  • How to create and place an ad for an apartment?

    The main factors that determine the success and speed of real estate implementation are the qualitative characteristics of the housing itself and a competent approach to the very process of selling. Easier to sell high-quality housing, which has a good footage, quality repair, installed expensive plumbing. Located in a new house, built in a prestigious area of ​​the city, the apartment has a better chance of being profitable realized, naturally taking into account market prices, which, depending on the location of the housing, vary considerably. The owner of realizable real estate can increase the level of the object's attractiveness by carrying out repairs before the sale itself, in order to give the housing a commodity and attractive look for future buyers. However, all this will be of little use if it is negligent to compose an advertisement.

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    Why is it important to compose ads correctly?

    The process of organizing the sale of housing is the second stage, important for the owner of the property, whose goal is to find a reliable and not greedy buyer as soon as possible. The most important element of the organization of the sale of residential real estate is the search for a long-awaited buyer through various methods.

    All these problems can be placed on the shoulders of intermediaries, that is, real estate agents, realtors and the like, who for a certain percentage of the future deal will agree to help, but we will focus our attention on independent search, without intermediaries and the like. On the other hand, you can use both their resources and search independently, which will only speed up the effectiveness of this process.

    The most popular ways to find a potential buyer is to place advertising information in the form of ads in various local printed and online publications that have headings on real estate announcements. Very affects the effectiveness of the search for how correctly and correctly drafted an announcement of the intention to sell real estate. Equally important is the very process of submitting the advertisement, that is, which information resources( advertising space) were used. It turns out that it is precisely compliance with these two conditions( compilation of an advertisement, submission of an advertisement) that determines how much the advertisement will be effective and effective for the seller of real estate. In this case, we are talking about the ability of this advertising message to attract the attention of buyers who are ready to purchase a property( house, apartment, room) on favorable terms and conditions acceptable to the owner( cost, payment terms).

    Where to advertise the sale of apartments?

    Initially, it is important for the seller to sort out the issue of the best place to place such advertising, which refers to the purchase and sale of residential real estate. As an "advertising space" it is recommended to simultaneously use several local magazines, newspapers that are popular in the city, region.

    Printed editions of
    Nowadays almost every print edition regularly publishes the rubric of private announcements in various thematic categories, like auto, services, work, real estate and so on. There are all kinds of thematic categories of printed publications devoted exclusively to advertisements.

    The cost of placing advertisements there within the permissible limits. The cost of placing advertising there affects the location of the ad, its volume( the number of signs used in it), the design of the ad, used for its printing font. When ordering an advertisement for a long period( 1 - 6 months), the cost of advertising will be less than if you order one publication weekly for the same period. In some print media, there are also programs for free ad placement, for example, when a special coupon is cut out from the past issue in an order item.

    Announcement on the Internet
    The Internet in recent years is also an effective field for finding a buyer. In the online web there are online versions of well-known printed advertising publications, as well as independent web resources, which are also called "bulletin boards".On most similar online projects, you can place ads for free, but with some restrictions on the size of the message, the number of allowed ads, the purpose of the ad, and so on. When you publish on a fee basis, all of the above limitations are not available, in addition, the advertiser receives additional options( selection of the ad style, placing it in the first positions, selection, etc.).

    The cost of the services of such web resources depends on the program of cooperation chosen by the advertiser, but in general it is cheaper if you make a comparison with the above printed publications. Preference should be given to the most visited online audience of online projects that are popular with users.

    Unlike print editions, here the advertiser has the opportunity to edit their ads at any time, activate them, deactivate or delete them if the ad has lost relevance. It is possible to publish visual support, in the form of photographs, drawings and so on, without special financial expenses on such sites along with text ads.

    The availability of high-quality photographs of the house where the apartment is located for sale, pictures of the premises of this dwelling significantly increase the informative value of advertising. As a result, the advertiser deprives himself of an unpleasant duty to respond to inconclusive phone calls. The number of useless views of the apartment, which take away the nerves, time is also markedly reduced due to the presence of photographs in the advertisement. All this confirms the fact that it is better to see it once than to read it several times.

    The most old method, so to speak, the classic of the past years, the method of searching for a buyer is posting, that is, the unauthorized placement of printed or written text ads on walls, houses, fences, poles and other places of considerable congestion. Many of them are still considered to be the most effective method of finding a buyer, although it can be argued here, especially in recent years. There is a posting near railway stations, supermarkets, commodity, food markets, metro stations, bus stations. When sticking it is worth remembering that such things cause the indignation of urban public services.

    The disadvantage of sticking out is the rather short life of such an advertising message, because it can be broken or sealed by another advertisement. Rain can reduce to zero the readability of such an announcement. The advertiser still needs to spend on glue, buttons or adhesive tape. In case of using the adhesive, the ad will be more difficult to tear, but it is possible to stain clothes after posting several dozens of such ads around the city. Nevertheless, the shortcomings given are rather insignificant, because besides own time for sticking and a small amount of glue or button costs, no.

    How do I compose an ad?

    Now it's worth talking about making the very announcement of the sale of real estate. It is recommended to take this process seriously and responsibly. The main purpose of this announcement is to attract as much attention as possible to potential buyers.

    Text ad should meet such criteria as conciseness and informativeness, while the information should be expressed as briefly and unambiguously as possible in order to save the seller of real estate from unnecessary questions of potential buyers. The person reading the advertisement should find there answers to all questions that concern him about the housing offered for sale.

    What else should I mention in the ad:

    • The announcement must contain detailed information about the location of the property( city district, street, house number, floor number of the house and the floor where the apartment is located for sale).

    • It is worth mentioning the construction of this building( monolithic, brick or block type house).

    • It is very important to describe in detail the internal state of housing, that is, the quality of repairs carried out there, the dignity of this housing( glassed-in balcony, air conditioning, metal-plastic windows, armored door, built-in furniture).

    • Attention should be made also on the condition of the floor covering( parquet, linoleum, tile), decorative covering of the walls of various rooms, the condition of bathrooms and sanitary ware( toilet, bathroom).

    • You should try to mention all the details that may be of interest to the buyer of real estate.

    Do not forget about the immaterial, so to speak, the benefits of realizable real estate. It is appropriate to mention its advantages of territorial location, that is, its proximity to the park, the metro station, the picturesque lake, the river, the presence of a nearby playground, a school, a kindergarten, a polyclinic, a supermarket, a pharmacy and other useful objects of the social infrastructure of the city. Classically, in such advertising sellers mention some of the advantages of city life in an apartment building, such as the presence of a doorphone, concierge, security system, etc. It is not unimportant for most buyers the parameter of the transport infrastructure of the area where the property is located. It is about the availability of public transport stops( lines of trams, trolley-buses, bus routes, electric trains), parking lots for private cars and transport interchanges.

    In the process of writing an ad, do not shorten words, phrases, because this negatively affects the level of perception, understanding of this information in the text. The reader will find it more difficult, if not impossible, to understand the meaning of the message written there. In the announcement there should be only reliable information regarding the object being sold, although on the other hand it is possible to keep silent about some minor housing shortcomings, focusing on the advantages of the apartment. All this is already done at the discretion of the seller, of course.

    In the process of compiling an advertisement, it is worth taking care that the ad text does not have punctuation, grammatical and lexical errors. Many realtors recommend making ads in two or three different formulations, because then there is more chance of quickly selling the apartment. In the announcement it is important to mention that the advertiser is the owner of the object for sale, and not an intermediary, a representative of a realtor agency and so on. Not many want to deal with intermediaries because they promise them additional costs to pay for their services. Commissions of these subjects are quite noticeable( 2-5% of the value of the facility).

    It is worth recalling that the use of the words "urgently", "bargaining" in the announcement negatively affects its effectiveness, that is, it makes it difficult to find buyers. It is mandatory in the text to indicate the sale value of the object in the conventional currency units of the designated currency( classically it is the national currency, euro or US dollars).A few words worth devoting the degree of readiness of the object for sale, the availability of all documents and the absence of legal and technical obstacles to the transaction. You can also slightly inflate the cost of the apartment and write in the announcement that it is possible to bargain, again, you do it at will and the state of the apartment.

    Photos in ads
    A few words about the visual support of the announcement, namely the photos of the rooms of the object, pictures of the house itself, where the housing is located and the like. Naturally, this is most relevant for advertising through Internet resources. In print media, this option is also available, but it will cost much more for an advertiser than a simple text ad.

    The photographs taken should be of high quality, so that a potential buyer could accurately represent the condition of the housing offered for sale. It is recommended to make such photos after cleaning, that is, a small "makeup" of the apartment, when the housing looks as attractive as possible. It is desirable that it was sunny weather. In the photo, the rooms should look cozy and attractive to potential buyers, and therefore it is best to focus the camera lens on the visible advantages of the property( beautiful parquet, spacious kitchen, new plumbing, large windows and so on).

    Use for shooting better professional camera, capable of making clear, high-quality photographs. Nowadays, digital cameras are used, which allows you to independently conduct all sorts of editing photos using various graphics editors( Photoshop, GIMP, Paint. NET, etc.).Thanks to the software, you can significantly improve the image quality, adjust parameters such as brightness, contrast. With this software, you can also get rid of unwanted elements that hit the lens and adversely affect the appearance of the room( interior detail, "blemish" and so on).In this case, it is very important, so to speak, not to overdo too much with the processing of the photo, so that this does not negatively affect later the reliability of the photographs.

    Sale of real estate is a very serious event, in which great importance is also how competently the announcement is made and how the advertising platforms are selected. It is about what means of dissemination of information were used. Optimum use of all available means of searching for the buyer, that is: local printed publications, advertising online boards and stickers. It is necessary to find a buyer himself and in the meanwhile to involve as many of those intermediaries who earn only on buyers, that is, the seller of real estate does not pay them commission. To this process, it is additionally worthwhile to connect all of your friends, relatives' friends, because perhaps some of their acquaintances someone is just looking for an apartment to buy it. Good luck!