
How to get rid of freckles forever - get rid of at home

  • How to get rid of freckles forever - get rid of at home

    If the arrival of spring for you is not a joyful event, then most likely, you are worried about one rather common question: how to get rid of freckles forever? And although many men think that freckles give an amazing charm to the fair sex and a sweet piquancy, the latter usually do not share such an exalted opinion about these annoying specks and consider them a cosmetic defect.

    But before you get down to business and lime( preferably completely) annoying sunny "jewelry" on the skin, it is worth learning about your "enemy" a little more.

    What is "freckle"

    What is freckles

    Freckles are pigmented spots of small size, having a light brown color. Usually they appear on the face, on the hands and in the decollete area, that is, in the places most often exposed to sunlight.

    Normally freckles "love" girls and women with red or fair hair and are an innate property of the skin. Sometimes freckles themselves disappear by the age of 30, but, in most cases, a representative of a beautiful sex will have to fight with them( or be reconciled) for the rest of their lives.

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    We get rid of freckles

    Remedies for freckles

    Because you can not get rid of freckles forever for a couple of days( or weeks), to enhance the effect, it is better to consistently use several means. The most popular these days are phyto-protective creams, bleaches and preparations with fruit acids.

    Whitening products are specially formulated mixtures containing substances such as salicylic acid, zinc lactate salts, extracts from Chinese aconite, ginseng root, carrot tops and milkweed, and also lemon juice. To apply bleaching agents should be daily, but not longer than 2 months( after the end of this period, it is better to use them not so often - once every two to three days to simply maintain the effect already achieved).

    Phyto-protective creams

    The most difficult thing with the use of whitening products is the need to apply them point-wise - only on freckles themselves. Otherwise, the skin around them will become lighter, which again makes freckles more visible. And do not forget to clear and dry the face before the procedure.

    In addition, if you use bleaching agents, try not to expose your face to sunlight - tanning will only cause an increased manifestation of freckles and all your previous labors will go to waste.

    Phyto-protective creams should be started already from early spring, when freckles are almost completely absent( in winter they usually become either very pale or disappear altogether).Protecting your skin from the sun, you can reduce its harmful effects, and freckles will not be as bright as usual.

    Preparations with fruit acids can be divided into two types:

    • the first - a means for chemical peeling - they can be used only in the cold season and it is better not to experiment at home, but to contact a professional cosmetologist;
    • the second are creams and ointments with fruit acids, which contain vitamin C, hydrochloric, benzoic, lactic, salicylic acid or body-water - they should be used constantly, starting from the end of winter( the first result will be visible after a couple of weeks after the beginning of theirapplication).

    Traditional medicine

    Lemon from freckles

    As to get rid of freckles forever, women dream for more than one hundred years, folk medicine, too, did not stay aloof. Here are some of the most popular and effective recipes that come down to us from grandmothers:

    • constantly rub the skin daily with yogurt or 2-3 day kefir - dairy products will not just whiten freckles, but also nourish the skin with useful substances;
    • buy in the pharmacy 3 per cent hydrogen peroxide and every day in the morning gently wipe the places where you usually have freckles( not only the face, but the hands and the decollete zone) - these procedures are recommended to alternate with rubbing sour-milk products;
    • Cucumber from freckles You can also start a fresh cucumber( do not put cucumber slices on your face, squeeze juice from it and wipe the face with it so that the result is more uniform across the surface of the skin);
    • whitening effect also has the juice of onions, but at the same time try not to get it on the mucous membranes( in the eyes, nose, lips), and after the procedure, apply face cream;
    • juice of onions to enhance the result can be mixed with sour milk( proportion: 1 teaspoon of juice per half a cup of milk);
    • for the preparation of a lemon mixture for daily rubbing your face you will need: half a lemon, half a glass of warm milk, 1 glass of vodka( it can be excluded) and a teaspoon of sugar;
    • is one of the best means of juice, squeezed out of fresh leaves of marigold( in the common parlance it is also called "marigolds"), but wipe their face 2-3 times a day, from early spring until late autumn;
    • from the middle of summer, when pears start to ripen, you can use to get rid of freckles with a prescription for a whitening and nourishing mask: take a mature pear, stir it and wring out the juice;leave the remaining pulp on your face for about 20 minutes;rinse the mask with cold water without soap;
    • Pear Mask The second variant of the pear mask is the mixing of the pear pulp and dried milk until a mushy condition is obtained;
    • for making an apple mask suitable for any type of skin, you need half the apple( it must be cleaned, cut and blended with honey, apple cider vinegar( take one tablespoon), 1 teaspoon ascorbic acid( powder), 1yolk and 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, the resulting mixture is applied to the face and décolleté zone for 25-30 minutes
    • is no less effective curd mask: mix thoroughly( until a homogeneous mushy mass) 2 teaspoons of cottage cheese, 1 teaspoon of sour cream, 10 dropsperekiHydrogen and 3%. mask should be applied to the skin for 25-30 minutes, rinse with clean water

    So how to get rid of freckles all with just one of a folk prescription is not easy, try to alternate them daily
