  • Homemade Gifts for the New Year 2014

    On the eve of the holiday, I want to give all my relatives and friends gifts: let the new year begin with something pleasant! That's just a gift? New Year's is still not a birthday, when the most expensive gifts are appropriate. At the same time, to give some cheap thing, too, seems to be not very decent. Think: could you prepare homemade gifts for the New Year 2014 to your friends and relatives? Do you think that this is very difficult? In vain! We assure you: every person has the ability to create - you just need to think something!

    How to get started

    Finance issue

    First of all, decide on the price category of the homemade gift, because the materials for its manufacture can be very different: you can extend the cosmetic bag for your girlfriend with a bright bead, or you can decorate it with precious or semiprecious stones. Our advice: do not focus on the high cost of the material, but on the very idea of ​​the work.

    How to choose the technique

    New painting on glass
    instagram viewer

    If you have ever been interested in self-made works, then you know perfectly well that today there are a lot of handmade techniques. The popular term came to us from the English language, literally it is translated as "needlework".

    Among the modern techniques of needlework there are both relatively new forms of work, and those that have their own "history": embroidery, woodcarving, beading, painting - you all, of course, are familiar with all these kinds of applied art. Of course, if you never knit, do not embroider, you do not have the experience of woodcarving, and in the treasury of your creative works there will be no bead masterpieces - it will be difficult for you to surprise your recipients with "feathers".

    Point-to-point painting

    Please pay attention to more modern handicrafts: decoupage, point-to-point, cold porcelain, glass painting, salted dough crafts - all these techniques are quite simple to perform,and, importantly, the material for them is not difficult to find at all.

    We will not tell you in detail about each technique - today there is a lot of literature devoted to each of them, you can find it not only on the shelves of stores, but also on the Internet. Be sober about your abilities: just take it for what you have to do!

    New Year's souvenir should be symbolic of

    Use New Year's story

    Should homemade gifts for the New Year 2014 reflect the holiday itself? Required! Therefore, considering the idea of ​​your souvenir, pay attention to the New Year's symbolism: a Christmas tree, a twig, snowflakes, balls and, of course, the figures of the year - can be woven into the plot of the work. In addition, do not forget that according to the Chinese calendar, 2014 is the year of the Wooden Horse.

    Ideas for gifts from textiles

    Knitted horse

    If you found a closer art, connected with fabric, thread and accessories for embroidery, we offer you the following gift options:

    • Make friends with a sewing machine - sew beautiful towels, hot-stick. Suitable for the coloring of the fabric is sure to be found, monophonic matter can be decorated with appliqués, braid, embroidery.
    • Stitching the whole tablecloth with a pattern is a very laborious task, but it's possible to embroider new motives at its corners or napkin corners quickly enough. The same motives can be performed on handkerchiefs.
    • It's unlikely that you will be able to knit large items for all your relatives and friends, but you can prepare several pairs of hand-stitches with snowflake patterns for the New Year.
    • If you know how to crochet, a fine gift can be knitted Christmas toys: balls, snowflakes and even horses. In the same technique, you can make beauticians, phone cases, wallets, slippers.
    Gift from the bead
    • The original things will look no less original, which you will decorate with New Year's symbols with the help of beads-time such work, if the pattern is simple, will take a minimum.

    Gift items from glass

    Decoupage on bottles

    Simple glasses or simple vases you will surprise no one today, unless you make an effort to decorate them somehow. The most ordinary glasses, wine glasses, vases can be turned into the original souvenirs, if you turn to the technique of decoupage. Find special napkins with suitable subjects - you just need to correctly paste them on the items you selected. Or, buy special paints and use the dots to draw New Year symbols on the glass.

    Suggestions for real craftsmen

    Wooden horse

    Souvenirs made of wood: horses, trinkets in the form of horses, caskets, carved plaques or stands with New Year's symbols - all these things, despite the apparent simplicity, can only be performed by those who have experiencein this technique. Woodcarving requires the author not only to have an excellent eye, but also to work with special tools. Items made of natural wood in the year of a wooden horse are a wonderful New Year's gift, only they need to be performed very qualitatively!

    Give herringbone!

    Christmas tree of walnuts If you do not know exactly what craftsmanship might like the addressee, then choose the Christmas tree or toys for her. These souvenirs will never be superfluous in the house. What can they be made of? Simple light bulbs, which have already served their time, can become the basis for creating colored toys: matryoshkas, little men, snowmen. Material for the Christmas trees can be ordinary paper clips, pasta or even halves of the walnut shell. Try to make a thick paper cone, stick to it the selected material - the shape is already similar to the herringbone. To "hide" the components of the branches and give the product a festive look, cover it with a color of silver or gold. Golden or silver Christmas trees - the original decoration for the table or shelf.

    Make gifts with love, give them from the heart - and then they will be the most expensive for your relatives and friends!