
How to make a cone of cardboard for a tree with your own hands: instructions step by step

  • How to make a cone of cardboard for a tree with your own hands: instructions step by step

    One of the main attributes of such a holiday as the New Year is the Christmas tree. Traditionally, the Christmas tree is decorated with tinsel, toys, but you can also make an original cardboard tree. Such a Christmas tree is quite simple, the main thing is to correctly form a cardboard base in the form of a cone; moreover, such a spruce does not have to be New Year's, it can fit into the interior of any room as an element of decor.

    This article will introduce the instructions, thanks to which it will be easy to understand how to make a cone of cardboard for a Christmas tree. Various decorations will also be described.

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    1 way

    One of the main advantages of Christmas trees with a cardboard base is that the technique of their manufacture is very simple, but there are many options to decorate the cardboard base.

    In order to make a cone of cardboard with your own hands, you will need a sheet of cardboard, scissors and glue. There are two ways of its formation.

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    The essence of the first option is that you need to fold a sheet of cardboard in the shape of a horn. Then trim the extra edges that protrude from the wide part of the cone. Then the edges must be glued, overlapping each other. Further, the lower edge must be cut in such a way that the cone is stable.

    2 way

    The second option assumes that on a sheet of cardboard you first need to draw an even circle, then divide it into four parts. Then one part must be cut out, and the remaining parts of the circle should be formed cone, fixing the edges with glue. For balance, you should also cut the bottom edge.

    Stages of forming cones from cardboard are shown in the photo.

    Master Classes for Decorating

    The master class will be displayed below, in which the method of decorating the base of the Christmas tree - the cone with paper needles will be described. For work, you will need sheets of colored paper of green or some other color, scissors and glue. The process will be described step by step.

    First of all, on a sheet of colored paper, you need to outline rectangles with different sides. In order to make the finished product look beautiful, it is necessary to reduce the size of the needles every three rows, so the lower rows of needles will be made of rectangles of a width of seven centimeters, the next three rows - from rectangles six and a half centimeters wide, then six centimeters, and the top row of needlesshould consist of rectangles five centimeters wide. From each cut rectangle it is necessary to make a trapezoid, ie, cut the upper side. Then each trapezoid should be folded in the form of a triangle and fasten the lower wide edge with a stapler, and the top edge will be glued to the cone. Paper needles must be glued in rows.

    Instead of volumetric needles, you can also glue in rows of the same diameter circles, cut from sheets of colored paper.

    There are other ways to decorate a Christmas tree with a base in the shape of a cone. Below, step by step, it will be described how to decorate a tree with strips.

    The first thing to do is make a cone. Then from the sheets of colored paper you should cut the strips, the length of the strips depends on the diameter and height of the cone. Then each strip should be wound on a pencil, so they turned out to be twisted. Further prepared strips should be glued to the cone, it is desirable that the lower rows consist of long strips, and the upper rows - from strips of shorter length. The figure illustrates the finished version of the Christmas tree, decorated in this way.

    Another option is to decorate the tree with needles, made in the form of drops. The scheme is simple. To make such needles, you need to cut out strips from a sheet of colored paper and glue the edges of each strip with glue. Then the droplets of a larger size should be glued to the cone as the bottom rows, and smaller droplets should be glued on top.