
Violets from Beads for Beginners: Weaving scheme and master class with video

  • Violets from Beads for Beginners: Weaving scheme and master class with video

    Violet Violets: weaving patterns and description of each stage of work.

    Violets are beautiful and delicate plants that stand in almost every house where they like home flowers. At the same time, they are rather whimsical and require special treatment. Unfortunately, in the pace of modern times it was difficult to give a lot of time to flowers in pots, but the masters found a way out - they weave flowers from beads. Perfectly on your windowsill will look like a violet from beads, a master class on weaving which we will show in this article.

    How to weave a bouquet of violets

    These flowers are not difficult to weave. You can see for yourself that the violet of beads for beginners is a very easy option to develop your skills.


    For the production of violets from beads, the weaving scheme looks like this:



    As a result, we get here such a beautiful bush of violets in a pot.

    For weaving, we will need the following materials:

    • Beads. For flowers - three colors at your discretion( in MK blue, light blue or white and yellow).For leaves - two shades of green are better.
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    • Wire.0,3-0,4 - for petals and leaves and thicker for cuttings. Tongs, tweezers, pliers. Scissors.
    • Adhesive.
    • Threads( green and black).
    • Flower pot( small).
    • Plasticine.
    • Pebbles( drain for flowers - sprinkle around the violets).Alabaster or cement( pour the violet in a pot).

    Violet braiding in stages:

    Below is a detailed MC with a photo on the weaving of violets from beads.

    For our violet we will weave 9 flowers and 5 buds, 2 of which will be blossoming and 3 green. The flowers will be blue with a light ruffle, as we weave a flower of a terry terry violet.

    Blouse buds:

    Each bud consists of 7 loops, each eyelet - 7 beads, which are typed in 2 shades of green. It is necessary to dial 7 beads on a thin wire, then twist the tips, and after a short distance( about 0.5-1cm) make the next loop. And so 7 times. Then they are twisted together, the excess wire is cut off, and the thicker wire is woven into the remaining tip( length about 15cm).There should be three such boothes.

    Blossoming buds are plaited the same way, but 3 loops of 7 are woven with blue beads. There are 2 such pieces.

    All 5 buds should be threaded approximately 5 cm and grease the stem with glue.

    Next, yellow stamens for the flowers are woven. For this, on a thin wire, you need to make 3 loops and screw a thick wire to the base - this is the future stem of the flower.

    For one violet flower we need 6 small and 4 large petals. Petals are as follows.7 blue beads are threaded onto the wire, the wire is twisted, and another blue bead is dialed. Then you need to make a turn around the first loop, and the wire is twisted again( one turn).A light bead is made, the final turn is made. The wire is twisted again. On the same wire, without cutting it, the next petal is padded. The resulting six petals curl more closely with the stamen. And if the small petals consist of 2 blue arcs of one light, then the large petals - from 3 blue and 1 light.

    The resulting groups of petals are curled into 1 flower:

    Such colors must be made in the quantity of 9 pieces( but can be varied).Five flowers out of nine will be with buds. All the stems need to be wrapped around the thread, to some - to attach the buds and cover all the stems with glue.

    Shamrock leaves

    In total it is necessary to make 12 leaves, of which 6 are small and 6 are large. Violets have characteristic leaves of almost circular shape, so we will weave the leaves of our violets with French weaving.

    In small leaves, 6 arcs on the axis of 2 cm, at large - 8 arcs on the same axis. Leaflets of leaves are wrapped in a thread and glued.

    We collect violet

    It is necessary to twist twigs of violets - from three flowers each. Two branches should be made with a bud and with a green bud. In total there will be three twigs.

    To each branchlet fasten 2 small leaves, and then wrap all the branches and leaves. Large leaves are attached from below, in staggered form with a small leaf order.

    We plant a violet

    We take a pot and attach a piece of plasticine to its bottom, into which we insert our bush. With the help of stones, fix the stem and pour it with a solution of cement or alabaster. Decorate with stones or rhinestones or beads "earth" is not necessary - the leaves of the violet are thick enough.
    For clarity, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the video lesson on weaving of violets from beads.

    Such a gentle blue violet will please your blossoms all year round!

    Violets are beautiful and delicate plants that stand in almost every house where they like home flowers. At the same time, they are rather whimsical and require special treatment. Unfortunately, in the pace of modern times it was difficult to give a lot of time to flowers in pots, but the masters found a way out - they weave flowers from beads. Perfectly on your windowsill will look like a violet from beads, a master class on weaving which we will show in this article.

    How to weave a bouquet of violets

    These flowers are not difficult to weave. You can see for yourself that the violet of beads for beginners is a very easy option to develop your skills.


    For the production of violets from beads, the weaving scheme looks like this:



    In the end, we get here such a beautiful bush of violets in a pot.

    For weaving, we will need the following materials:

    • Beads. For flowers - three colors at your discretion( in MK blue, light blue or white and yellow).For leaves - two shades of green are better.
    • Wire.0,3-0,4 - for petals and leaves and thicker for cuttings. Tongs, tweezers, pliers. Scissors.
    • Adhesive.
    • Threads( green and black).
    • Flower pot( small).
    • Plasticine.
    • Pebbles( drain for flowers - sprinkle around the violets).
    • Alabaster or cement( pour the violet in a pot).

    Violet braiding in stages:

    Below is a detailed MC with a photo on the weaving of violets from beads.

    For our violet we will weave 9 flowers and 5 buds, 2 of which will be blossoming and 3 green. The flowers will be blue with a light ruffle, as we weave a flower of a terry terry violet.

    Blouse buds:

    Each bud consists of 7 loops, each eyelet - 7 beads, which are typed in 2 shades of green. It is necessary to dial 7 beads on a thin wire, then twist the tips, and after a short distance( about 0.5-1cm) make the next loop. And so 7 times. Then they are twisted together, the excess wire is cut off, and the thicker wire is woven into the remaining tip( the length is about 15cm).There should be three such boothes.

    Blossoming buds are also plaid, but 3 loops of 7 are woven with blue beads. There are 2 such pieces.

    All 5 buds should be threaded approximately 5 cm and grease the stem with glue.

    Next, yellow stamens for flowers are woven. For this, on a thin wire, you need to make 3 loops and screw a thick wire to the base - this is the future stem of the flower.

    For one violet flower we need 6 small and 4 large petals. Petals are as follows.7 blue beads are threaded onto the wire, the wire is twisted, and another blue bead is dialed. Then you need to make a turn around the first loop, and the wire is twisted again( one turn).A light bead is made, the final turn is made. The wire is twisted again. On the same wire, without cutting it, the next petal is padded. The resulting six petals curl more closely with the stamen. And if the small petals consist of 2 blue arcs of one light, then the large petals - from 3 blue and 1 light.

    The resulting groups of petals are curled into 1 flower:

    Such colors should be made in the number of 9 pieces( but can be varied).Five flowers out of nine will be with buds. All the stems need to be wrapped around the thread, to some - to attach the buds and cover all the stems with glue.

    Shamrock leaves

    In total it is necessary to make 12 leaves, of which 6 are small and 6 are large. Violets have characteristic leaves of almost circular shape, so we will weave the leaves of our violets with French weaving.

    In small leaves, 6 arcs on the axis of 2 cm, at large - 8 arcs on the same axis. Leaflets of leaves are wrapped in a thread and glued.

    We collect violet

    It is necessary to twist twigs of violets - from three flowers each. Two branches should be made with a bud and with a green bud. In total there will be three twigs.

    To each branchlet fasten 2 small leaves, and then wrap all the branches and leaves. Large leaves are attached from below, in staggered form with a small leaf order.

    We plant the violet

    Take the pot and attach a piece of plasticine to its bottom, into which we insert our bush. With the help of stones, fix the stem and pour it with a solution of cement or alabaster. Decorate with stones or rhinestones or beads "earth" is not necessary - the leaves of the violet are thick enough.
    For clarity, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the video lesson on weaving of violets from beads.

    Such a gentle blue violet will please its flowering all year round!