  • How to choose a houseplant?

    Indoor plants delight the eye, decorate the interior design and purify the air in the apartment. Perhaps, there is no such person who at least once in his life did not think about acquiring a green friend in his home. At first glance, the care of indoor plants seems simple - and we do not really think much about their purchase. But how often it happens that the acquired indoor plant after a while begins to feel bad and, in the end, dies.

    How to choose a house plant so that it brings joy to its owner, for a long time decorated the room? To do this, you need to pay attention to several important factors.

    Place for sale of indoor plants.
    When purchasing a house plant "with hands", you risk getting a sick or damaged plant that has not been properly treated. In addition, a grandmother in the market is unlikely to fully explain to you all the details of care for a particular plant species, will recommend suitable conditions of detention. Do not be lazy and go for indoor plants in a specialized store: here and the choice is more respectable, and the seller is more experienced. Here you can buy other important attributes: soil, pots, necessary fertilizers.

    Appearance of the plant.
    Some plants are compactly placed on a window sill or surrounded by other plants, others need a lot of space. Think about what space for a plant you can allocate in your apartment. Also, the appearance of a houseplant plays a role in its selection for a specific interior design: it must fit organically into it, complement it, and not create disharmony.   

    Houseplant conditions. Did you like the plant, the optimum temperature for which is 12? C, and in your apartment is never below 22?Refuse to purchase it - otherwise a green friend will not be long to please your eyes. Pay attention to such important characteristics as: temperature, humidity, lighting level( shadow, partial shade, direct sunlight), frequency of irrigation, sensitivity to drafts. Pick up those indoor plants that fit the parameters that exist in your home. The sales assistant will help you with this.

    Endurance of indoor plants.
    Some plants are extremely unpretentious - they can be watered once a month and do not really think about fertilizer;others require increased attention and care( frequent irrigation, regular transplantation, cropping, sprinkling, etc.).If you do not have time to care for extremely capricious plants - refuse to purchase them.

    State of the houseplant at the time of its acquisition.
    After determining the above factors and stopping at the choice of a particular plant, inspect it before buying. Blossoming house plants are recommended not to take during the flowering period - it is better to wait for it at home than to forget about it a few days after the purchase( except - constantly flowering( decorative year round) indoor plants).The leaves should be distributed evenly. Leaves of a healthy plant are not characterized by lethargy, yellowness and drying, various types of plaque, damage. Stems should be strong, "poured".Carefully check the presence of insect pests - if they are found, refuse to purchase the plant. The plant should not be cramped in the pot, but if it reveals protruding roots, it is better to immediately purchase a larger pot for subsequent plant transplantation.

    That's all the secrets of how to choose a houseplant. We hope, our article will help you in the right choice of a green friend.