
Bird feeders from hand-made materials with their own hands with photo-instruction

  • Bird feeders from hand-made materials with their own hands with photo-instruction

    Winter is a rather difficult test for birds, because of the severe frosts and dense layers of snow, it is quite difficult to find food for yourself, so the real rescue for birds is the feeding trough. In this article you will see the master classes with step-by-step instructions, after acquaintance with which you will understand how to make feeders for birds from improvised materials with their own hands. Whichever material is chosen as the main one, the main thing is that the feeder has a roof that will protect the feed from the influence of precipitation, and a wide opening must be made through which the birds can easily get inside the feeder. Feeders can be wooden, plastic, cardboard, that is, the material must be strong and resistant to high humidity and temperature changes.

    Ways to perform

    This article will offer a selection of video tutorials in which wizards will tell you how to make a bird feeder from the handy material.

    Which material should I choose?

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    It is believed that the classical feeder should be wooden, that is, it is often made of boards and moisture-proof plywood. Instead of moisture-proof plywood, the option of using Plexiglas is possible. In order to insert the plexiglass into the side panels, it is necessary to cut the grooves, the depth of which should be four millimeters, and to fix the side panels you can use screws.

    If the design is completely wooden, then as the connecting elements, it is worth using wooden edging and glue, ordinary screws. In order to equip the perch, it is necessary to cut out the round bar and fix it to the edges of the rim, pre-drilled holes of ten millimeters on each side.

    To properly fix the lid, you need to attach the left side of the lid to the side wall, then fix the right side of the lid and the ridge. And then with the help of furniture loops all the details of the cover are combined into a single structure.

    The most economical option is to make a bird feeder from a cardboard box. First of all, you need to prepare a cardboard box, preferably it is large and made of cardboard. Then we need to outline the contours of the future windows, then with the help of scissors it is necessary to cut the holes in the previously planned lines. It is desirable to seal all joints with electrical tape so that the birds are not injured. And the box itself can be zadekorirovat. At the final stage, you need to make fasteners in order to fix the feeder on the street.

    Unusual bird feeders can be made from plastic, for example, from plastic bottles. You can use bottles of different capacity for work. Before starting work, the bottles should be washed and dried, then you need to make the windows. You can make one hole, and you can make two small holes on both sides at different levels, then pour a full bottle of food, and insert a spoon into the holes. Examples of finished works are shown in the photo.

    The original feeder made using automotive headlights looks original. First, the headlight needs to be cleaned of dirt, then on the sides make three holes through which it is necessary to pass the cable loops. Then, with the help of hooks, the headlight should be attached to the pallet. In the pallet it is convenient to fall asleep food, and a wide raised headlight will protect the food from rain.