  • Gynecology: polycystic kidney and pregnancy

    With the development of medicine, pregnant women with various pathologies are increasingly encountered, under whom it was not possible to take out a child earlier. For example, diabetes, thyroiditis, polycystic kidney disease and pregnancy, seemed incompatible. Because the outcome was most often depressing: miscarriage or death of the mother with the child.

    Short characteristics of polycystosis

    Polycystic is a kidney disease characterized by multiple cysts in its stroma. It is a congenital anomaly. In most cases, it is hereditary. Only a small part( about 10%) do not have genes of the disease. It leads to spontaneous mutations that occurred during the development of the fetus.

    The development of the disease is associated with a violation of the formation of the renal tubules. By shifting the direction of mitosis, young cells are displaced toward the stroma. Where the cilia develop on one of their surfaces, a pathological cavity or cyst is formed. As these cysts increase, they begin to affect the work of the entire tubule. This leads to a deterioration in the functional activity of nephrons. Gradually this process covers more and more nephrons and leads to the development of renal failure. It ultimately leads to the death of the patient.

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    In most cases, the disease has a prolonged course. The first treatment for signs of kidney failure, which led to polycystosis, occurs in 30 years and older. However, even a favorable course of pathology can be aggravated by the addition of kidney disease. First of all, it concerns pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis. The accompanying increase in arterial pressure, atherosclerosis and diabetes mellitus plays an important role in the progression of the disease.

    Only a part of patients can experience lightning fastness. Renal failure develops already in the first years of life and in just a few months leads to death.

    To date, treatment methods have not yet been developed. All measures are aimed at inhibiting the progression of pathology.

    • Avoidance of factors leading to the development of kidney disease. This includes general prevention measures.
    • Timely detection and treatment of kidney diseases.
    • Discarding bad habits. Especially it concerns alcohol and smoking.

    Polykistosis in pregnancy: the main dangers of

    During pregnancy, the inevitable progression of polycystosis. Since starting from the first months the total volume of blood begins to gradually increase and by the end of the gestation period it approaches 110-115% of the initial one. This means that through the kidneys passes during the day, not 2000, but 2200 liters of blood. What gives an additional load on them. However, the degree of progression does not reach the stage of development of renal insufficiency.

    Pyelonephritis is much more threatening. The fact is that this pathology affects the passage of urine along the tubules. With pyelonephritis, as is known, the main inflammatory process takes place in the pelvis and the calyx of the kidney. This complicates the outflow of urine through the tubules, which inevitably means an increase in pressure in their cavity. The functions of the tubules deteriorate, which forces all the carrier proteins to activate. This also inevitably affects the cysts. They begin to increase progressively in size. As a result: the disease begins to flow faster and develops renal dysfunction.

    Finally, increasing the size of the uterus and increasing the pressure on the kidneys is an external negative factor contributing to a decrease in the functionality of the kidneys in general and the tubules, in particular.

    In any case, polycystosis during pregnancy is a great danger to the fetus. Since his own excretory system does not work. The first rudiments of their functioning appear at the end of the gestation period. Therefore, the mother's kidneys excrete their own toxins and metabolic products of the baby.

    Immediate threat to the mother is the development of eclampsia. This is the most severe form of gestosis, which can result in a stroke and even death.

    Basic recommendations for pregnant women with polycystic kidney disease

    This is important! Specific recommendations for those who have polycystic kidney disease and pregnancy, are reduced to a decrease in the degree of progression of the disease. Otherwise, it may result in the death of both. Pregnancy and natural childbirth in this renal pathology is possible. Everything is in the hands of the woman herself!

    It is recommended to avoid physical and psycho-emotional overstrain. Protect yourself from hypothermia. Timely treatment of urological diseases. Starting with the third trimester, it is recommended to take a kneeling position several times a day. This improves the flow of urine to the ureters, which affects most directly on the pressure in the tubules of the kidneys.

    From food recommended to adhere to a salt-free diet. Exclude coffee-containing products, alcohol. Use liquid in medium volumes, but not more than 2 liters per day.

    If blood pressure rises, you should consult your doctor as soon as possible and take appropriate medications regularly. Hospitalization in the hospital is mandatory from 36-38 weeks, even without signs of the onset of labor. And of course, a regular visit to the doctor. At least 2 times a month.

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