
Teeth whitening folk remedies - folk remedies

  • Teeth whitening folk remedies - folk remedies

    Snow-white smile, called increasingly Hollywood - the dream of any girl. Most dental clinics offer teeth whitening services using the Zoom, Air Flow, laser technology. All of them are quite effective, but with the development of dentistry, the prices for these services have also risen to the same incredible heights. Probably, therefore, teeth whitening with folk remedies is still popular, and the popularity is wide.

    Of course, nature has not endowed everyone with snow-white teeth. And if you add to this the genetic changes, the aging of the enamel, the passion for coffee and strong tea, the intake of antibiotics, smoking, poor nutrition, stress, a lack of vitamins( and minerals too), then the color of the teeth, even in the specimen of beauty, will go far beyond the ideal.

    Clarification of tooth enamel

    Teeth whitening can be considered a bleaching of tooth enamel with professional and home bleaching agents per tone or several tones. It should be recognized that folk old methods are much inferior to the newest professional ones that are offered by dentists. In addition, in the clinic the process still goes under the supervision of a specialist who is able to accurately determine both the state of the enamel of the patient appealing to him, and the condition of his teeth as a whole.

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    Home whitening, remaining a "good old-fashioned method," is controlled only by you, so the risk is quite high, because most of the existing methods, except for bleaching, can produce a different result: enamel damage and gum disease.

    Please note! Used abrasive components scratch the enamel, provoking the appearance of microcracks, invisible to the eye.

    The further course of the event is predicted by any dentist: caries is provided( provided, of course, that teeth whitening with folk remedies will turn out to be a frequent procedure).In addition, the result after self-bleaching does not persist for a long time and can be recommended as an emergency, so to speak, "increased urgency."

    Bleaching agents

    Soda food

    This tool in the popularity list has long been ranked # 1.There are two possible methods of application. In the first case, soda is applied directly to a moistened toothbrush, in the second - the finger wraps in several layers of moistened bandage and already on the bandage is applied all the same soda. To neutralize the unpleasant taste of soda, you can add to it the toothpaste that you use.

    Teeth whitening with

    soda. Most home-whitening lovers are recommended to clean it once a week. Of course, the effect is, and visible almost immediately and especially if there is yellowing in those who smoke or are fond of coffee. However, I would like to once again warn you: it is better to conduct such a procedure as rarely as possible, as soda is extremely aggressive with respect to the enamel of the tooth - its frequent application guarantees the thinning of the enamel layer and the rapid increase in its sensitivity to hot, sweet and cold. In addition, during cleaning, gums can also be injured. So be extremely careful.

    Hydrogen peroxide

    Hydrogen peroxide , used by our moms and grandmothers to lighten or color hair. This remedy( also known as H2O2) is part of the same gels that dentists use for bleaching. Hydrogen peroxide is not as aggressive as soda, and it is much easier to use - it is enough to wipe the teeth with a solution( of course, after you clean them).

    Of all the proposed options, hydrogen peroxide is the least harmful substance. The principle of action is the neutralization of melanin. The disadvantage is the duration of application: at one time the teeth can not be whitened due to a short action: mixing with saliva, peroxide instantly loses the quality of bleach. To wipe the teeth it is better to use cotton swabs. Note: the use of H2O2 at a concentration of more than 3% is dangerous, so a 5% solution for sale is diluted with water in half and 10% in a ratio of 1: 5 or 4.

    Charcoal( or activated carbon)

    The cleaning principle is highly abrasive( comparable to that of soda).In the composition of the coal is potassium hydroxide, microscopic crystals of which the plaque is removed. There may be a darkening of the gums. Frequent use, as in the case with soda, thins the enamel, increasing the sensitivity of teeth, and gives impetus to the development of caries.

    Natural products

    These include virtually all acid-containing fruits, berries and citrus fruits. The most prominent in this series is the lemon. Teeth are wiped with a cotton swab that is moistened in juice. Since the acid is capable of destroying the organics at a rapid pace, after the treatment of teeth, a thorough rinsing of the oral cavity is necessary.

    Once again we recall: the proposed methods - emergency and for frequent use are not recommended! Professional bleaching is available only in dental clinics.