
Mummy for the face from wrinkles: recipes and ways of preparing home cosmetics

  • Mummy for the face from wrinkles: recipes and ways of preparing home cosmetics

    Mumiye( "mountain tar") is a unique product of nature, the healing properties of which were discovered a long time ago. Now it can be freely purchased at any pharmacy or the corresponding store.

    In appearance the product is unpresentable - in its natural form it is a viscous, viscous substance, the color of which varies from dark brown to almost black. On the counter, it often comes in the form of tablets or powder, but you can also buy a mummy that has not been processed. The highest-powered mummy is considered to be the most effective.

    How to choose and store a mummy?

    To distinguish the natural product from forgery is easy - the real mummy is completely, without sediment dissolves in water. When heated, it does not crumble and does not break, remaining viscous.

    The shelf life of the mummy is unlimited. So that it does not lose its useful properties, it is better to place it in a sealed container and put it in a cool dark place.

    At the same time, the effect of ready-made home cosmetics with mummies is significantly reduced after 12-14 days after preparation, regardless of storage conditions.

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    How does the mummy work?

    The effectiveness of mummies for the face against wrinkles is determined by the fact that it has both a therapeutic and cosmetic effect.

    Positive effect is due to the presence in its composition of the complex necessary vitamins( C, E, K), microelements( Mg, Cu, Ca, Zn, Se) and amino acids. They nourish cells, stimulate metabolism and regeneration, as well as the production of collagen and elastin. The skin becomes more elastic and taut, wrinkles noticeably contract.

    Also, the mummy increases the general tone of the skin, counteracts the influence of negative environmental factors and removes toxins, having an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.

    Mumiye in cosmetology

    The effectiveness of the mummy from wrinkles on the face has been proven for a long time. It is widely used in cosmetology, alone or as part of a complex of anti-aging procedures.

    But a good cosmetologist is difficult to find, and visiting beauty salons takes time and money.

    At home, you can prepare creams, masks and tonics that will help get rid of wrinkles and improve the skin condition. They favorably differ from those offered in beauty salons and shops in that they do not have contraindications to use and will suit women of any age.

    Home cosmetics recipes with wrinkle mummy


    Cream for daily use includes two tablets mummy( grind into powder) and a tablespoon of any face cream( the less various additives in it, the better).

    Components should be mixed thoroughly and wait until the mummy completely dissolves( 5-10 hours).The resulting mixture is applied to thoroughly cleansed skin in the morning and in the evening, best of all - after bath or shower, surpluses are soaked with a cotton disc or paper napkin. Suffice it to apply it for 2-3 weeks, so that the complexion and skin condition improve, fine wrinkles disappear, and the deep wrinkles disappear.


    For an anti-aging mask, mix sour cream or cream 10-15% fat( 1 tablespoon), liquid honey( 1 tsp) and beaten egg yolk, and add the mummy solution in warm water( 2 grams on1 tsp).The mixture is applied evenly on the face skin 2-3 times a week, left for 15-20 minutes, the excess is washed.

    For dry skin, a mask from a mixture of mummies( 2 g) and rose oil( 1 tbsp) will suit.

    For normal skin - from mummies( 2 years) and infusions of calendula( 2-3 tablespoons).

    For oily - from mummies( 2 g), milk( 1 tablespoon) and whipped protein.

    Mummy from wrinkles around the eyes

    A solution of 2 mummy tablets and 0.5 liters of boiled water or mineral water without gas is poured into ice molds and frozen. Cub a few times a day, rub the skin of the eyelids. The procedure is suitable for both prevention and reduction of facial wrinkles and "crow's feet".

    Tonic for anti-wrinkle treatment

    Mumie( 0.5 g.) Dissolve in warm wine, best of all - red dry( 60-70 ml) and insist for 24 hours in a cold place. Apply every day in the morning or in the evening, the course is designed for 14 days. If the skin is dry, wash it off with water after 15-20 minutes.

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