, there are aching pains and swelling of the joint.

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