  • How to save electricity in an apartment and a private house

    Now a lot of household things are created to facilitate the life of mankind. However, along with convenience comes a receipt with a large sum to pay for electricity, which can not help but grieve. You have to save. Let's look at the main options for saving electricity.

    Tips for saving electricity

    1. Energy-saving lamps. The era of candles has long passed and every house and apartment are lit by incandescent lamps. Replace similar bulbs with energy-saving ones. Their price is much higher( one device 100-200 rubles.), Remember the saying "Miserly pays twice."By purchasing an energy-saving lamp, you will reduce costs, becausethey do not heat up and use energy only for lighting. Plus, they are more durable( they serve about three years).

    Overview of energy-saving lamps and their testing:

    2. Properly operate the equipment. Before using household appliances, do not be lazy to read the instructions. Here are some examples of useful tips: do not put refrigerator next to the stove or battery, they contribute to its heating;Do not put freshly cooked food in the refrigerator;do not forget also to defrost it in time( ice in the freezer increases energy costs by 20%).Do not leave the refrigerator door open.

    Do not forget to clean the vacuum cleaner every time after use. During cooking, cover the pan with a lid. Do not preheat the oven beforehand, if the recipe book does not require it. As for computers, you can also save money here: reduce the brightness of the monitor, do not leave it turned on if you do not use it.

    Select the washing mode of the items correctly in the washing machine.

    Before you turn on the air conditioner, close the windows and doors, otherwise its operation will be idle.

    3. Clean the dust from the lamps. The fact is that the lack of lighting forces us to screw as many bulbs as possible, and the reason can be in their dustiness. It is enough to wipe them and the lighting will increase by about 30%.This also applies to windows, they are also worth wiping.

    4. When leaving, extinguish the light. It seems to be a simple rule, but for some reason it is not observed often. Just get in the habit of doing this action as necessary.

    5. Update your home appliances. It turns out that the technique, made 15-20 years ago, consumes twice the energy! If possible, replace the old equipment with a new one. Advantage is given to the electric kettle, pressure cookers, the oven is best replaced with a microwave oven, toasters. This will save the cooking time, and hence the cost. Replace the stationary computer with a laptop with a liquid crystal display.

    6. Insulate the apartment .In order not to suffer from the cold in rainy weather, but do not include a heater, warm your habitat. Replace old batteries with more modern ones. Change the usual wooden windows with plastic or prokonopatte old, get rid of cracks with a mounting foam. On the heaters and fans of hot air is worth forgetting.

    7. Using special devices to save energy. There are devices that simplify the task of saving energy, they include a household power meter. This unit provides information on the amount of electricity consumed by electrical appliances. With its help, you can easily calculate the source of energy devouring.

    Recently appeared devices that literally save energy, enough to insert them into the outlet, they remind the charger. Their cost varies in the ranges from $ 10 to $ 80.However, there is a lot of controversy surrounding these devices, as many believe that they are not effective.

    Motion sensors are considered a proven option. They automatically turn off the equipment when not in use. So you can save up to 20% of energy.

    Dimmer. Installed in place of conventional switches and adjust the brightness of light lamps.

    8. Multi-tariff meters. The principle of such meters is the consumption of electricity at different costs depending on the time of day. They are two and three-tariff. They differ in the separation of zones: peak, semi-peak, night. And in each zone its own tariff rate for electricity, the lowest of which at night. Consequently, the use of such an option counters will suit people leading nightlife.

    Therefore, to install such a device or not to solve to you, remember that if you are leading a daily life, the rate will be overstated, and instead of saving you will have to go into negative.

    As a summary of all of the above, we suggest you look at the program for saving electricity in the apartment:

    As you can see, saving electricity is not so difficult, if necessary. There are many ways. Observe simple rules, and you do not have to clutch at your head, looking at the next receipt for electricity.