
Why the body itches at pregnancy - causes itching of the body

  • Why the body itches at pregnancy - causes itching of the body

    Pregnancy may be accompanied by itching of the skin throughout the body. Most often this happens after the 6th month, that is, with the beginning of the third trimester. The itch can become so intrusive and unbearable that one wonders why the same obsession arises. The body is pricked during pregnancy for various reasons.

    Hormonal reorganization

    Cholestasis of pregnant women

    Itching of the body can be a symptom of pancreatitis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, that is a sign of disruption of the internal organs. The reason for this is a changed hormonal background during pregnancy, which is understandable and expected.

    Please note! One of the causes of pruritus is associated with impaired liver function."Hepatic itching"( cholestasis of pregnant women) is accompanied by burning, often manifests itself at night, leads to skin damage even on the feet and hands.

    This kind of skin irritation is typical for women who have either previously suffered or are predisposed to such diseases as hepatitis A, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis. This group of risk includes multiple pregnancies and women after 35 years.

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    The hormonal causes are as follows: female hormones - estrogens, produced in excess, which is the absolute norm in pregnancy, begin to suppress the activity of liver enzymes. This leads to a disruption in the binding of bilirubin to glucuronic acid. As a result, bile is stagnant, the bile acid content rises in the blood. Acids, in turn, enter the fatty subcutaneous tissue and, irritating the nerve endings, cause severe itching of the skin.

    Fighting this kind of itching is difficult, because it is a symptom, that is, a consequence and evidence of a violation of the work of another internal organ - the liver. It is the liver and you need help to cope fully with your task. It is necessary to start with liver tests, biochemical blood test, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. And then act on the advice of a doctor.

    Unpleasant sensations caused by itching, it is desirable to tolerate, reducing their strength by using activated charcoal or treatment with cholestyramine( only for the doctor's prescription), as well as local treatment of affected skin with mild antipruritic ointments with a component of menthol. It is useful to use simple in making folk remedy for ingestion half a glass after eating 2 times a day: a mixture of herbs 5 grams( calendula, chamomile, psyllium, lemon balm, yarrow, motherwort) pour 1 liter of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, insist 1 hour.

    Prunes and dried apricots
    Please note! It's worth reviewing your diet in favor of foods that will not create an exorbitant strain on the liver.

    It is necessary to forget about fried, salted, smoked, like dried apricots, prunes, beneficial for peristalsis. And remember that unpleasant sensations will certainly stop immediately after birth.

    There are other common causes that cause itching of different parts of the body.

    Physiological itch

    Due to the increase in the fetus in the womb of the mother, the belly of a pregnant woman increases, and, therefore, the skin on the abdomen is stretched. Its stretching, which in medicine is called "polymorphic dermatosis of pregnant women"( PDB), is accompanied by itching. This can be observed at the beginning of the second trimester.

    After the birth, the problem of physiological itching disappears completely, so the unrest is not the place, if we exclude the fact that stretch marks on the skin of the abdomen, legs, thighs and chest can remain forever.

    To minimize the appearance of stretch marks, it is recommended to use special means from stretch marks from the beginning of the second trimester. It can be ready-made creams for pregnant women or creams made independently. It's pretty simple to do: mix 10 g of honey, 10 g of Kalanchoe flower juice, 30 g of eucalyptus oil and 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. The mixture is stored in a dark glass dish in the refrigerator, and used to lubricate the itching areas of the skin and places with signs of stretch marks.

    Polymorphic dermatosis( skin stretch marks) is understandably characteristic for women who gain weight significantly, as well as for pregnant women bearing twins or triplets.

    Fungal disease

    Fungus candida

    Every woman knows what thrush is. In the body of any person, the normal microflora of the oral cavity, intestines, and vagina contains microorganisms - yeast-like Candida fungi. With a decrease in immunity, both general and local( for example, in the vagina), these fungi are produced in large quantities, rather than required, which is called thrush( infection of the genital tract).It causes severe itching in the perineum and in the genital area. How to deal with thrush? Return the balance of the composition of microflora is not difficult, for this medicine is used. But the problem is that during pregnancy it is strictly forbidden( !) To take antifungal drugs. A pregnant woman is recommended to use a weak solution of soda for regular washing.

    Food allergy

    To the causes of pruritus of the body skin of a pregnant woman, one can attribute an allergic reaction to food or household items, which you should immediately get rid of. It is necessary to avoid stuffy rooms and hot places under the sun, to use purified water, to take baths with the addition of decoctions of oat flakes or a string, which is beneficial for the skin due to its juice, which resembles an iodine solution.

    More accurately to investigate and establish the reason, why the body is scratched during pregnancy, certainly, only the doctor can. Only a specialist can exclude a large group of skin diseases, including various dermatoses of pregnant women - papular dermatitis of pregnant women, prurigo, herpetiform impetigo. Only after agreement with the attending physician can you use these or other medicines.

    Creams from stretch marks

    Skin itching is not the most common phenomenon during pregnancy. However, when it manifests, reminiscent of the effects of mosquito bites, discomfort is provided. Itching often intensifies in the evening, before going to bed. But sleep with such symptoms is disrupted until the appearance of regular insomnia, general tone decreases, the mood of a woman worsens. This sad picture should not lead to despair, firstly, because the skin irritation is not forever, secondly, it can not harm the baby in the womb, and thirdly, there is nothing that can not be changed. A gynecologist and a dermatologist are your first helpers on the road to recovery.