  • How to choose a humidifier?

    A persistent runny nose or dry nose, respiratory diseases, watery eyes, irritability and fatigue are all symptoms that are characteristic of a person during the autumn-winter period. The reason for them is one - the body lacks the essential air of necessary humidity. Batteries in the cool season "fry" to the fullest, drying the air, making it dusty and completely unusable, especially for young children and people suffering from allergic disorders of the mucous membranes.

    The number one rescuer in this situation is the air humidifier, which can create optimal humidity in the room, help in the fight against constantly accumulating dust. These almost noiseless home helpers require a minimum of care and can work around the clock. The choice of air humidifiers is so great that the head just goes around: how to choose a humidifier to maximally satisfy the needs of a particular family?

    There are four types of air humidifiers and, in order to choose the right one for you, it is worth to get acquainted with the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.
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    Classic( traditional) air humidifier

    - works on the principle of self-regulation;
    - steam does not escape from it;
    - use of tap water;
    - possibility of aromatization;
    - it is possible to observe the amount of water in the tank;
    - the availability of reusable filters in some models.

    - maximum air humidity - 60%;
    - the humidity level rises as the room temperature rises.

    A traditional air humidifier is a good option if you have small children and pets at home.

    Ultrasonic air humidifier

    - the humidity you need is maintained thanks to the built-in hygrostat;
    - the humidifier is switched on and off by itself, constantly maintaining the specified humidity;
    - various models of ultrasonic air humidifiers allow you to show the real humidity in the room, destroy microbes in the water, have touch buttons;
    - humidifier has a small size;
    - humidifies the air by more than 60%;
    - has a modern, stylish design.

    - forced replacement of the filter every 2-3 months;
    - lack of room scent;
    - special sensitivity of the filter to hard water( need to use special demineralized water).

    The ultrasonic air humidifier is indispensable if you need to humidify the air in a room with furniture, musical instruments, a conservatory or a home greenhouse.

    Climatic complex( "air washing")

    - works on the principle of self-regulation( without hygrostat);
    - there is a capsule for aromatization;
    - steam does not escape from it;
    - different models can have special filters with an ionizing rod for biological air purification from various microorganisms.

    - large enough;
    - maximum humidity of air - 60%;
    - filters in some models require periodic replacement.

    "Air Wash" is suitable for people who need a particularly clean air without dust( allergy sufferers suffering from bronchial asthma), as well as for a house where a recent repair has been done.

    Steam humidifier

    - does not need clean water;
    - sterile steam;
    - there is the possibility of carrying out the procedure of inhalation, aromatherapy;
    - there are no materials that need replacing( filters, cartridges);
    - has a convenient handle for carrying;
    - has the highest performance among all types of humidifiers;
    - has an indicator of the amount of water left;
    - humidifies the air by more than 60%;
    - relatively low cost and ease of maintenance.

    - consumes a lot of electricity - much more than other types of humidifiers;
    - does not have a hygrostat allowing to maintain the set room humidity - it needs to be purchased additionally;
    - not recommended in homes where there are children and pets, becausemay be dangerous if mistreated.

    Steam humidifier is good for inhalation, application in the winter garden, greenhouse.

    Having finally decided for yourself, for what purposes you need an air humidifier, you will easily pick the right one for you. It is possible that you will need several types of air humidifiers - if finances permit, do not deny yourself this pleasure!