
How to make a cartoon bear cub from plasticine: detailed MK

  • How to make a cartoon bear cub from plasticine: detailed MK

    Children definitely like the idea of ​​fashioning their own characters from their favorite cartoons. In this article, the master classes will be presented, each of which will be accompanied by a detailed description of all the stages of work, after acquaintance with which the young craftsmen will be able to understand how to make a cartoon cartoon bear from plasticine called "Masha and the Bear", "Winnie the Pooh and itsfriends "," Umka ".

    A selection of training video lessons

    The best friend of Mashenka

    In order to fashion a bear from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear", it will take clay brown, orange, white and black colors, as well as a toothpick.

    The first thing from the brown color is to form two balls of different diameters. Then, from a ball with a large diameter, it is necessary to make the part in the form of a drop and pierce it with a toothpick, then from above it is necessary to attach a ball with a smaller diameter, so you will get the torso and the head of the cub. Then from a piece of orange you need to make a cake and attach it instead of the nose, adding a circle of black color. Then over the nose should be attached eyes made of plasticine balls of white and black colors. In order to get the paws, you need to form two sausages and two flat cakes from the brown color, to each of the cakes should be attached cakes smaller orange, adding them with small balls to make the pads. After that, the front and hind legs should be attached to the trunk, add a tail and place two ears on the crown, made of semicircular details of brown and orange.

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    Good old Vinni

    In order to fashion a bear cub from the cartoon "Winnie the Pooh and his friends", you will need brown, black and white clay, as well as a toothpick.

    First of all, two balls of different sizes must be rolled out of brown color, to designate the trunk and head. Then the prepared balls should be combined with a toothpick. Then you need to make two small drops-shaped details and two details in the form of a roller, you also need to roll a long sausage from black and cut it into twelve pieces, thereby producing four blanks for future front and rear paws and claws. All workpieces must be attached to the trunk. To decorate the front of the face, two white balls must be formed, two tiny balls of black plasticine, one piece with a bend of light brown, a black ball for the nose and a pink piece for the mouth. At the final stage of the details you need to attach to the muzzle and place round ears on the vertex.


    In order to fashion a white bear from the cartoon "Umka", you need a white clay and a little black.

    First, one third of the plasticine block should be cut off, then it should be cut off a bit more to make the ears and tail, and the rest of the bar must be divided into four parts. From a large piece you need to form a detail in the form of a drop, you need to roll the sausages out of four pieces, in order to get the paws, and from the three pieces you need to make the ears and tail. At the final stage, the paws should be attached to the trunk, add a tail, ears, and eyes, a spout made of black plasticine.