
Contests for the New Year 2015 for children - New Year's Games 2015

  • Contests for the New Year 2015 for children - New Year's Games 2015

    Each time with the onset of winter in the soul of each of us, involuntarily the feeling of expectation of the most fabulous and bright holiday - the New Year is born. At the end of December, a carefree festive mood with incredible speed spreads literally everywhere: beautifully designed shop windows start to wink with flashing lights;New Year trees, abundantly strewn with colorful sparkling toys, cause indescribable enthusiasm among children and adults;from houses and street cafes delicious appetizing aromas of spicy New Year's baking with cinnamon and almonds. But the greatest joy to the kids is, of course, the magic gifts from Santa Claus. To make this wonderful winter holiday bring more joy and fun to children, adults come up with various contests for the New Year 2015 for children. We bring to your attention several variants of carrying out of festive children's games and competitions.

    Soaring snowflakes

    Playing snowflakes

    This contest is perhaps the most popular.

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    Please note! Organize it is easy.

    For its implementation you will need only ordinary medical cotton so the desire and activity of the kids.

    Make of cotton wool small fluffy white lumps, remotely resembling snowflakes. The resulting cotton wool hand out to all the children who want to participate in the contest. At the command of the Leader, each child begins to blow from below on his snow-white lump. Preliminarily explain to children the main condition of the contest: you need to try to keep the cotton snowflake as long as possible floating in the air( like this).A child who can hold the cotton ball for the longest time soaring in the air, and becomes the winner. He is awarded a prize!

    "Lepim" snowballs

    Jolly contest

    Give the children thin sheets of white paper. Alternatively, you can distribute to each participant of this competition three leaves. At the command of the guys have to quickly crumple the sheets, trying to give them a round shape, like a real snowball. The winner is the most bright participant, "blinded" three lumps-snowball faster than others. The winner is awarded with a prize, and all paper snowballs are going to the pile for the next contest.


    Competition We note at once that this match is a team match. For its implementation, the children are invited to share on two teams. One participant from the team is given an empty cellophane bag, and to all the other participants there are the improvised snowballs made in the previous competition from the crumpled white paper. The package should be kept wide open, as it needs to catch as many snowballs of its team as possible. As soon as the Leader gives the signal, the guys begin to throw snowballs into the package of their friend. The winner of this competition is the team, in the package which will be more paper snowballs.

    What Christmas trees are

    Competition with a round dance

    Kids are invited to stand in a circle, holding each other's hands. The presenter( Santa Claus or Snow Maiden) is at this time in the center and reminds children that the Christmas trees in the forest grow different: tall, low, wide, thin. As soon as the Lead is pronounced the word "high", the guys should raise the pens together. If they say "low" - they should squat down, hands down. Hearing the word "wide" - the children should, holding hands, make the circle wide, and if the word "thin" sounds, the kids need to narrow the circle as much as possible.

    Please note! To make it more fun, the Leader tries to confuse the children a little.

    Magic hoops

    Competitions with hoop

    The contest is simple, but quite entertaining. Several participants are given by hoop( plastic or metal).Before the start of the competition, the Leader must explain the rules to the children. There are several variants of the competition:

    1. Rotation of the hoop around the waist or on the arm. A child whose hoop will spin longer than the others( without falling and not slipping) will be the winner.
    2. Competitors are invited to push forward the hoop in a straight line. Whose hoop will roll on until it falls, he is the winner.
    3. For this variant of the contest it will be necessary to twist the hoop around its axis with the fingers of one hand so that it starts to rotate like a "top".The winner is the participant whose hoop will rotate longer.

    Lingerie balloon

    Competition with balloons

    For the contest it is necessary to inflate multicolored balloons in advance. The number of cooked balls is determined by the number of participants. Before each child, wishing to participate in the competition, put the balloon at a distance of approximately five steps. Children with special bandages( scarves, handkerchiefs) are preliminarily tied up with their eyes. As soon as the signal sounds, they, with bandages on their eyes, should go to their ball to then crush it with a foot. The winner is the one who managed to do it.

    Please note! It will be funnier if after you tie the eyeballs to children, you will remove the balloons.

    Take a gift


    Two active participants are selected. In pre-cooked two boxes of preferably the same size( it is possible from under the shoes) are put symbolic prizes. To each of these boxes, wrapped in a beautiful gift paper, tied on a ribbon length of two and a half meters. The second end of the ribbon should be attached to the pencil. Competitors must stand on one line. They are given a pencil with a ribbon tied to it. According to the Leader, the participants start to wind the ribbons with pencils. Anyone who quickly draws his box, deservedly takes the prize.

    Please note! To make it more interesting, you can choose to compete for a child and an adult, dressed up, for example, in a Barmalea costume.

    Put a prize( something light) in the children's box, and in an adult box - put a heavy dumbbell. Such competition will be more fun and interesting for children! Participants can take part in it in turn - in this case each kid will go home not only with a good mood, but also with a prize.

    Please note! Make sure that New Year's competitions are not too long and boring.

    Remember that kids do not yet know how to focus their attention on one thing for a long time.