  • How to get rid of sunburn

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    Read in the article:
    • Can I quickly get rid of sunburn
    • How to get rid of sunburn at home: folk recipes, tips
    • How not to sunbathe in the sun: reviews, folk remedies, cosmetology tips

    How to whiten the face after sunburn: homemade recipes

    Tannedbronze shade of the skin is not always a standard of beauty, it is not unusual for cases when you want to get rid of sunburn as quickly as possible.

    The effect after sunbathing can bring disappointment - an example is the appearance of unevenly colored areas on the face and body, alternating pigmented and whitish spots or peeling of the skin. All these shortcomings want to hide more quickly from prying eyes.

    Is it possible to quickly get rid of sunburn ^

    Often there is a situation where it is necessary to quickly remove the tan from the face:

    • The frequent causes of displeasure with appearance - the appearance of white skin around the eyes, which happens with the constant wearing of sunglasses.
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    • Another option is the so-called "tan builder", when only the exposed parts of the body - nose, neck, shoulders and legs - fall into the ultraviolet rays, and the skin under the shirt and shorts remains light.
    • Ugly stripes from the swimsuit straps or from sandal buckles are also made to look for ways to clean tan at home.

    Pigment, providing tanning, is formed in special cells - melanocytes. They are located in the lower layers of the epidermis. Long sprouts of these cells deliver melanin to the upper layers of the skin, where it performs its function - it protects the inner layers of the dermis from sunburn. It should be said that the amount of pigment produced depends to a large extent on the genetic characteristics and phototype of a person.

    The cells of the skin are gradually renewed, the top layers of the epidermis die, and there is no trace of the previous sunburn. The exception is people with olive or swarthy complexion, whose tan lasts longer than usual.

    All other effects of irradiation on the sun disappear unevenly. Not only that the skin is deprived of sunburn, so it also becomes covered with unattractive spots that it is forced to look for ways how to whiten the face from sunburn. There are proven methods that help quickly restore the former shade of the skin.

    How to get rid of sunburn at home: folk recipes, tips ^

    How to get rid of tanning at home: folk remedies and prescriptions

    You can remove traces of sunburn in the beauty salon, as well as with the help of special products( bleaching creams, masks, lotions).It is not forbidden to use home methods.

    Please note! Not every whitening agent is safe, so a sensitivity test should be performed before using any drug. Apply it on a small patch of skin, and if there is no redness or swelling within a day, this remedy can be used without fear.

    To go out in the sun after bleaching the skin is also not worth it, otherwise it's easy to get an undesirable effect until the skin burns. It is better to stock up with sunscreen beforehand and apply it before going out.

    How to whiten the skin from sunburn at home

    Bath treatments

    There is a proven way to restore the former shade - it's to visit a sauna or a sauna. The steamed skin is actively rubbed with a coarse washcloth to remove the dead layers of the epidermis.

    You can use a body scrub, and for your face a softer remedy is suitable - gommage. Such bath procedures should be carried out regularly, and after 2-3 weeks the skin will return to its original state.

    Fermented milk products

    Ryazhenka, kefir, sour cream, whey have remarkable bleaching properties. The whole secret lies in the action of lactic acid, which destroys the signs of sunburn and pigmentation. If the house has a milk fungus, you can use its serum.

    To get rid of sunburn, the body is lubricated with a fermented milk product and left on the skin for 15-20 minutes. After 14 days from the swarthy tinge, there will be no trace, provided that such masks are regularly used.

    Many women have experienced the effects of baths from whey, although this activity can be classified as extreme. For the procedure should be stocked with 15-20 liters of milk whey, which must be thoroughly heated. A hot bath of acidic product will quickly whiten the skin, and the temperature of the liquid should be such that the skin has a slight reddening.


    • Cucumber juice has remarkable whitening qualities.
    • The flesh of the rind and fetus is ground, grated and smeared with face and body.
    • Often after sunburn, excessive dryness of the skin is observed, in which case the cucumber juice can be mixed with sour cream or curdled milk.
    • For bleaching face use finely chopped strips of cucumber, which wipe the skin.


    The parsley juice has excellent whitening properties.

    • In the summer it is easy to prepare. To do this, the green part of the plant is finely chopped, poured with boiling water and insisted.
    • Chilled pigmented areas are smeared with a solution 2-3 times a day.

    Exfoliating products

    Scrubs, peelings, gommages also help to remove the upper skin layers and quickly get rid of sunburn. However, they can be used better in the evening hours, after a hygienic bath.

    The skin after these procedures becomes quite sensitive to ultraviolet rays, so before going out, it is desirable to apply sunscreen.

    How to remove tan from the face at home

    Many plants growing nearby will help to cope with the problem. So, whitening properties possess:

    • Dandelion juice;
    • leaves of sorrel;
    • leaves and berries of black currant;
    • fruits of mountain ash and elderberry black;Juice of lemon, grapefruit or horseradish.

    All vegetable raw materials should be ground to a puree state, mixed with sour cream or curdled milk in a ratio of 1: 2, apply to the body and face.

    A good cosmetic effect can be expected from masks with vegetables and fruits that are at hand. Tomatoes, radish, strawberries, apples mixed with vegetable oil, sour cream or starch will refresh the skin and eliminate unwanted dark tint. Keep fruit mask on your face should be for 15 minutes.

    To lighten the skin, you can mix lemon juice, water and table vinegar in equal proportions and wipe the skin with a remedy.

    All products should be used systematically, at least 2 times a week. To whiten the skin from sunburn will need a course of 15-20 procedures. It is important to remember that all home methods do not work right away, but after a few weeks.

    We also advise you to read the article "Tanning oil: sunbathe beautifully."

    How to avoid sunbathing: reviews, folk remedies, cosmetology tips ^

    As it is known, a tan also has its opposite sides:

    • After prolonged insolation, the skin thickens, coarsens, premature wrinkles appear on it.
    • Many people note dryness and roughness of the skin, the appearance of small cracks.
    • Solar burns increase the risk of skin cancer - melanoma.
    • It is also not advisable to yell to people with various thyroid problems.

    How to protect yourself from sunburn: a few useful tips from dermatologists

    • On hot days, it's best not to go out in the space between 10 and 16 hours.
    • Will protect from the sun a wide-brimmed hat, cotton light-colored clothing with long sleeves, sunglasses with a filter.
    • For 30 minutes before going out, apply a sunblock to the face, and above it, apply a layer of powder with a sunscreen. Cosmetic products are a reliable protection: harmful rays will not be scary for 3-4 hours.
    • To reduce the effect of insolation, include in the menu products with a high content of ascorbic acid. Moreover, finding them in the summer will not bring any trouble. Various leafy greens, currants, citrus fruits, fresh apples will weaken the sensitivity of the skin to the sun's rays.

    We publish reviews of our regular readers, how they are protected from unwanted sunburn, sent to us to the editor:

    Kira, 27 years old:

    "We went with my husband to Egypt, our neighbors climbed and scorched scared. And we had coconut oil. We returned home with "chocolates".True, it costs a little expensive, but it's not a pity at all. "

    Alexandra, 22:

    " I really wanted to become a black and black, real "chocolate".I bought tanning oil from Garnier, but it does not provide full protection from burns. At first the skin reddened and became sticky. However, I was satisfied with the means. After a couple of days, a beautiful tan appeared, and the skin was not badly damaged. On the contrary, I noted her great hydration "

    Anastasia, 40 years:

    " I bought a tanning agent from La Roche, I was very pleased with the result. The cream guarantees almost complete protection from sunlight and moisturizes the skin ยป