  • Treatment of menstrual irregularities with folk remedies and methods

    Menstruation is a complex biological function of the female body. This function is manifested only with the onset of puberty. In a healthy woman, menstruation is repeated at regular intervals. Most often this interval is 4 weeks - one obstetric month. Therefore, menstruation and called the monthly( in the la-tyni meness means a month).Normal is also the duration of the menstrual cycle from 21 to 30 days. Menstruation usually lasts 3-4 days. Most bleeding is most severe in the first 2 days, and then gradually stops. With each menses, a woman loses an average of about 100 milliliters of blood.

    Menstrual blood differs from the usual in a darker color, contains mucus and does not clot into clots. Reduced coagulability of menstrual blood is due to the fact that in the mucous membrane of the uterus during menstruation, substances that reduce blood coagulability are produced. Menstrual function of a woman begins from 11-15 years and lasts up to 45-52 years. This is the period of active function of the ovaries.

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    Sexual development of a woman and menstrual function depends on the condition and activity of the ovaries.

    Animal tests showed that if the ovaries are removed before puberty, the genitals and secondary sexual characteristics do not develop, although the animal's body continues to grow. If as a result of some disease a woman's ovaries are removed, she will forever lose her menstruation and fertility. To understand the mechanisms by which the menstrual function is performed, it is important to know what changes occur cyclically in the ovary and uterus. Consider these changes.

    Menstruation( menstrual period) is called bleeding, which removes the exfoliated endometrium from the vagina along with a small amount of blood. Menstruation is part of a cycle lasting about one month, during which the uterus is ready to receive a fertilized egg. If fertilization does not occur, menstruation begins, and the exfoliated parts of the endometrium, together with the blood, are removed from the body through the cervix and vagina for several days. In young women, menstrual discharge may be viscous and have a brown color or, conversely, be less viscous and have a bright red color. In mature women and especially those giving birth, the discharge should be more dense and darker. In developed countries, most girls have menstruation at the age of 11 to 15 years. By this time about 17% of fat tissues have already formed in their body. The first menstrual cycle in girls is called "menarche".In the next 35 years of life before the climacteric, women on average pass 400 menstrual cycles. The climacteric period changes a woman's life in the most radical way. When it comes menstruation in women stop. During the menstrual cycle, a woman loses about 50-175 mg of blood mixed with tissues and fluid. It's about three quarters of a glass. The thickness of the uterine membrane varies( correspondingly, the amount of blood and tissues withdrawn from the body varies) from one cycle to another, so some menstrual cycles pass easily, and some are difficult. The uterus does not accumulate blood between menstrual cycles.

    Changes in the ovaries

    For 12-15 days of each menstrual cycle, counting from the first day of menstruation, only one follicle containing one egg grows and matures in the ovary. As it ripens, the follicle moves to the surface of the ovary and begins to bulge. In this period, i.e.in the first half of the menstrual cycle, the ripening follicle secretes the female sex hormone - estrogen( folliculin), which exerts its influence primarily on the development of the mucous membrane of the uterus.

    As the matured follicle grows thin and then exfoliates the superficial ovarian membrane and the fluid of the follicle pours out into the abdominal cavity. In this case, together with the follicular fluid, the egg cell is matured and ready for fertilization. This process, called the ovulation, occurs periodically approximately every 4 weeks. The released egg with fluid flow is as if captured by the oscillations of the fringe of the uterine tube and is directed to the uterine cavity. The cavity of the burst follicle somewhat collapses, but soon enough special cells begin to grow in it, which form a new endocrine gland - the yellow body. The yellow body is called this gland because its cells emit a special substance of yellow color. The yellow body, which is also the gland of internal secretion, secretes one more sex hormone-progesterone. The further development and function of the corpus luteum depend on whether or not pregnancy occurs. If fertilization does not occur in this menstrual cycle, then the yellow body after 13-14 days ceases to function. The yellow body of the ovary contributes to the fact that the glands of the mucous membrane of the uterus begin to secrete a secret, while the mucous membrane thickens

    and becomes juicy. After the yellow body stops its function, the mucous membrane of the uterus is rejected and soon( after 2-3 days) menstruation begins.

    If the pregnancy has occurred, the yellow body continues to function, increases in size and releases progesterone in much larger quantities than in the normal menstrual cycle. In this case, the mucous membrane of the uterus becomes even more succulent and thickens. Entered into the cavity of the uterus and attached to its wall, the egg finds favorable conditions for its development from the very beginning. The menstrual function stops during pregnancy.

    Thus, the ovaries perform two main and very important for the entire female body function: hormonal and childbearing. Hormonal function is due to the fact that the ovaries in the first half of the menstrual cycle produce follicular hormones and in the second half, progesterone. Genital function is due to the fact that ovaries develop ovules that can be fertilized.

    The time of ovulation, that is, the full maturation of the follicle and the appearance of a ripe egg in women, has not been precisely determined. It is believed that most women ovulation most often occurs between the 8th and 14th day of the menstrual cycle( counting from the first day of the last menstruation).These days, pregnancy can most easily come.

    However, talk about the time of ovulation in women can only be presumed, because this process is influenced by various factors. Among them are diseases of

    of the nervous system, liver, kidneys, thyroid, etc.

    Mental experiences can also cause accelerated or delayed development of the egg.

    Changes in the uterus

    The effect of ovarian hormones( estrogens and progesterone) on the woman's body is very large and varied.

    First of all, as we already mentioned above, these hormones affect the cyclic function of such an important organ as the uterus. Under the influence of the follicular hormone, the mucous membrane of the uterus grows, which before the onset of puberty is thin and smooth. During the time from the beginning of the maturation of the follicle to ovulation, it thickens 4-5 times, and the elongated glands of the mucous membrane of the uterus body become crimped and expand, but still do not secrete a secret. This is the first phase of development of the mucous membrane of the uterus. After ovulation under the influence of the hormone of the yellow body of progesterone, the mucous membrane of the uterus continues to grow, becomes loose and swollen. The glands in the mucosa become more convoluted, swollen and begin to secrete a secret. This proliferation of the mucous membrane of the uterus continues approximately 2 weeks after ovulation. This is the second phase of the development of the mucous membrane of the uterus.2-3 days after the cessation of the function of the yellow body, the uterine mucosa ceases to develop and is rejected. There comes menstruation. Under the influence of the follicular hormone, certain cyclic changes occur in the mucous membrane of the vagina.

    Thus, menstruation occurs as a result of a strictly consistent cyclic function of the ovaries and uterus.

    How is this coherence of complex cyclic processes taking place in the ovaries and uterus? It is established that the growth and maturation of follicles in the ovary, ovulation and development of the yellow body stimulate the hormones of another endocrine gland - the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland is located inside the cranium, in a special bone deepening.

    The pituitary gland secretes hormones that stimulate the hormonal function of the ovaries, the development of the egg. Experiments on animals have shown that if the pituitary gland is removed, the hormonal and reproductive function of the ovaries stops. The pituitary does not work in isolation. In its function, it is closely related to the higher parts of the nervous system - the subcortical region and the cortex of the brain. Therefore, the regulation of the menstrual cycle is carried out through the pituitary gland by the nervous system.

    We briefly described the main links that determine the implementation of the menstrual cycle in women. The genital system and menstrual cycle, in addition, affect the state of various organs and systems in the body itself, as well as various external factors: high or low temperature, intoxication, infection.

    It is known that the endocrine glands, in particular the thyroid gland and the adrenal cortex, have a significant effect on the function of the reproductive system;in diseases of the thyroid gland, the menstrual cycle is often violated, uterine bleeding occurs, it happens that menstruation ceases altogether. If the function of the adrenal cortex is disturbed, especially with tumors of the adrenal cortex, menstruation usually ceases, the uterus becomes small, and in some women even men's signs appear-hair on the face and on the body grows male-like, the voice coarsens, etc. For normalhormonal function of the ovaries of great importance are the liver, kidneys, intestines. In the liver, estrogen hormones and progesterone combine with acids and in this form are excreted from the body by the kidneys and intestines.

    Therefore, with diseases of the nervous system, thyroid gland, adrenal cortex, liver, kidneys, intestines, the function of the ovaries can be disrupted, and consequently, the menstrual cycle also changes. The disorder of the menstrual cycle can also occur with various benign and malignant tumors of the ovaries and uterus.

    Adverse effects on the reproductive system have various infections, both acute and chronic. They can lead to serious diseases of the ovaries and uterus.

    No less harmful influence on the reproductive system can be intoxicated, especially harmful alcohol and nicotine.

    Disturbances of the menstrual cycle can manifest themselves in different ways. The most frequent changes in the normal rhythm of menstruation: they become promiscuous, prolonged, abundant or meager. Sometimes spotting can be short-lived, but repeated at short intervals. Violations of the menstrual cycle can also occur in a significant lengthening of the intervals between menstruations. Finally, spotting can stop at all.

    Any violation of the normal rhythm of menstruation, an unusual amount of blood, the appearance of bloody discharge between menstruation( even very short and meager) can be the result of both genital organs and other organs and systems. Therefore, any changes in menstruation should consult a doctor.

    During normal menstruation, a woman needs to follow certain rules of hygiene. Failure to comply with the rules can also lead to disruption of the menstrual cycle.

    Since the first menstruation( menarche) and before their termination in menopause, the body of a woman is constantly undergoing a cyclic process, which includes hormonal, physiological and psychological changes. The main content of these changes is in the production of the egg and the periodic preparation of the uterus for pregnancy, followed by a return to the "initial" condition if the pregnancy has not occurred.

    The beginning of the cycle is usually considered the day of the appearance of menstrual flow( 1 st day of the cycle), and the end is the day preceding the beginning of the next menstruation. The duration of the cycle can vary from 21 to 40 days, but an average of 28 days.

    Conditional menstrual cycle lasting 28 days

    Menstrual cycle is usually divided into three phases.

    The first phase of the cycle - follicular - lasts up to 14 days from the total cycle time.

    In the ovary follicle stimulating hormone( FSH) begins to mature follicles containing a young

    egg. Because of the low level of estrogens and progesterone in the blood in the uterus, an endometrial detachment occurs. The exfoliated mucous membrane of the uterus, together with the blood, forms menstrual flow, which lasts 3-6 days. Over these days, a woman loses 60-120 ml of blood on average. In the middle of the phase, the secretion of estrogen increases, which has a healing effect on the uterine wall and stops bleeding, thickening of the mucosa occurs. The follicle begins to prepare for ovulation.

    The second phase is the phase of ovulation. The egg ripens to the 14th day of the cycle and leaves the ovary( ovulation occurs).Ready for fertilization, the egg begins to move through the fallopian tubes. Ovulation occurs 12-24 hours after the luteinizing hormone( LH) reaches its peak.

    The third phase of the menstrual cycle, luteal, begins after ovulation and lasts until the next cycle begins. In place of the follicle, a yellow body forms, which under the influence of luteinizing hormone( LH) begins to secrete progesterone, continuing to secrete estrogen. The activity of the yellow body determines the nature of this phase. Progesterone provides further changes in the uterine wall( its thickening and release of nutrient fluid) to prepare for pregnancy.

    Menstrual cycle - this is normal hormonal changes in the body of a woman, when the uterus is preparing for the onset of pregnancy. If pregnancy does not occur, the mucous membrane of the uterus is rejected, and menstruation begins - physiological bleeding, which lasts from 3 to 7 days.

    The menstrual cycle is a very complex physiological process that is controlled by a mass of hormones and brain structures. It is also influenced by the general condition of the woman's organism: stresses, severe diseases, violation of the regulation of the menstrual cycle from the side of the brain, endocrine glands.

    The duration of the menstrual cycle is considered from the first day of menstruation until the first day of the next menstruation. The number of days in the menstrual cycle can be 21 - 35 days, and on average varies from 25 to 30 days. And now we will consider the menstrual cycle itself.

    The first day of the menstrual cycle is the first day of menstruation. The day when menstrual flow stops, is considered the last day of menstruation. During this period, the ovaries produce a large amount of the hormone estrogen, which causes the maturation of 10 to 20 female germ cells located inside the follicles. This process takes place inside the ovaries. At the same time, the membrane on the walls of the uterus swells and is prepared to take a fertilized cage.

    In the next phase of the menstrual cycle, the estrogen level reaches its peak and ovulation occurs, that is, the release of the ripe cell. Usually only one cell reaches maturity and is released. This egg is ready for fertilization within 24 hours. However, spermatozoa can remain alive in the fallopian tubes for several days. Therefore, sexual intercourse a few days before ovulation can cause unwanted pregnancy, if you do not use contraceptives.

    Ovulation occurs in the around the middle of the menstrual cycle( on days 14-16).But in most cases, it is difficult for women to calculate when exactly ovulation will occur. However, some changes in the body may indicate the approach of ovulation.

    After the mature egg is released from the ovary, the follicle sac, which it left, turns into a yellow body( corpus luteum).This neoplasm begins to produce a hormone progesterone in addition to estrogen, which heralds the onset of the secretory phase of the menstrual cycle. In other words, a woman starts menstrual flow. Progesterone further promotes the swelling of the lining on the walls of the uterus, which should help to retain the embryo in the case of fertilization. If the cell was not fertilized, then after some time, approximately 12 days after ovulation, the yellow body begins to contract and ceases to produce progesterone. The level of estrogen and progesterone drops sharply, which causes the onset of menstruation. The internal lining of the uterus begins to disintegrate due to a lack of progesterone, and menstrual flow occurs.

    If the egg was fertilized and properly implanted into the uterine wall, the menstrual cycle is interrupted. The yellow body in the ovaries does not contract and continues to produce progesterone and estrogen in large quantities. These hormones lavishly fertilize the walls of the uterus to create a favorable environment for the development of the embryo.

    So far, we have not paid due attention to this seemingly insignificant, but at the same time vital structure of the body, like the pituitary gland. This tiny process of the brain is in its posterior part and produces two hormones that control the menstrual cycle. Pituitary gland stimulates the onset of the menstrual cycle with follicle-stimulating hormone. This hormone causes the growth of follicles( pouches in which eggs develop) and promotes their maturation in each of the ovaries. Soon after this, the follicles themselves begin to produce the hormone estrogen, which affects the lining of the walls of the uterus. After 6 to 8 days, the pituitary gland stops producing follicle-stimulating hormone, and instead begins to produce luteinizing hormone. This occurs within 12-16 days preceding the menstrual cycle in women. The tides of the luteinizing hormone and estrogen in the circulatory system before ovulation can be determined by using some sets of contraceptives that are sold in pharmacies and used to conduct an independent pregnancy test.


    The menstrual cycle reflects the activity of the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovary system, which is manifested by structural and functional changes in the reproductive tract: uterus, fallopian tubes, endometrium, vagina. Each cycle ends with menstrual bleeding, the first day of which is considered the beginning of the cycle.

    During the first part of the menstrual cycle( folliculin phase), FSH, secreted by the anterior pituitary gland, stimulates the production of estradiol by granular cells of the ovary. FSH and estradiol cause the proliferation of these cells, and the secretion of estradiol is increased. These hormones stimulate LH receptors. Estradiol acts on the endometrium of the uterus, causing it to thicken and vascularize, thereby preparing it for implantation of the oocyte. As the follicles mature, the level of inhibin increases in them and in the blood, which has a selectively inhibitory effect on the secretion of FSH.

    The peak concentration of estradiol in the blood, which falls on the middle of the menstrual cycle( day 14), triggers a surge of LH surge from the pituitary gland. LH stimulates ovulation( the exit of a mature egg from the follicle).The remaining cells in the postovulatory follicle form a yellow body, which begins to secrete progesterone and estradiol. Progesterone has a inhibitory effect on the secretion of inhibin.

    During the second, luteal phase, progesterone together with estradiol cause an even greater thickening of the endometrium. There is an intensive vascularization of endometrial cells and their differentiation, the cells become secretory.

    Approximately 1 week after the formation of the yellow body, it begins to reverse development and secrets less estradiol and progesterone. By the 28th day of the menstrual cycle, the level of ovarian steroids becomes inadequate to sustain the life of the thickened endometrium and it undergoes destruction, which leads to menstruation. Bleeding lasts 3-5 days. Low levels of estradiol and progesterone at the end of the cycle are removed( according to the principle of reverse negative connection) inhibition of secretion by the hypothalamus GnRH.The level of GnRH in the hypothalamus rises, which stimulates the secretion of FSH and LH by the pituitary gland, and the menstrual cycle begins again.


    When bleeding, leeches are applied to the following points: behind the ear, in the groin areas, between the 7th cervical and 1st thoracic vertebra, between the 2nd and 3rd lumbar vertebrae. In case of painful menstruation, points around the anus, a point 1.5 cm below the navel, in the inguinal areas, in the sacrum, coccyx, the point between the II and III lumbar vertebrae.

    Before putting a leech on the skin, it is necessary to clean the skin. Bring the leech and let it suck. After the leech is poured by blood, it will fall off itself. Processing of wound is mandatory. It is also necessary to remember that after a bite, the wound still bleeds for a while - this is normal.

    When bleeding for 1 procedure, 3 leeches are used. The course of treatment - 8-10 procedures, which are conducted every other day. At painful monthly on 1 procedure leaves 4 leeches, and to put them follows to the most painful points. Procedures are carried out every day until the pain is reduced or completely eliminated. After this, the course can be repeated to fix the result 3 days before the onset of menstruation.

    Tincture of the nightshade black


    for 1 tbsp.spoon leaves and nightshade flowers, 500 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Leaves and flowers thoroughly crushed, mixed and poured with boiling water. Insist 40-50 minutes, then strain through 2-3 layers of gauze.



    1 tbsp.spoons of buckthorn bark fragile, 2 tbsp.spoons of herbs rue fragrant, 1 tbsp.spoons of rosemary medicinal, 1 liter of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Components of the collection thoroughly crush, stir and 4 tbsp. Spoon the mixture with pour boiling water. The dishes are tightly covered and insist 4-5 hours. Infuse the strain through 2-3 layers of gauze.

    3 teaspoons of parsley grass, 1 tbsp.a spoon of herbs rue fragrant, 500 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Components of the collection thoroughly grind, mix and 1 tbsp. Spoon the mixture with pour boiling water. Place the dishes on a slow fire, boil for 20-25 minutes. Decoction cool and strain through 2-3 layers of gauze.

    Gather 3


    4 tbsp.spoons of leaves of wild strawberry, 8 dess.spoonfuls of dried strawberry berries, 1 liter of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Components of the collection thoroughly grind, stir and 6 tbsp. Spoon the mixture with cold boiled water. Cover the dishes and insist 12-14 hours. Infuse the extract through 2-3 layers of gauze.

    Gathering 4


    for 1 tbsp.spoon herbs shepherd's bags, young branches and leaves of mistletoe, herb mountaineer bird's, 1.5 liters of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Components of the collection thoroughly crush, stir and 6 tbsp. Spoon the mixture with boiling water. Cover the dishes with a lid, put on a slow fire, boil for 17-20 minutes. Insist 30-40 minutes, then strain through 2-3 layers of gauze.

    Brewer's yeast


    1 part of yeast, 1 part of warm fresh milk.

    Method of preparation.

    Yeast thoroughly dissolve in milk.

    Lye - an infusion of wood ash. This is a long-known tool that helps with amenorrhea.


    1.5 cups of clean ash, 5 tbsp.spoons of table salt.

    Method of preparation.

    In a small basin add ash and salt. All carefully stir.


    Showing freshly squeezed juices of potatoes, cabbage, carrots. They can be consumed together or individually 1/2 cup 1 time per day for 6-7 months.


    For baths, you can use a bottle of chemist's packaging of castor oil, preheated in a water bath. Before the procedure begins, rub the body with castor oil, then lie in a bath filled with water( water temperature 37-38 ° C).Gradually add hot water, bringing the temperature to 41-42 ° C.During your stay in the water you can self-massage. The duration of the procedure is 12-15 minutes.


    To normalize the functioning of the ovaries use the oils of geranium, lavender, rose, juniper, cypress.

    In the absence of monthly use of oils of myrrh, rosemary, basil, sage, juniper, parsley, rose.

    With algomenorrhea, they recommend oils of cypress, jasmine, rosemary, sage, ginger, juniper, peppermint.

    Oils are used in the form of rubbing, for massage, in compresses, ointments, creams. Especially popular are the aromatic baths


    In case of heavy menstruation, the following preparations are used: ipecacuana, calcium phosphoricum, calcium carbonicum, sepia, gamma-mamelis, phosphorus, china.

    In the absence of menstruation, Ovarium Compositum, Gormel C, Pulsatil, Graphite, Gynecochel, Tsimitsifuga are shown.

    With scanty menstruation apply sanguinaria, graphite, tsimitsifuga, potassium carbonium.