  • Why lips dry - cause of dry lips

    Dryness and flaking of the lips is a common problem, especially during the off-season. So you want to lick the weathered lips and tear off the tender skin from them. What to do if the lips dry and crack in the corners? To begin with, I advise you to understand the reasons for this not very pleasant phenomenon.

    Reasons for

    Doctors-cosmetologists and dermatologists divide the causes of dryness of the lips into several categories:

    1. When the body lacks vitamins A and E.
    2. Effect of fluorine-containing toothpastes that have an irritating and dehydrating effect. Their influence is sometimes so strong that there are microcracks and inflammation in the corners of the mouth.
    3. The effect of persistent cosmetics on the skin of the lips, which penetrates deep into the pigment and, degreasing the skin, leads to a rapid evaporation of moisture from the surface of the lips.
    4. Influence of sharp changes in the temperature regime, which immediately affects the condition of the sebaceous glands in the area of ​​the lips.
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    6. The effect of any allergic reactions on the components of various cosmetic and household lip care products, including inappropriate toothpaste, as already mentioned above and lipsticks, as well as sunscreens and oils that contain oxybenzone - the active substancecapable of drying his lips in a short time.

    We remove dryness

    We sorted out the reasons, now we will proceed to eliminate them.

    With the problem of dry lips, if possible, you need to fight from the earliest stage, especially since the body itself signals us in every possible way about this trouble. Lips begin to dry slowly enough. You need to be able to recognize these signals as early as possible and then get rid of this problem will be much easier.

    Symptoms of dry lips are white saliva, difficulty swallowing, redness of the corners of the lips. With all this, the lips themselves may not change. If such alarming symptoms appear, it is necessary to take urgent measures.

    Initially, you need to eliminate all causes of dry lips. To do this, we need to change the toothpaste and stop using lipsticks, and instead use natural lip moisturizing, such as cocoa butter, petroleum jelly, honey.

    Do not lick your lips and do not rip your skin off of them, it will only exacerbate the problem and cause cracks and ugly painful wounds on your lips. And in the worst case, you can also bring the infection.

    Set your food. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, greens. This not only helps to get rid of the dryness of the lips, but also adjusts the work of the whole organism.

    Exclude from the diet of harmful foods and try, after all, to eat fully.
    In order to get rid of unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the lips, dryness and itching, you can make simple masochki. A few examples of which I will gladly mention below. Whatever one may say, honey and sour cream remain the best means to eliminate dry lips.

    And there are no side effects, and it's tasty, and useful, and in every house there is surely - such a miracle medicine.

    Several variants of masks

    Masks made of honey and sour cream are very easy to make. It is enough to mix one teaspoon of sour cream with the same spoon of olive oil or sunflower oil( ideally jojoba oil) and with a few drops of lemon juice. The resulting mixture is mixed well and applied to the area of ​​the lips, rubbing with massaging movements. After half an hour you can wash off with warm water, if you have not had time to lick it. This mask is suitable for both treatment and prevention for those people who constantly face the problem of dry lips.

    A mask from honey and a mask that to name language does not turn, it is just necessary to rub honey on lips any time, as much as necessary and anywhere, and then to lick, and then again to rub, well and so on. Especially helps those who dry the corners of the lips.

    Of course, the causes of dry lips can be much more diverse and not always solved by honey. Sometimes, the dryness of the lips indicates some problems in the body. To such problems it is possible to carry an insufficient quantity of water in the cells responsible for moistening the skin. It's not worth worrying about, just need to consume more water, preferably a spring water.

    It happens that the dryness of the lips can cause a small amount of sugar in the body. Here, too, everything is simple - from the problem it is easy to get rid of, if you increase the proportion of sweet in the diet.

    Also, to the dryness of the lips can lead to insufficient amounts of vitamins and trace elements, especially after the transferred illness.
    Lack of iron can also cause dry lips. In this case, it is still worthwhile to see a doctor.

    It's all about the lack of fat and moisture, it is because of this that the corners of our lips dry. In order to get rid of this problem, just need a thick layer to apply to the corners of the lips special balm. The composition of which must include panthenol and chamomile. It is advisable to do this procedure at night.
    Watch yourself and your body. Be healthy!